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anyone seen this?


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i posted a nice little comment :)

I would just like to say how STUPID and RETARDED that entire passage is.

Axl Rose is a fuckin rock GOD, and i am quite disgusted by this shitty little review by this shitty little website.


To Sum Up


and please suck my arse.

Good Day

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"The former GNR front man"...?

Sure. Now it's all about Pit(t)man and Dizzy's bongos :krider: :krider:


OMG, I just realised your Sig!! :P:rofl-lol:

Cool to see that ppl actually agree with you..... right, Charlie? :unsure:


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Its so hard to see where people get all that negativity toward Axl, hes so talented and is hot as hell.,what is their fuckin problem unless there just jealous of him. hes got it all, wealth, women,power, looks, i guess i can see why they write such stupid shit..

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i've said it before and i'll say it again, and finally someone says it in print:








Someone said it in print!? WOW! That really adds to the validity eh? You might want to add a few hundred other people to that list - however they're not thrown in you face every day via every medium possible so you might have to do some research - which I'm sure would be just too much effort.

Another bullshit article from another bullshit 'writer' who feels like they're an authority because they have a CD player. Get a fucking life. This article, like many others dealing with the same subject, reeks of a nearly missed deadline for a story. Jumping on the 'dissing Axl' bandwagon with no real information or insight is such a bore these days. When I was younger, I wanted to be a music critic, but I've never been able to get my head that far up my own ass. Maybe it has something to do with my actually playing instruments and writing music. Anyway - I'm confident that this article was done in a hurry - which hopefully left more time for the writer to eat potato chips, jerk off, and watch CSI. I wonder what Axl was doing that night? - :)

Edited by Ions
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Some of you worthless assholes need to get your dick's out from Axl's ass. No matter what happens you pussies always bend over. People can have their own opinions. here is a news flash you fucking tools: Axl is mentally ill, there is something seriously wrong with him. His behavior is not acceptable. Stope fucking denying the obvious. Axl is a fuck up basket case period!

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Some of you worthless assholes need to get your dick's out from Axl's ass. No matter what happens you pussies always bend over. People can have their own opinions. here is a news flash you fucking tools: Axl is mentally ill, there is something seriously wrong with him. His behavior is not acceptable. Stope fucking denying the obvious. Axl is a fuck up basket case period!

"We know that Axl's crazy...that's why we love him!!!"

Somebody said that in this forum before but I'm not sure who is...whatever

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