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Knockin' On Heaven's Door - my band's dodgy cover

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Well, tonight my band played a few songs at a school function. We were all pretty nervous, so there's plenty of stuff ups (nice solo!) and my singing is way off... just nerves mostly, took a while to get settled in. :D

Anyway, the lineup goes:

Me (Chris) - vocals

Shaun (metallica1) - lead guitar

Tim - Drums

Matt - Bass

PS - We're not a serious band or anything... we just play for fun. So before you get all critical on it, just realise that it's nothing really serious. ;)

Knockin' On Heaven's Door

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Guest Ohdistortedsmile1789

You can naturally reach some pretty difficult notes, you should just work on them a bit more so that you maintain the quality of voice in your lower register.

The band sounds pretty good.

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I've heard better covers. Guitar was actually very good, save for that mistake in the solo. And your voice is beautiful, but you kinda sound a bit too loud a lot of the time, you've got a good range, try using the lower register more.

Just some friendly advice ; I was impressed.

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Also, thankyou for the tips/hints - keep in mind though, like I mentioned, we're just a jam band - we play for fun. I'm not really a singer as such. ;)

Maybe you should consider becoming one ;) Great singing and overall the song was nice :)

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