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Where are the reviews??


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there are no reviews because the show never happened. We were there until 11:30 PM last night, and the opening act (Bach) hadn't even come on yet. My girlfriend called the box office at 10:30, and they told her that he hadn't arrived at that point. We waited for another hour then bailed... Some of us actually work for a living!

Have a good one guys

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It's only 8am over there. Give the fuckers a chance to rest first

The guys who went to the European gigs were posting when they got home, some at 3 or 4 am. That's rock n roll. rock3

there are no reviews because the show never happened. We were there until 11:30 PM last night, and the opening act (Bach) hadn't even come on yet. My girlfriend called the box office at 10:30, and they told her that he hadn't arrived at that point. We waited for another hour then bailed... Some of us actually work for a living!

Have a good one guys

omg that's shit. I'm sorry for you. Did they eventually turn up do you know?? :angry:

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I don't know if they ever showed. I've been searching the web to try and find out, but I haven't seen anything on it yet. All I know is that about 10:45, word got around that he wasn't there, and everyone started chanting "fuck Axl Rose!"...

We got out of there becuase some people were getting a little too wild.

If I hear anything, I'll post it up.


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i've seen a few posts on newgnr and htgth. All positive.

heres one

If you ever have a chance to see Axl Rose perform, do it. You never know if you'll have another chance; given his mercurial moods and penchant for 10-year hibernations, there may only be a limited number of times this is possible. Thus, when I heard about the concert stops in San Francisco, in a small venue, I knew I had to go. Even though I live in Los Angeles, and am therefore closer to Devore, Fresno and Bakersfield, I knew I couldn't beat the Warfield in San Francisco due to its small size. How many times can you see Guns N' Roses in a 2800 seat theater?

I last saw GNR in 1992 at Arrowhead stadium in Kansas City with Metallica. Flash forward 14 years later and I reduce my venue from 80,000 people to 3,000. This is a big deal for a GNR fan. With the release of a half-dozen songs from Chinese Democracy, my appetite for GNR has been fully renewed, and I'm convinced after hearing a song like "Better" that Axl is the real songwriting talent in the band.

As longtime fans know, you may be waiting for Axl to take the stage. The tickets say doors at 7 pm, show starts at 8 pm. I figure Axl will go on at around 10:30 pm or so and mentally prepare myself for this. I didn't even know who would open the show until I got to the venue. Sebastian Bach, whose presence somehow sooths Axl, is the opener.

My brother and I decided to arrive around 7 pm, which means we definitely won't be in the first row on the floor. We're OK with that; we're not in our twenties anymore. Though it would have been nice. Nevertheless, we would like to be no more than 10-20 feet away from the bank. As we arrive, the line is still outside the venue (982 Market Street, near 6th) in downtown San Francisco. We are about a couple hundred feet from the door, so we figure we'll still get good seats. It is still daylight. Unfortunately, we stand in line for another half hour...hour....hour and a half.....worker from the venue say there are "sound problems" and to hold on. I instantly theorize that Axl is still asleep/in jail/pissed off/at the strip club next door. Night has fallen and the crack addicts work the line for spare change. In fact, the entire audience is not queued up, and part of the line snakes around into truly foul skid row territory, and I'm not talking about

Sebastian Bach. I would really rather be inside having a drink. Even the police are starting to hang out, perhaps pressuring the venue to let us in. Finally, at precisely 9:00 pm, they FINALLY let us inside. I'm sure the venue is pissed because they must have lost a lot of concession sales. I mean, two hours is a lot of time to buy booze. The 7-11 across the street got a lot of that business.

So we make it in and hit the floor and get about five people back from center stage. This is acceptable. I'm dismayed to see that the loading dock to the right side of the stage is in full effect--did the bands just arrive? Roadies frantically set up and to my surprise Skid Row starts playing at 9:20 pm(although they weren't billed as Skid Row, they didn't fool me). That helps make up some time. Sebastian Bach brought some energy, and I was surprised find out I knew three songs from the late 80s-- 18 and life, I Remember You, and Youth Gone Wild. During this set I thought I wasn't going to make it all night, as drunken and stoned mulletheads pushed their way through everyone to the front, spilling beer and annoying everyone. Bach played until 10:40 pm or so. It seemed like much longer than the hour and twenty minutes it was. Anticipation is a harsh mistress.

Now the mulletude of the crowd rises, and many people try to crush us forward as the roadies, no doubt fearful of their lives if they make a mistake, quickly set up for Axl and company. Finally, at 11:07 pm, the lights go down and everyone freaks out. You know the drill after that: "Do you know where the fuck you are?" and Jungle kicks in. It was so loud I could barely hear Axl sing.

The set list is roughly as listed above; the order may not be exactly right. The most important thing to note is the vibe in the place; I was worried during Bach that fights would break out, and indeed a mosh pit did break out next to me, but the energy remained positive and Axl picked up on this. He said "Looks like we've got some cool people here" and this was music to my ears because we all know he could just as easily jump into the crowd and start beating some ass. In fact, Axl throughout the evening was downright jovial. This is essential for a good concert and no pesky worries of possible riots.

Another important thing to note is Axl's voice. It was PERFECT. I could not believe how great he sounded--all the crazy scratchy-voiced power of 1987 combined with the mastery of many years. He can sing just like we want him to sing without hurting his vocal cords now. He kicked the holy living shit out of "Better", which was what I was there for. I had heard and seen bootlegs of previous performances of "Better", and this was easily the best one. In fact, he hit every high note all night long, save the one killer at the end of "IRS". I think he could have hit it, he should have tried.

Axl is an amazing frontman--the energy, the charisma, the songs...it was incredible. My previously tired self was energized from the moment Jungle started up. I watched his every move; he really is one of a kind.

The new band is highly skilled, cohesive, and fun. Robin plays with great emotion--he actually made me not think about Slash too much. Ron Thal and Richard Fortus have great chops as well, amply demonstrated by numerous solos. I'm not sure we need the Aguilera and Don't Cry instrumental sections though. Of course, it gives Axl a chance to suck oxygen and drink his honeywater combinations. Tommy seemed to fit in well, and Axl even called him "the perfect replacement" at one point, and they both smiled, indicating an inside joke. Brain was excellent; he plays much tighter than Sorum did. The Appetite songs sounded more like the originals than how they were played during the UYI tours. Dizzy was Dizzy, and Chris Pitman didn't seek any attention at all.

There was hearsay that Ron Thal was talking to fans in line. He was apparently the only one there for a while. He gave out autographs and told a story about retiring his foot-shaped guitar which suffered some damage in Europe.

Random tidbits:

---Axl didn't do the "hey, hay, hay hay hay" on Heaven's Door, which surprised me and everyone in the crowd.

--- at one point they played the theme from the Addams family, including snaps by Axl.

--- I was begging for Rocket Queen; no such luck. I did get lucky and got Madagascar though. That was great, but the crowd just stood there like idiots. In fact, few people seemed to know the four new songs. Doesn't anyone use the internet?

--- At the end, after Paradise City, there were pyros galore and a practical ticker-tape parade of confetti dropped on us. It was so thick with confetti I could barely see the band.

--- Robin dived into the crowd still playing his guitar! I was worried for him for a second. That was the only time I saw security have to help or work at all.

--- The band came out and took a bow, arm in arm. Axl thanked us for being so cool and said he hoped some of us would come again the next night. Alas, I cannot.

--- I also heard Axl doesn't like to do There Was a Time. This is a shame, as the song is wonderful.

--- Axl tossed his mike into the balcony, and the band threw water bottles out.

--- Sebastian Bach got hit in the fact by something and took it in stride during the opener. At that point I was scared to death, because if that happens to Axl, it's over. He'd freak out. Bach handled it well and security got the guy out and Bach waved and said "bye" to the guy in mid-song. Well done.

--- Axl did a sideways hop onto the piano that was pretty cool.

--- At the end of the night, on the way out, we all got great posters from Bill Graham presents of the concert, customized to the venue and date. Just like you would get at the Fillmore.

All in all, it was an amazing experience. I could not ask for a better performance from Axl, that is for sure. He gave it his all and was happy and smiling and having a good time. The whole band seemed to be enjoying themselves. I went out into the night amazed and contented, along with everyone else at the show.

Edited by steveysham
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I went, very angry. Didn’t enjoy it that much because I was.

The doors were suppose to open @ 7PM show the show was suppose be @ 8. The staff went outside for the crowd offering bar stamps for the long wait. I got there @ 7:25. Bach didn’t go on till 9:40. Guns went on After 11:00. The set went for 2.5 hours from a review.

I missed over half the set so I could take the last train home. Taxi fare home would have been over a $100. The concert I image marooned many people, because it was over after the train stopped.

I talked to one of the staff members that worked their. The delay was Axl demanding a real long sound check.

Edited by Cosmo
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