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Purpose of the leaked tracks....and the upcoming ones

Son Of A Gun

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There seems to be a lot of people that think that Axl and/or management leaked the tracks in order to get a take on the response to the new material. if that's the case, then one of the largest ares for feedback on the tracks would be right here so it's logical they would be reading responses. If so, they sure got an ear full. I don't know if I subscribe to the fact that this is the reason the tracks were leaked but if you're one of the ones that do then the above comment is pretty logical.


If they are aware of comments here then I think they have plenty of reading material.

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You question is based on the premise that the actions of axl rose are based on logic or what's best for his career. His actions or inaction over the past decade would seem to indicate that this isn't the case.

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I was actually asking myself the same thing! I may be assuming too much but I think that they wanted to see a reaction from the fans+general public.. and i think boards are the perfect place to find that kind of feedback!!!

Im hoping hes doing that because ppl give really good constructive critisism and if Axl or anyone thats part of the "managment" isnt doing so right now, they really should be!!!! :)

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You question is based on the premise that the actions of axl rose are based on logic or what's best for his career. His actions or inaction over the past decade would seem to indicate that this isn't the case.

I agree. However, there are people here that think that releasing the tracks to guage reaction is what's gone down. if that's true then most of the reaction would have taken place here compared to say... a few phone calls to readio stations that played it.

if people are going to hold to this as a a truth then where are they reading the reaction from? I don't hold it as a truth myself but then anything is possible.

Of course, if he read this board he's probably having a mental breakdown by now.

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He must read atleast some comments of the demos. I'm sure he checks this or HTGTHs board _atleast_ once a month.

Edit: Oh, I didn't notice that he just admitted he reads these boards :o See you in Helsinki Theodore/Axl :)

Edited by Wando
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Is it just me?

The first thing I do when I come here is glance at the news section. And everytime I see the link about SPIN's "joke" review, I get bummed.

I don't know why. I mean, for years we had NOTHING to go on.

But I think we got spolied by the leaks and the tour dates. That news section seemed to be getting updated a few times a day for a bit there.

But I have to be honest. Each time I come here (a few times a day) as we get closer to these tour dates and there is no new news, I only get more and more concerned Axl has no real plan and is just winging this...again.

Anyone else?

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take all the news etc and imagine if it was this..

the leaks were by a guy who copied the demo cd

axl rose meant people will hear music this year by tour

the all new axl sightings are because the press are looking for axl etc after the accidental leaks

etc etc

if you turn all the news into a "it could be" subject then there is no SOLID evidence that chinese democracy will be out this year

its just an opinion but i do really fucking hope it comes out this year

Edited by Guns N' Fucking Roses
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well how do you know what Axl meant by the "people will hear music" comment, all the sightings are due to Axl going out a lot, like going to the Sopranos premier for example, if a guy did in fact copied the demos it has *no* effect to weather CD is coming out this year, so there's no SOLID proof on your theory either so just calm down, don't get your panties in a bunch over nothing :confused:


Edited by kannon21
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bottom line is you have no idea just like the rest of us....so if you feel like discussing release dates...you can join some of the other threads....alternativelly just fuckin' wait...its only a month and a half left to RIR...and all your questions will be answered then...

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take all the news etc and imagine if it was this..

the leaks were by a guy who copied the demo cd

axl rose meant people will hear music this year by tour

the all new axl sightings are because the press are looking for axl etc after the accidental leaks

etc etc

if you turn all the news into a "it could be" subject then there is no SOLID evidence that chinese democracy will be out this year

its just an opinion but i do really fucking hope it comes out this year

1. Ok.

2. You can read his mind? Isn't wierd that right under it, it said that he was talking about Chinese Democracy? The tour wasn't even mentioned until the end.

3. He was already out before the leaks happened.

4. That's nice, except that as someone already said, theres just as much evidence to prove CD will be out this year, as there is not. If you can somehow read Axl's mind about the tour and his quote, why don't you give us some evidence that proves CD won't be out this year?

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I agree with elmir and Reaction. First Gnr tour date is 27 May so we'll find out soon enough what's going on. No need for specualtions when there really are no facts to when the album might be out.

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'People will hear music this year'

Ever since i read that quote ive not liked it. We've heard new music already. Theres the tour where we will hear new music (i hope).

But has anyone ever given us details about Chinese Democracy?


And thats what worries me :(

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I was thinking along last night, that maybe the reason why these new tracks have been leaked is just to give the fans demo tape versions (Wouldn't be official I 'm sure) so that this summer tour they at least know what to go along with, so that when they play these songs, the fans wouldn't just stand there not knowing what to expect. In my opinion I think leaking non-final but high quality versions of tracks that would be played on shows makes perfect sense.

I agree. I think that they are trying not to go 'mainstream' right now, and by saying that, i mean producing music videos, etc. demo tracks, and leaked ones at that, are just as good in some cases

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I was thinking along last night, that maybe the reason why these new tracks have been leaked is just to give the fans demo tape versions (Wouldn't be official I 'm sure) so that this summer tour they at least know what to go along with, so that when they play these songs, the fans wouldn't just stand there not knowing what to expect. In my opinion I think leaking non-final but high quality versions of tracks that would be played on shows makes perfect sense.

Rather than read through 5 pages of nitwit responses, I'll just agree with you, in the most sarcastic way possible, that yea, leaking the songs so a few thousand internet losers hear them is a MUCH better plan than actually releasing the album, going around to radio stations & publicising it through interviews, live radio acoustic shows, etc..., Having it reviewed & written up in every music magazine & newspaper in the country(s), having Finck, Fortus, Brain, Stinson have features written on them & the recording process in the various musician magazines like Guitar Player, Guitar One, Modern Drummer, etc..., actually releasing a single so hundreds of thousands, even millions of people could hear it on the radio, appearing on Letterman, Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan & performing said single before millions of television viewers, no, you're right, leaking it makes perrrrrrfect sense :rolleyes: .

And when axl fails to show up at whichever shows he inevitably will fail to show up at, and/or cancels the remaining scheduled appearances, MARK MY WORDS there will be at least one dimwitted axl fan here who will post that this is what he loves about axl, the unpredictability of his actions, blah blah blah, he does what he wants, blah blah blah, how this is brilliant strategy because it gets people talking about GnR again, blah blah blah...., part of the master plan, blah blah blah......, and there will be people here posting and agreeing with him/her. Put it in the bank.

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