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Axl is the Michael Jackson of Rock Music


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America wears the crown for most amount of big asses.

Europeans see the US as the obesity capital of the world.

Morrissey has a song called "America is not the World"

There is one line in the song that goes like:

"In America, It brought you the hamburger, Well America you know where, You can shove your hamburger. And don't you wonder, Why in Estonia they say, Hey you, Big fat pig

You fat pig, You fat pig..."

Morrissey is quite outspoken about his feelings about the Bush administration and the British government. As a result, he was recently questioned by the FBI and the British Special Branch as a potential threat to both governments. link

Edited by dobadog
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Sure he was criticized for his wild antics, but he was cool and the band was the original lineup and America loved them!

You sound hurt ... :(

Unfortunately, Slash beat Axl to that title of being the MJ of rock - or, maybe the Mrs. MJ of rock is better. Check YouTube for proof. Since then, Slash has upgraded to being the Carlos Santana of rock. Which is a little better but still sad.

It seems like those who hate on Axl are the same ones that are so in love with Slash. For many years, Slash and Duff (and Matt) have taken their shots at Axl while Axl remained quiet and worked on taking GnR the next level. And as China is closing in on democracy, Axl and those close to GnR have fought back. And the truth about Slash and Duff is finally coming out ... and it hurts because your loyalty to them has betrayed you. The old guys in VR, in particular Slash, are not who you thought they were and there's guilt inside of you. So, to get rid of the guilt you must lash out at Axl and the members of GnR now.

You sound like that highschool jock who wishes he was still back in highschool (ie. Bif from Back to Future). But you said something almost right! America loved the original band. Notice the emphasis on the past tense of love. Like back in the 80's ...

Sorry, but GnR ain't going to bring back the 80's. Get over it. Move on. Get a haircut. Buy some new clothes. Listen to some new music. Then, maybe then, you can be more happy and can stop blaming Axl for your mundane life.

You're also forgetting that not everyone in America loved old GnR. To many, GnR was a talentless band who's success had more to do with their lifestyle and image. An image that America was obsessed with at the time. But once their lifestyle and image went out of fashion, so did they. By the end of the UYI tour, GnR was displaced and forgotten.

Slash wanted to do his brand of hard rock. Duff wanted old school punk. So, that's why we got The Spaghetti Incident. It was a quick and dirty album put together to see if America and the world still cared about GnR. The album flopped. And if you notice, TSI was filled with old school punk and hard rock songs. It's all the proof Axl needed at the time to justify to Slash and Duff that their visions for GnR would kill it.

But did they care? No.

Axl's the only who cares about GnR because he created it. When it's your own creation, you care more about it then somebody who was hired to work for you.

Whatever Axl wants to do with GnR, he has every right to.

Edited by Anti
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America wears the crown for most amount of big asses.

Europeans see the US as the obesity capital of the world.

Morrissey has a song called "America is not the World"

There is one line in the song that goes like:

"In America, It brought you the hamburger, Well America you know where, You can shove your hamburger. And don't you wonder, Why in Estonia they say, Hey you, Big fat pig

You fat pig, You fat pig..."

Morrissey was once questioned by the FBI and British government. Morrissey is quite outspoken about his feelings about the Bush administration and the British government. As a result, he was recently questioned by the FBI and the British Special Branch as a potential threat to both governments. link

Haha.... Classic.

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This US tour is going to be an abysmal failure and I doubt if Axl will make it all the way through it. Axl is such a pretend badass, but deep down inside, he does care what the media think and how the reaction is by us internet losers. That's why he rants. Back in the day, Axl never had to deal with this sort of backlash. Sure he was criticized for his wild antics, but he was cool and the band was the original lineup and America loved them! America does not love this new band, in fact, most of America thinks Axl is a dipshit for breaking up GNR. While some people on this board think Axl is a god, the poor ticket sales are proof that the Axl show is of no interest to most.

Also, once CD drops, it's not going to be the flash of lightening people think. GNR concerts will not just miraculously start selling out. When people go see their favorite rock band, they go to see members of the entire band. Nobody in America gives a fuck about seeing Robin, Tommy, Dizzy, Richard, Bumble...they just don't. All of you die hard fans that lick Axl's nuts, open your ears at the show and listen to the people around you as they go, "Who's that?" "Where's Slash?" "Who's in the band?"

In essence, this is the same tour as 2001-2; minus the promise that CHinese D will ship this year (funny, no release date and Axl doesn't mention it in concert, that's wonderful promotion!). People, 5 fucking years later and it's still the Chinese Democracy World Tour featuring all of your favorite songs from Appetite. Retarded.

After watching Axl's rant in Puerto Rico (is this guy an idiot, bitching about Iowa to Puerto Ricans?), I almost feel sorry for Axl because he's such a total joke now. He says they want to put on the best show possible? How can the best GNR show possible include songs like My Michelle, Out to Get Me, YCBM and not Estranged, Yesterdays and Don't Cry? Regardless.

I think your an asshole little girl. Try and take chill pill from one of your divorced parents medicine cabinets....and then when your done turn yourself in for starting that California fire you demented fuck!!

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They are doing fine? This is the worst selling tour in GNRs history! LOL...yeah, way to go AXL!

Also, when CD drops? When will that be? And how do you know people even care? Has Axl even tested the market to see if people still want to hear from him? The greatest hits sold very well, so how come the tour isn't selling well when Axl is basically singing the greatest hits? Cause people don't see the AXL kareoke show as GNR...hurt as it may, it's the truth.

I gave Axl 6 fucking years to deliver and he hasn't...So you say he doesn't owe me shit? That's bullshit! He owes something to every GNR fan that watched Axl dismantle the band to create an album that still hasn't seen the light of day....Majority of his fans are gone, the remaining few get shit on. Axl's ego is going to be in for a rude awakening when he goes "You know where you are?" and only 3,000 people tonight say, "Where?"

I don't kiss Axl's nuts but for christ sake. Shouldn't you get a fucking life. It's just a band with a lead singer who has a signature voice. I've had my share of complaints about the delay of this album but you're profuse. Stop the madness man. When the album comes out you'll be happy enough. At which time you can focus your rants on more important topics like why your sister up until you were 25 pretended to be your mother. And why your father is wanted in nine states for pedophilia with puppies.

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All of this smacks of penis envy.

You import our lame ass lost so called "culture" by the billions and then after you have swallowed it (yes you all swallow) then you turn around and moan like a pre-menstrual jr. high school girl.

yes our political system sucks, yes our educational system sucks and many people in my country barely speak English let alone another language. By products of the fourth turning. Say what you will about the Americans.. ours is still a land of opportunity. Do you know how many people come here NOT TO EMBRACE but to EXPLOIT this country?

Do you guys ever remember our generosity as a population? Do you ever think of the sacrifices three generations of Americans sweated over to help rebuild your countries? Do you ever think of the countless BILLIONS in AID that we bestow on other nations? When the shit hits the fan ..truth be told ..were the only ones with the will and resources to show up.

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All of this smacks of penis envy.

You import our lame ass lost so called "culture" by the billions and then after you have swallowed it (yes you all swallow) then you turn around and moan like a pre-menstrual jr. high school girl.

yes our political system sucks, yes our educational system sucks and many people in my country barely speak English let alone another language. By products of the fourth turning. Say what you will about the Americans.. ours is still a land of opportunity. Do you know how many people come here NOT TO EMBRACE but to EXPLOIT this country?

Do you guys ever remember our generosity as a population? Do you ever think of the sacrifices three generations of Americans sweated over to help rebuild your countries? Do you ever think of the countless BILLIONS in AID that we bestow on other nations? When the shit hits the fan ..truth be told ..were the only ones with the will and resources to show up.

Yeah remember the second world war were America was being so pussyish that you never even got involved until you got attacked despite the millions dying? Nuking Japan TWICE was a real good idea too, thanks for that.

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this morning, I was going on to this site to read about another review. then I was stopped and read a bunch of B.S. that this Kaneda posted. I really think the guy needs to go to bed and start the day over. Obviosly he doesn't know what he's talking about. Any one that knows good music, knows gnr kicked ass in the past, and still does today. So go back to sleep, and wake up on the right side of the bed this time. Don't compare Axl to Michael Jackson.

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Sure he was criticized for his wild antics, but he was cool and the band was the original lineup and America loved them!

You sound hurt ... :(

Unfortunately, Slash beat Axl to that title of being the MJ of rock - or, maybe the Mrs. MJ of rock is better. Check YouTube for proof. Since then, Slash has upgraded to being the Carlos Santana of rock. Which is a little better but still sad.

It seems like those who hate on Axl are the same ones that are so in love with Slash. For many years, Slash and Duff (and Matt) have taken their shots at Axl while Axl remained quiet and worked on taking GnR the next level. And as China is closing in on democracy, Axl and those close to GnR have fought back. And the truth about Slash and Duff is finally coming out ... and it hurts because your loyalty to them has betrayed you. The old guys in VR, in particular Slash, are not who you thought they were and there's guilt inside of you. So, to get rid of the guilt you must lash out at Axl and the members of GnR now.

You sound like that highschool jock who wishes he was still back in highschool (ie. Bif from Back to Future). But you said something almost right! America loved the original band. Notice the emphasis on the past tense of love. Like back in the 80's ...

Sorry, but GnR ain't going to bring back the 80's. Get over it. Move on. Get a haircut. Buy some new clothes. Listen to some new music. Then, maybe then, you can be more happy and can stop blaming Axl for your mundane life.

You're also forgetting that not everyone in America loved old GnR. To many, GnR was a talentless band who's success had more to do with their lifestyle and image. An image that America was obsessed with at the time. But once their lifestyle and image went out of fashion, so did they. By the end of the UYI tour, GnR was displaced and forgotten.

Slash wanted to do his brand of hard rock. Duff wanted old school punk. So, that's why we got The Spaghetti Incident. It was a quick and dirty album put together to see if America and the world still cared about GnR. The album flopped. And if you notice, TSI was filled with old school punk and hard rock songs. It's all the proof Axl needed at the time to justify to Slash and Duff that their visions for GnR would kill it.

But did they care? No.

Axl's the only who cares about GnR because he created it. When it's your own creation, you care more about it then somebody who was hired to work for you.

Whatever Axl wants to do with GnR, he has every right to.

Holy shit! :o That was a good one! This is the first post ever I´m considering to copy and paste in a word document. I´m not sarcastic. I truly honest!

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They are doing fine? This is the worst selling tour in GNRs history! LOL...yeah, way to go AXL!

Also, when CD drops? When will that be? And how do you know people even care? Has Axl even tested the market to see if people still want to hear from him? The greatest hits sold very well, so how come the tour isn't selling well when Axl is basically singing the greatest hits? Cause people don't see the AXL kareoke show as GNR...hurt as it may, it's the truth.

I gave Axl 6 fucking years to deliver and he hasn't...So you say he doesn't owe me shit? That's bullshit! He owes something to every GNR fan that watched Axl dismantle the band to create an album that still hasn't seen the light of day....Majority of his fans are gone, the remaining few get shit on. Axl's ego is going to be in for a rude awakening when he goes "You know where you are?" and only 3,000 people tonight say, "Where?"

Ok first back up your claim this is the worste selling tour ever in GnR history.


I love GnR both old and new.

Slash, Matt, Duff are great artists as well however if they truly are the heart and sole of GnR then I would think that VR's first albulm would have at least matched up to AFD but it can't even do that. I am not bashing VR just stating a fact that many on this board seem to over look.

So you can keep with your belly aching rating cry baby bull shit for the next 20 years, or you can just give it up and either take what GnR gives you are fuckin be done with them.

When metallica sold out their fans to the courts I said fuck you to them and I have never bought and will never buy anything by that band ever again.

I know what to expect from GnR I am not going to bitch about them starting at 11:30 at night as most club shows the headliners come on at that time.

The only thing I think GnR managment should do is say they will not be on stage until after 11pm but the promoters probably are telling them not to say that so GnR sayis what ever.

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