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Respect For Axl


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Putting the tour etiquette/release dates aside you have to give respect to Axl for trying to develop his music. When so many bands release so many albums of samey material. Even big bands like the Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, Audioslave, Oasis take very few risks when it comes to their records it's just the same old stuff really over and over again. What you have to say is that at least Axl is trying to do something different something worth doing. And in my opinion he has pulled it off with Better and Chinese Democracy and Oh My God. These songs are a total reivention of GNR in a major way. He pulled it off.

On a deeper level Axl has in fact also tried to change the whole attitude of GNR. To put it simply Axl discovered irony. Like Bono did with U2. U2 pulled it off just and have survived to go on to better things. These two major changes in GNR are both refreshing and risky but you have to give Axl credit for going for it.

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Well, it's not neccasily for us but at least he's trying to do something new in a sea of mediocrity. It's an extreme solution but he has a chance at doing something worthwhile again. I think he is finding more difficult than before. To bury UYI and AFD is a big ask.

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Putting the tour etiquette/release dates aside you have to give respect to Axl for trying to develop his music. When so many bands release so many albums of samey material. Even big bands like the Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, Audioslave, Oasis take very few risks when it comes to their records it's just the same old stuff really over and over again. What you have to say is that at least Axl is trying to do something different something worth doing. And in my opinion he has pulled it off with Better and Chinese Democracy and Oh My God. These songs are a total reivention of GNR in a major way. He pulled it off.

On a deeper level Axl has in fact also tried to change the whole attitude of GNR. To put it simply Axl discovered irony. Like Bono did with U2. U2 pulled it off just and have survived to go on to better things. These two major changes in GNR are both refreshing and risky but you have to give Axl credit for going for it.

The Chili Peppers haven't changed? Their last three albums sound NOTHING like old RHCP.

And I don't even see how you can say Pearl Jam didn't change, they have changed a lot from "Ten".

Besides, change is overrated anyway. GNR didn't need to change. "Better" is a nice song, but it's nothing groundbreaking, but I'll take "Nighttrain" or "Mr. Brownstone" or any old GNR song any day of the week and twice on sunday over it.

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Those bands havent changed at all. I like both Pearl Jam and Stadium Arcadium but they have never changed the basic elements. Not's like Chili Peppers turned into Poison. Or PJ did a Faith No More album. But Axl has changed the sound so drastically. It's just not direct at all anymore.

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But you can't redo old GNR songs or try to reproduce them. He is trying to make a different sounding record. How can you reproduce the angst of being a twenty something in LA with being what he is today. The attitude is totally different. I give him credit for trying something new. How hard would it be to be out of the industry for years and come up with a new album. Imagine if Pearl Jam took a ten year hiatus and came out with a new album. It would be tough.

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I think Axl had a clear idea about what he wanted from sometime in the 90s. I remember a quote where he said after seeing Mr. Bungle or some band like that he said "I've seen the future of rock n roll and I'm jealous" - to me he was saying that he was seeing metal bands pulling from all genres and doing experimental music. He could see that the future band to be big would be a band that combined Faith No More, Nirvana, NIN and GNR - and if kids in bands arent doing this right now they are stupid. But funnily enough Axl beat you to it.

If you mix Head like a Hole, Midlife Crisi, Come As You Are and Paradise City you have a hit album.

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Those bands havent changed at all. I like both Pearl Jam and Stadium Arcadium but they have never changed the basic elements. Not's like Chili Peppers turned into Poison. Or PJ did a Faith No More album. But Axl has changed the sound so drastically. It's just not direct at all anymore.

If you can listen to BloodSugarSexMagik and then listen to By The Way and tell me RHCP "haven't changed at all", then you're retarded.

The change they undertook there, much like the change Pearl Jam has undergone from "Ten" compared to "No Code", isn't any different than the change Axl has made. TWAT, CITR and The Blues sound like they could be UYI songs. I.R.S is also a song I could imagine the old band playing.

It's not that big of a difference, it's not like Axl is doing rap music now. He's still making rock music, he's just doing it with less talented musicians.

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Of course they fluctuated a bit. You're right that CP have changed a bit. But on the new album they are still this weird funky metal band. They have a certain sound and attitude which still makes it CP. And No Code was much looser but it's still PJ album and both bands just keep pushing them out and it develops smoothly. Logically progression not just throw everything out and redesign the whole thing. That's what I'm saying GNR were like this classic rock band that suddenly combusted and tried to be completely different. You're right they still have some songs which sound a bit like old GNR but Slash could in no way be on Better.

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Putting the tour etiquette/release dates aside you have to give respect to Axl for trying to develop his music. When so many bands release so many albums of samey material. Even big bands like the Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, Audioslave, Oasis take very few risks when it comes to their records it's just the same old stuff really over and over again. What you have to say is that at least Axl is trying to do something different something worth doing. And in my opinion he has pulled it off with Better and Chinese Democracy and Oh My God. These songs are a total reivention of GNR in a major way. He pulled it off.

On a deeper level Axl has in fact also tried to change the whole attitude of GNR. To put it simply Axl discovered irony. Like Bono did with U2. U2 pulled it off just and have survived to go on to better things. These two major changes in GNR are both refreshing and risky but you have to give Axl credit for going for it.


Integrity. Balls. Vision.

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If you can listen to BloodSugarSexMagik and then listen to By The Way and tell me RHCP "haven't changed at all", then you're retarded.

The change they undertook there, much like the change Pearl Jam has undergone from "Ten" compared to "No Code", isn't any different than the change Axl has made. TWAT, CITR and The Blues sound like they could be UYI songs. I.R.S is also a song I could imagine the old band playing.

It's not that big of a difference, it's not like Axl is doing rap music now. He's still making rock music, he's just doing it with less talented musicians.

I can´t stand when people presents their opinions like facts.

I personally can´t imagine Slash making impact in a song like Better nor The Blues. Not even I.R.S even if this have the most "original" sound. Of course he would be able to take off some great solos but not making any creative impact in the basic elements of the songs. And even if he hypotetical was in GnR, he probably wouldn refuse and we would be back on spot one and history would repeat itself. Slash leaving Guns.

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Those bands havent changed at all. I like both Pearl Jam and Stadium Arcadium but they have never changed the basic elements. Not's like Chili Peppers turned into Poison. Or PJ did a Faith No More album. But Axl has changed the sound so drastically. It's just not direct at all anymore.

If you can listen to BloodSugarSexMagik and then listen to By The Way and tell me RHCP "haven't changed at all", then you're retarded.

The change they undertook there, much like the change Pearl Jam has undergone from "Ten" compared to "No Code", isn't any different than the change Axl has made. TWAT, CITR and The Blues sound like they could be UYI songs. I.R.S is also a song I could imagine the old band playing.

It's not that big of a difference, it's not like Axl is doing rap music now. He's still making rock music, he's just doing it with less talented musicians.

Less talented musicians? Perhaps we should wait for a CD release before we assume that - despite the fact that the band rocks live. I'm certainly not taking away from what the old band accomplished in the past but - uh - you've heard 'Contraband' right?

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PJ and CP have had record that have changed but they always come back to the same point. Like new PJ has stuff that is so simliar to Vs which is good thing. And all the good songs on Stadium Arcadium are typical Chili vibe.

There is not decisive vision behind these bands.

With Axl although he suffers for it. In the long run the albums will all look like masterpieces. All have a seperate philosophy. The other bands had a smoother transition like from Blood Sugar they developed on Breaking the Girl which was new but they still come back round with a funk rock song if in doubt.

Even in the setlist decision you can see he is going more conservative with track selection while going out on a limb with new songs. There's this balance which just about saves him for some other technical difficulties which we won't mention.

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I'm certainly not taking away from what the old band accomplished in the past but - uh - you've heard 'Contraband' right?

I have... and there ain't a NuGnR song I've heard yet with a riff as cool as Dirty Little Thing or Set Me Free, a solo as good as Slither or You Got No Right, or a bass/drum rhythm with as much swing and swagger as Superhuman or Sucker Train Blues.

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Contrafuckinband is a GNR album without Axl singing. If Axl had done it would have been slowed down a bit and had much bigger balls. Suckertrainblues must be an Izzy tune. Love Slither but GNR would have done it better. Slither with UYI production would rock. To me Contraband was produced wrong. Needed to be more like 5 O clock Somewhere.

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Suckertrainblues must be an Izzy tune.

I don't think so. It was the last song they recorded together with Scott, which was well after Izz had removed himself from the project.

I think he and Slash might have created the DLT riff together, though, because apparently there's a song on Izz's new album that has the exact same riff.

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albums dont take 14 years .....i would rather a half assed attempt at an album then nothing at all ....Axl takes it all way to seriously, its all about his artistic merrits, yet alot of the songs arnt up to the standard of appetite or UYI ...except maybe "The Blues" ....

respect for the band touring again, but other then that there isnt alot to be positive about\

also to be frank, the new songs arnt exactly pushing the envelope at all ...they are GNR by numbers songs ...a little mellower but nothing that is worth 14 years.

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slash said Izzy wrote some tunes with us then split. But he wasnt credited on album but Sucker just sounds so Izzy from the title to the riff. You see if Axl had been on this album it would have kicked some serious ass. With The Blues and Better and CITR and TWAT. But I think Axl wants to do something completely different.

A great album would be

Oh My God

Set Me Free


The Blues


Catcher In the Rye

Sucker Train Blues

Chinese Demcracy





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Ha, can't really imagine Superhuman and Madagascar side-by-side. One has a chorus of Scott screaming "Cocaine, Alcohol, Lady-lay, Withdrawal", the other has Martin Luther King quotes.

Still, I could totally see Axl's vocals over the top of something like Sucker Train Blues - and it would indeed rock.

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I think if they had the same production values it would be like cool contrasting feelings. The high and the low next to each other. The Martin Luther King quites ahve been appropriated in a way that they become about Axl not the human rights movement. Free at last! Free at Last!

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On a deeper level Axl has in fact also tried to change the whole attitude of GNR. To put it simply Axl discovered irony. Like Bono did with U2.

please explain!!

And please don't compare gnr and u2. yes i know that axl is so fucked up, that he actually likes u2 but Axl has a fucked up taste in music. I cant believe that a guy with such a bad taste in music, can make so good music. Its Axls fault I have spend too much time listening to ELO and Rod Stewart. Ok, its not THAT bad and I like some of the records but it will never be at top 10. Axl, why have you never mentioned Roky Erickson and MC 5?

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Pomp rock has always been a big part of GNRs music. I think Axl is the new Bono. There have been touches of the Zoo TV tour with dancing midgets, Trailer Park Boys, Sucide Girls. I think when Chinese D drops the live show is going to be like an ironic white thrash/chinese iconography multimedia event. Like Bono Axl had to change the bands whole outlook to stay relevant. ELO and Rod Stewart rule. Best of ELO has so many great songs Evil Woman being my favorite and Rod has done so many Stay With Me is classic. I listen Rod at home and ELO in the gymn.

but yeah listen to the lyrics of AFD basically direct declarations, CD leaks the lyricas are elliptical and are much more subtle - Better is so complex. He knows better, he feels better, he knows beta?

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