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Axl is the Michael Jackson of Rock Music


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Sure he was criticized for his wild antics, but he was cool and the band was the original lineup and America loved them!

You sound hurt ... :(

Unfortunately, Slash beat Axl to that title of being the MJ of rock - or, maybe the Mrs. MJ of rock is better. Check YouTube for proof. Since then, Slash has upgraded to being the Carlos Santana of rock. Which is a little better but still sad.

It seems like those who hate on Axl are the same ones that are so in love with Slash. For many years, Slash and Duff (and Matt) have taken their shots at Axl while Axl remained quiet and worked on taking GnR the next level. And as China is closing in on democracy, Axl and those close to GnR have fought back. And the truth about Slash and Duff is finally coming out ... and it hurts because your loyalty to them has betrayed you. The old guys in VR, in particular Slash, are not who you thought they were and there's guilt inside of you. So, to get rid of the guilt you must lash out at Axl and the members of GnR now.

You sound like that highschool jock who wishes he was still back in highschool (ie. Bif from Back to Future). But you said something almost right! America loved the original band. Notice the emphasis on the past tense of love. Like back in the 80's ...

Sorry, but GnR ain't going to bring back the 80's. Get over it. Move on. Get a haircut. Buy some new clothes. Listen to some new music. Then, maybe then, you can be more happy and can stop blaming Axl for your mundane life.

You're also forgetting that not everyone in America loved old GnR. To many, GnR was a talentless band who's success had more to do with their lifestyle and image. An image that America was obsessed with at the time. But once their lifestyle and image went out of fashion, so did they. By the end of the UYI tour, GnR was displaced and forgotten.

Slash wanted to do his brand of hard rock. Duff wanted old school punk. So, that's why we got The Spaghetti Incident. It was a quick and dirty album put together to see if America and the world still cared about GnR. The album flopped. And if you notice, TSI was filled with old school punk and hard rock songs. It's all the proof Axl needed at the time to justify to Slash and Duff that their visions for GnR would kill it.

But did they care? No.

Axl's the only who cares about GnR because he created it. When it's your own creation, you care more about it then somebody who was hired to work for you.

Whatever Axl wants to do with GnR, he has every right to.

Boy, every time I think you can't get any more stupid, you prove me wrong. And I hate being wrong. :no:

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Europeans are more intelligent too...only in USA would Bush be re-elected :)

lol I live in US and I agree 100%, I think the guys a dumbass and should never have been elected to begin with, seeing as he didn't even win the the popular vote...

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Europeans are more intelligent too...only in USA would Bush be re-elected :)

Bush has brought low taxes, low unemployment and high economic growth. Europeans vote for leaders who have given them high taxes, high unemployment and stagnent economic growth. GO EUROPE!!! :rolleyes:

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i hope to see it soon as well, and i didn't even know there was a saw 2? :unsure:

Oh Saw II was excellent, I strongly recommend you view it.

Great movie.

I especially "liked" the scene where one of em got tossed in that needle pit :ph34r:

Ah man that was awful! Can you imagine being that girl??!

I actualy felt some pain in my arm wathing it :scared:

If you like the Saw movies I recomend "Hostel", its like Saw 10x!

Leigh I'm very disappointed in you! Hostel is just pure shit! Boring, laughable (not in a good way) in places, and has the worst ending ever! Is just pure gore with some soft porn thrown in! Saw 1 & 2 had me on the edge of my seat with suspense.. Something that was severely lacking in Hostel!

KK x

Yeah hostel was a shitty movie but some of the most disturbing scenes I have seen in a movie :scared:

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This US tour is going to be an abysmal failure and I doubt if Axl will make it all the way through it. Axl is such a pretend badass, but deep down inside, he does care what the media think and how the reaction is by us internet losers. That's why he rants. Back in the day, Axl never had to deal with this sort of backlash. Sure he was criticized for his wild antics, but he was cool and the band was the original lineup and America loved them! America does not love this new band, in fact, most of America thinks Axl is a dipshit for breaking up GNR. While some people on this board think Axl is a god, the poor ticket sales are proof that the Axl show is of no interest to most.

Also, once CD drops, it's not going to be the flash of lightening people think. GNR concerts will not just miraculously start selling out. When people go see their favorite rock band, they go to see members of the entire band. Nobody in America gives a fuck about seeing Robin, Tommy, Dizzy, Richard, Bumble...they just don't. All of you die hard fans that lick Axl's nuts, open your ears at the show and listen to the people around you as they go, "Who's that?" "Where's Slash?" "Who's in the band?"

In essence, this is the same tour as 2001-2; minus the promise that CHinese D will ship this year (funny, no release date and Axl doesn't mention it in concert, that's wonderful promotion!). People, 5 fucking years later and it's still the Chinese Democracy World Tour featuring all of your favorite songs from Appetite. Retarded.

After watching Axl's rant in Puerto Rico (is this guy an idiot, bitching about Iowa to Puerto Ricans?), I almost feel sorry for Axl because he's such a total joke now. He says they want to put on the best show possible? How can the best GNR show possible include songs like My Michelle, Out to Get Me, YCBM and not Estranged, Yesterdays and Don't Cry? Regardless.

Kaneda, you are a fucking cock smoking tool, so why should anyone listen to your, cum filled comments?

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Europeans are more intelligent too...only in USA would Bush be re-elected :)

Bush has brought low taxes, low unemployment and high economic growth. Europeans vote for leaders who have given them high taxes, high unemployment and stagnent economic growth. GO EUROPE!!! :rolleyes:

I can't believe this... I'm agreeing with Takeshi on something else again... that's two days in a row! Anyway, agreed Takeshi. Thanks for bringing out some truth for these morons to feast their eyes on. If you're a Bush basher, do us all a favor and say something other than he's 'a dumbass' or 'a moron'. Because if you're just saying that because that's what you read in liberal papers (do any of you bashers know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?), hear on Letterman or on CNN, you're about as dumb as you claim the leader of the free world to be.

That's why you, Bush basher, are flipping burgers and part of the rat race, and he's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

My taxes are lower, unemployment rates in the US are at an all time low, the United States economy is at an all time best (which supports the world economy) and is the strongest in the world, this last quarter in the US has seen an influx of American jobs rise higher than at any time since FDR's 'New Deal' (which brought the world out of a depression), and that cowboy is taking the fight to our enemies and has the balls to do what UN is afraid to. Trains blow up in Spain and France gets threatened, and they put their tail between their legs and run. Well, my president doesn't... neither does a one Tony Blair (bless him).

So, Bush has everything on the up-an-up. Now, tell me why he's a dumbass? If your only claim would be Iraq, Bush bashers, that even proves how uneducated you are on that topic and how naive you are to believe everything you read in the papers or see on the news.

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This US tour is going to be an abysmal failure and I doubt if Axl will make it all the way through it. Axl is such a pretend badass, but deep down inside, he does care what the media think and how the reaction is by us internet losers. That's why he rants. Back in the day, Axl never had to deal with this sort of backlash. Sure he was criticized for his wild antics, but he was cool and the band was the original lineup and America loved them! America does not love this new band, in fact, most of America thinks Axl is a dipshit for breaking up GNR. While some people on this board think Axl is a god, the poor ticket sales are proof that the Axl show is of no interest to most.

Also, once CD drops, it's not going to be the flash of lightening people think. GNR concerts will not just miraculously start selling out. When people go see their favorite rock band, they go to see members of the entire band. Nobody in America gives a fuck about seeing Robin, Tommy, Dizzy, Richard, Bumble...they just don't. All of you die hard fans that lick Axl's nuts, open your ears at the show and listen to the people around you as they go, "Who's that?" "Where's Slash?" "Who's in the band?"

In essence, this is the same tour as 2001-2; minus the promise that CHinese D will ship this year (funny, no release date and Axl doesn't mention it in concert, that's wonderful promotion!). People, 5 fucking years later and it's still the Chinese Democracy World Tour featuring all of your favorite songs from Appetite. Retarded.

After watching Axl's rant in Puerto Rico (is this guy an idiot, bitching about Iowa to Puerto Ricans?), I almost feel sorry for Axl because he's such a total joke now. He says they want to put on the best show possible? How can the best GNR show possible include songs like My Michelle, Out to Get Me, YCBM and not Estranged, Yesterdays and Don't Cry? Regardless.

You must be extremely popular to be able to speak on behalf of the entire American public - what exactly is your title again? President Dooshbag?

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Europeans are more intelligent too...only in USA would Bush be re-elected :)

Bush has brought low taxes, low unemployment and high economic growth. Europeans vote for leaders who have given them high taxes, high unemployment and stagnent economic growth. GO EUROPE!!! :rolleyes:

I can't believe this... I'm agreeing with Takeshi on something else again... that's two days in a row! Anyway, agreed Takeshi. Thanks for bringing out some truth for these morons to feast their eyes on. If you're a Bush basher, do us all a favor and say something other than he's 'a dumbass' or 'a moron'. Because if you're just saying that because that's what you read in liberal papers (do any of you bashers know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?), hear on Letterman or on CNN, you're about as dumb as you claim the leader of the free world to be.

That's why you, Bush basher, are flipping burgers and part of the rat race, and he's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

My taxes are lower, unemployment rates in the US are at an all time low, the United States economy is at an all time best (which supports the world economy) and is the strongest in the world, this last quarter in the US has seen an influx of American jobs rise higher than at any time since FDR's 'New Deal' (which brought the world out of a depression), and that cowboy is taking the fight to our enemies and has the balls to do what UN is afraid to. Trains blow up in Spain and France gets threatened, and they put their tail between their legs and run. Well, my president doesn't... neither does a one Tony Blair (bless him).

So, Bush has everything on the up-an-up. Now, tell me why he's a dumbass? If your only claim would be Iraq, Bush bashers, that even proves how uneducated you are on that topic and how naive you are to believe everything you read in the papers or see on the news.

Whats wierder is how Im agreeing with you :huh:

Too bad politics and Guns N' Roses are two different things...

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Europeans are more intelligent too...only in USA would Bush be re-elected :)

Bush has brought low taxes, low unemployment and high economic growth. Europeans vote for leaders who have given them high taxes, high unemployment and stagnent economic growth. GO EUROPE!!! :rolleyes:

I can't believe this... I'm agreeing with Takeshi on something else again... that's two days in a row! Anyway, agreed Takeshi. Thanks for bringing out some truth for these morons to feast their eyes on. If you're a Bush basher, do us all a favor and say something other than he's 'a dumbass' or 'a moron'. Because if you're just saying that because that's what you read in liberal papers (do any of you bashers know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?), hear on Letterman or on CNN, you're about as dumb as you claim the leader of the free world to be.

That's why you, Bush basher, are flipping burgers and part of the rat race, and he's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

My taxes are lower, unemployment rates in the US are at an all time low, the United States economy is at an all time best (which supports the world economy) and is the strongest in the world, this last quarter in the US has seen an influx of American jobs rise higher than at any time since FDR's 'New Deal' (which brought the world out of a depression), and that cowboy is taking the fight to our enemies and has the balls to do what UN is afraid to. Trains blow up in Spain and France gets threatened, and they put their tail between their legs and run. Well, my president doesn't... neither does a one Tony Blair (bless him).

So, Bush has everything on the up-an-up. Now, tell me why he's a dumbass? If your only claim would be Iraq, Bush bashers, that even proves how uneducated you are on that topic and how naive you are to believe everything you read in the papers or see on the news.

Whats wierder is how Im agreeing with you :huh:

Too bad politics and Guns N' Roses are two different things...

I don't recall us ever sparring with you sweetness... but I'm glad to see some people around here with common sense. If we ever did spar over GNR, I hope I kicked your ass:)

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Kaneda's original post was legit and I don't understand you some of you flame him for this. It's common knowledge that most people blame Axl for the breakup of the original Guns N' Roses and think his new band is a joke. I personally think the new band is great but I am in the minority.

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Slash wanted to do his brand of hard rock. Duff wanted old school punk. So, that's why we got The Spaghetti Incident. It was a quick and dirty album put together to see if America and the world still cared about GnR. The album flopped. And if you notice, TSI was filled with old school punk and hard rock songs. It's all the proof Axl needed at the time to justify to Slash and Duff that their visions for GnR would kill it.

Yeah, because Axl's vision has turned out so fucking great. Ten years when this band would have still been in their prime, and probably two or three albums by now, have been shit away. It's not all Axl's fault I'm sure, but most of it is surely on him.

You are delusional if you believe the band had high hopes for TSI. It was a cover album that got little promotion. If they were after a hit record they would have put out more original material. Material that they were working on in 1995 or 1996, when Axl said the stuff Slash was playing was the meanest, bluesiest stuff since Aerosmith Rocks. Yet you claim Axl knew after TSI that Slash and Duff would kill GN'R. Well then, why was he still writing with them and complimenting Slash for the riffs he was playing? I'll tell you why, because your version of events is a total fabrication.

I don't even know why I'm responding to this post. Deep down I know that even you don't believe your own bullshit.

Edited by KBear
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Fuck all of you Bush haters n American haters...I'm proud to be a Republican...Thank God for our American troops that defend our freedom.They are the bravest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and oh yea...Fuck you Kaneda...You fucking anti new gnr Axl hater....Axl fucking rules and so does the new GNR!!!!See you Axl Nov.24 in Clev..............

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Fuck all of you Bush haters n American haters...I'm proud to be a Republican...Thank God for our American troops that defend our freedom.They are the bravest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and oh yea...Fuck you Kaneda...You fucking anti new gnr Axl hater....Axl fucking rules and so does the new GNR!!!!See you Axl Nov.24 in Clev..............

I'm an independent and I really am indecisive with Bush and I love our troops and what they do....

but the post that reckless life made are the types of posts that upset me greatly.

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Fuck all of you Bush haters n American haters...I'm proud to be a Republican...Thank God for our American troops that defend our freedom.They are the bravest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and oh yea...Fuck you Kaneda...You fucking anti new gnr Axl hater....Axl fucking rules and so does the new GNR!!!!See you Axl Nov.24 in Clev..............

I'm an independent and I really am indecisive with Bush and I love our troops and what they do....

but the post that reckless life made are the types of posts that upset me greatly.

I'm on the same boat, I'm tired of these overzealous knuckleheads on both sides. I support our troops but I didn't want either Kerry nor Bush in office. No matter which side wins, you still lose.

KBear: As always, right on the money. I suspect all these "Axl wanted to evolve, Slash and Duff wanted to just rehash AFD" type arguments are going to fade as soon as CD is finally released. As far as I'm concerned, the leaks aside from Oh my God don't suggest some radical change. If anything the leaks sound like a modern take on the Illusion era.

As far as MJ is concerned, him and Axl both love to overproduce the shit out of their records and tinker around forever in the studio and they jump from producer to producer like changing clothes. They also live in the shadow of their debut records.

MJ's last record was an overproduced abomination. He's a shell of his former self. I hope Axl doesn't fade away like that.

Oh yeah...since when did America suddenly become the arbiter of good taste in music or anything for that matter? Good movies and music struggle in our country and complete crap become hits, who gives a shit what's popular here? True staying power is making a mark overseas.

I remember 15 years ago, MJ and GnR were the biggest attractions in music all over the world. It's amazing how much changes in that time....

Edited by SylvesterStallone
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Europeans are more intelligent too...only in USA would Bush be re-elected :)

Bush has brought low taxes, low unemployment and high economic growth. Europeans vote for leaders who have given them high taxes, high unemployment and stagnent economic growth. GO EUROPE!!! :rolleyes:

I can't believe this... I'm agreeing with Takeshi on something else again... that's two days in a row! Anyway, agreed Takeshi. Thanks for bringing out some truth for these morons to feast their eyes on. If you're a Bush basher, do us all a favor and say something other than he's 'a dumbass' or 'a moron'. Because if you're just saying that because that's what you read in liberal papers (do any of you bashers know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?), hear on Letterman or on CNN, you're about as dumb as you claim the leader of the free world to be.

That's why you, Bush basher, are flipping burgers and part of the rat race, and he's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

My taxes are lower, unemployment rates in the US are at an all time low, the United States economy is at an all time best (which supports the world economy) and is the strongest in the world, this last quarter in the US has seen an influx of American jobs rise higher than at any time since FDR's 'New Deal' (which brought the world out of a depression), and that cowboy is taking the fight to our enemies and has the balls to do what UN is afraid to. Trains blow up in Spain and France gets threatened, and they put their tail between their legs and run. Well, my president doesn't... neither does a one Tony Blair (bless him).

So, Bush has everything on the up-an-up. Now, tell me why he's a dumbass? If your only claim would be Iraq, Bush bashers, that even proves how uneducated you are on that topic and how naive you are to believe everything you read in the papers or see on the news.

Heres some facts that you need to know about your precious President as well:

National debt under Bush Jr. has increased so drastically that the average

American's estimated share of the national debt will be an astronomical $24,00

compared to $500 when Dubya first took office.

Under Bush Jr. there are now 43 million Americans with no health insurance

Responsible for and unemployment rate of 6%. There are now 9 million people

out of work in America-3.3 million more than when Bush took office.

He cut health care benefits for veterans.

Bush Jr. Deserted his unit during vietnam and was reportadely AWOL for over a

year from his assigned unit: The Texas Air National Gaurd, or as its referred to

by other military outfits, "The Champagne Division".

Despite a 13% unemployment rate among those aged 16-24, Bush Jr. Proposed to

eliminate youth oppertunity grants-A program provides job training to the

nations youth. A $225M program in 2002 is now being done away with so Bush can

have more money for Iraq.

He cut funding for 375,000 low income college students and reduced pell grant

amounts to such a severe degree that it effectively caused 84,000 students to no

longer be eligible for pell grants. Pell amounts have been overall reduced for

1.5 million students... its safe to say that the Bush daughters aren't eligible

for financial aid, so this won't affect the opulent lives of anyone Bush Jr. may


Withdrew from the international criminal court.

First president in U.S history to refuse United Nations election inspectors

(during the US 2002 elections) .

All-time U.S. (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign


His proposed "free trade" agreements would result in the loss of U.S. jobs

to foreign markets and the exploitation of third world workers.

Wasted federal resources on a PR trip to Baghdad where he staged a

Thanksgiving meal at 6am with troops that were screened based on thier political

affiliation. And the Turkey? It was a prop.

After sending troops off to fight in an unjust unprovoked war, he still has

yet to attend any soldiers' funerals.

He dropped his dog on its head.

Want more? :)

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Europeans are more intelligent too...only in USA would Bush be re-elected :)

Bush has brought low taxes, low unemployment and high economic growth. Europeans vote for leaders who have given them high taxes, high unemployment and stagnent economic growth. GO EUROPE!!! :rolleyes:

I can't believe this... I'm agreeing with Takeshi on something else again... that's two days in a row! Anyway, agreed Takeshi. Thanks for bringing out some truth for these morons to feast their eyes on. If you're a Bush basher, do us all a favor and say something other than he's 'a dumbass' or 'a moron'. Because if you're just saying that because that's what you read in liberal papers (do any of you bashers know the difference between a liberal and a conservative?), hear on Letterman or on CNN, you're about as dumb as you claim the leader of the free world to be.

That's why you, Bush basher, are flipping burgers and part of the rat race, and he's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

My taxes are lower, unemployment rates in the US are at an all time low, the United States economy is at an all time best (which supports the world economy) and is the strongest in the world, this last quarter in the US has seen an influx of American jobs rise higher than at any time since FDR's 'New Deal' (which brought the world out of a depression), and that cowboy is taking the fight to our enemies and has the balls to do what UN is afraid to. Trains blow up in Spain and France gets threatened, and they put their tail between their legs and run. Well, my president doesn't... neither does a one Tony Blair (bless him).

So, Bush has everything on the up-an-up. Now, tell me why he's a dumbass? If your only claim would be Iraq, Bush bashers, that even proves how uneducated you are on that topic and how naive you are to believe everything you read in the papers or see on the news.

Whats wierder is how Im agreeing with you :huh:

Too bad politics and Guns N' Roses are two different things...

I don't recall us ever sparring with you sweetness... but I'm glad to see some people around here with common sense. If we ever did spar over GNR, I hope I kicked your ass:)

I dont think we ever got into it, but I know Ive read a lot of your posts about the new guns and have disagreed

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MADISON close the fucking thread already! highvoltage! people have taken it off topic, it's a fucked topic to start with!, the K man is just spamming his hate towards axl rose!. close it, it breaks every rule in your mod book!.

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Europeans will adore any american artist that we send over there. That's just a given.

Go swallow that big ego. Not that many good bands come from the so called USA anymore and before they just did cause the promotion of music was expensive and the USA had the rich labels to back their artists up. That didnt mean that the bands were better than other countries bands. Now with the internet any band can promote itself rather cheap 8and often totally FREE) so we get great bands from all over the world. And I for one am greatful.

MADISON close the fucking thread already! highvoltage! people have taken it off topic, it's a fucked topic to start with!, the K man is just spamming his hate towards axl rose!. close it, it breaks every rule in your mod book!.

If you don´t like a topic in a thread then stay out of the thread. It´s really simple, just ignore it. All this thread locking and thread removing is just stupid and has got to stop. Look at how many people who gave up on HTGTH just because of Jarmo´s bullshit. Are you really that childish that you cant stand someone throwing a diss at one of your idols? Who cares? I mean, he (Axl) isn´t worth less to you because someone else disses him, is he? People seem to have opinions on Axl´s and GN´R´s behaviour so get used to those opinions not going along with your own and stop crying to the mods to lock threads.

Edited by Lukinx
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that made no sense bout puting axl is the michael jackson of rock n roll on the topic title...i say let rock n roll take its own damn course...u wanna bitch in complain...aint gonna get you no where...just enjoy the ride...u dont like it get off and get on another damn one

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