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Why is it so hard to like music these days?


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I'm not one to complain, but lately, it's been getting harder and harder for me to get to like new bands.

Just this week, I was recommended a couple of CD's to listen to.

I could barely go past the first.

The radio isn't any better.

What happened to rock?

I used to love Cinderella, Skid Raw, Alice Cooper, Metallica, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, etc...

Where did it all stop?

This isn't limited to rock.

I used to enjoy listening to a wide variety of music.

NWA, Ice Cube, 2Pac, Public Enemy, Regurgitator, Natalie Imbrulia just to name a few.

Nowdays, everything just, for lack of a better word, sucks.

Does music really suck that much these days or is it just me?

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Even when you look harder, 99 times out of 100 they have no image, no attitude, and the singer sucks.

This has been my experience.

The biggest turn-off is the singer. Occasionally I find a band in which the instrumental musicians are fine and all... but then the singer sounds like shit or sounds the same as every other shitty singer out there, and it turned me off. What happened to the days when every good band had a singer with his own distinct voice? Mick Jagger sounded different from Steven Tyler who sounded different from Bon Scott who sounded different from Axl Rose who sounded different from Jim Morrison who sounded different from David Lee Roth, etc, etc.

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Fuck loads of good bands out there today, altho they probaly would sound better if they wore make up and sang about cars, but what can ya do :rolleyes: The flaming lips, antony and the johnsons, arctic monkeys, radiohead, rufus wainwright, Ryan adams and pearl jam, bob dylan and tool got new albums coming out......yeah come to think of it, BRING BACK THE 80's!!!!! :rofl-lol:

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789
Even when you look harder, 99 times out of 100 they have no image, no attitude, and the singer sucks.

This has been my experience.

The biggest turn-off is the singer. Occasionally I find a band in which the instrumental musicians are fine and all... but then the singer sounds like shit or sounds the same as every other shitty singer out there, and it turned me off. What happened to the days when every good band had a singer with his own distinct voice? Mick Jagger sounded different from Steven Tyler who sounded different from Bon Scott who sounded different from Axl Rose who sounded different from Jim Morrison who sounded different from David Lee Roth, etc, etc.

That's precisely the problem.

I don't give a damn about what's "current" though, there's plenty of good music to listen to.

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Okay, my question is, why is it that in order to find something that I really want, it is I who have to make the effort to go out and find it?

Let's take a brief look at this decade.

Hip Hop is the most popular genre today.

We've got glam rappers rapping about their blings, cars, mansions, and just a fuckload of irrelevant shit.


When people start refering to Jessica Simpson as a rockstar, we've got serious problems.

I won't even get started on emo/goth/nu-metal.

All bands in this genres are getting ridiculous amounts of air time.

Pop is excused for obvious reasons; It's the mainstream of all mainstream music.

When did everybody start listening more and more to bands like My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, Liniin Park, Evanescence and 50 Cent, Nelly, blah, blah, blah...

Who's responsible?

Is it the radio station, for playing "Do You Want To" n times over?

The record companies, for pumping out clones after clones after clones?

Or is it my neighbour who has to let the whole neighbourhood know he's listening to Nelly?

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Okay, my question is, why is it that in order to find something that I really want, it is I who have to make the effort to go out and find it?

Let's take a brief look at this decade.

Hip Hop is the most popular genre today.

We've got glam rappers rapping about their blings, cars, mansions, and just a fuckload of irrelevant shit.


When people start refering to Jessica Simpson as a rockstar, we've got serious problems.

I won't even get started on emo/goth/nu-metal.

All bands in this genres are getting ridiculous amounts of air time.

Pop is excused for obvious reasons; It's the mainstream of all mainstream music.

When did everybody start listening more and more to bands like My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, Liniin Park, Evanescence and 50 Cent, Nelly, blah, blah, blah...

Who's responsible?

Is it the radio station, for playing "Do You Want To" n times over?

The record companies, for pumping out clones after clones after clones?

Or is it my neighbour who has to let the whole neighbourhood know he's listening to Nelly?

Stop whinging! i named a whole bunch of artists better than the ones you mentioned in the first place and if your not gonna give them a chance cos they dont release single after single on mtv then sod you. all good music starts off as being below the mainstream, even your beloved gn'r, so get ouuta your own ass and listen to stuff that doesnt involve girls and cars (as crazy as that sounds)

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there are quite a few bands out there that my friends like and that i have liked... and all of us like classic rock as well

like.... u2's new album, foo fighters, pearl jam,

some my friends like... avanged sevenfold, fallout boy, 3 doors down, and etc....

and i will say this much..dont hate green day just cuz they get played over and over.... screw that...

and if u dont like those..check out some of the old classic rock bands that u might've missed out on..... im very sure there's some


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Man right now its like spring for the trees. Everything is blossoming, music is so good today. There are ALOT of good bands, infact all the bands i listen to now arnt classic bands; there all new bands...

Music right now is fucking awsome.

You want to get into bands...

Kings of leon, razorlight, radiohead, arctic monkeys, avenged sevenfold, the postal service, dallas crane, hot hot heat, the mars volta, the darkness, the white stripes, wolfmother, modest mouse, coheed and cambria ....

People who think its so hard to like music these days just listen to the radio and rubbish they play. good music nowadays is hardly ever played on the radio. Hell, on triple M(australia's rock n roll radio station) they were playing ashlee simpson ... Like wat the fuck ? Radio sucks. Music rocks.

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I just heard the new Tool track that just hit the net, Vicarious. I think we're safe. Plus, Axl looks like he's going to deliver a couple of punches himself "soon". Well I guess he already did with the leaked cheap shots. Things are looking brighter for the state of rock n roll. Lets just hope Fred Durst doen't fuck it all up again. No, just kidding, I kinda liked LB and Wes Borland.

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