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Lets agree to NOT go to guns shows in the US until we have an album, or at least a release date..

brock landers

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If you are going to come on here a claim you have leaks just to through it in our faces: YOU BETTER BE SHARING. If not, KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT! Do not mention a fucking leak you "may have" unless you will share it with the forum. And yes, this is not my favorite thread.

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If they don't drop the album or start playing new songs, they (he) will have shot himself and will be playing to very small crowds, no need to organize a boycott.

I feel the same way man, and got berated in the same manner when I mentioned it. The people on this forum are dicks for the most part.

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Pointless and lame thread. Boy, some people just won't be satisfied with anything. 3 months ago, you didn't even have a full band, because Ron hadn't even been brought in. Now you have a band touring in top form, giving shows every night, and yet you're still able to find a reason to moan about? Geez, you people are difficult.

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:anger: unfortunately for the rest we will try our very best to try not to leak this footage and audio. thank mr Revesokken for what we now obtain so if yu want a piece of the pie you will have to ask him or anyone else he has sent it. good night people. almost famous i guarentee you will be the last person to recieve this rare new material. we will spread the love after the tour finishes. Edited by Yorch
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"witholding leaked tracks if you have them?"

if we leak them i dont think guns will release Chinese Democracy this year. ;)

no more emailing me please. i could only send to 1 person a day.

Edited by Yorch
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What says you guys? It could show them we WANT NEW MATERIAL and not the same fucking setlist night after night..

I want what they gave us from 91-93!

Um, no.

I agree with your sentiment, that I want less predictable setlists and new material in anyway, but I freakin' love GnR and would love to see them live... My guess is that when push comes to shove, you also wouldn't follow your own recommendation.

Peace and Pubes.

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Leaks will mean ZILCH in a few months anyway so hoard your brains out, I am sure you will be remembered for it kindly in the future. :rolleyes:

Anyone who begs this person for something really shouldn't do so because you know he's just getting off on it and that's sad.

As for this thread, it is incredibly stupid and I will be at every show GNR plays in the Tri State area.

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What says you guys? It could show them we WANT NEW MATERIAL and not the same fucking setlist night after night..

I want what they gave us from 91-93!

Kid.... this forum has seem many many stupid posts. Every time you thought we'd hit rock bottom somebody managed to dig deeper.

I honestly believe it can't possibly get more stupid than this idea though.


This thread is not stupid. What happens when new Guns tour number 2 ends without an album? We quietly take our thumbs out of our asses? If this turned out to be another new GN'R fundraiser tour I'd be pissed! For fucks sake, people on both sides, let's wait and see.

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