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Another Animal


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I know we have a few other UKJ fans around here besides me. Well, Whitfield Crane is back! He's teaming up with the guys from Godsmack for a band called Another Animal. Check 'em out (you can download a song for free):


If this has been posted before, i apologize. I searched and didn't find anything.

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Hell, a Sully solo cd would basically still sound like a Godsmack album- i'd be willing to bet on it. There are some similarities between Godsmack and GnR. GnR being Axl's vision, Godsmack being Sully's vision. Check out this article, it gives a little bit of insight how things run in Godsmack.


Here's a little piece of the article. This is drummer Shannon Larkin speaking about Sully:

"He's got very distinct, strong vision about the sights and sounds, the production, the songs, everything. The artwork - everything. Is it better or worse? I don't know," he said. "I know that I'm having a great time in this band."

Sound like someone else we know?

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There was actually a follow up to Menace. It's called Motel California. Shortly after it's release, the drummer left to go join Candlebox, then they just pretty much broke up. Whit went to sing for Life of Agony briefly ( i actually got to see it). Then he had another band, who's name escapes me at the moment.

It's good to see Whitfield Crane back on the scene. Maybe, with any luck, this will instigate an UKJ reunion sometime down the road.

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