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Is there really any point to this????

Son Of A Gun

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Is there really any point to this whole camp? I mean Axl has done very little good to the music world in the past decade or more. All he is doing is playing from arena to arena songs that are 15-20years old with a bunch of guys who didn't even write them nor sound anything liek the songs do on the records. His album is not even known when it will be released and his attempt to 'reinvent Guns N' Roses' as expected are proving a total joke, for he knows he cannot reinvent Guns N' Roses. He tried to own Guns N' Roses in 1996 and it all split right before his eyes and to this date he still can't admit it. All he is left is with ownership of hte band name which without the guys who validated it and shed prime light into it already in 1992 is now worthless. The whole thing is a joke to be going to a show just to end up hearing the songs you expect to hear, played nothing close to what they 're meant to be played like. And in the end Axl knows he can't do very much by himself, and he knows deep inside he wants Guns N' Roses back, even more so than this side project of his. The guy should just get some balls and swallow his pride and phone Slash, Izzy, Duff, Matt and hopefully even Gilby and bring back Guns N' Roses and stop with this bullshit he is giving us today. We know 99.9% of the Guns N' Roses fans want this...they want Guns N' Roses more than this thing that Axl is giving us today or better said what he is not giving us.

Common Axlites. Bring it on bitches you can scratch, maul and pout all you want you know you 're all just a bunch of dickweeds who are so sad they got nothing better to do than suck Axl's dick all day.


Edited by Son Of A Gun
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Oh no, no no no, if you thought you know Kaneda good then you've got bigger fish to fry than him.

Note: I 'm not bitching or anything...just putting in a dose of the obvious this board needs once in a while. I couldn't give a fuck anymore about Guns N' Roses unless they reunite and come back to existence again.

Edited by Son Of A Gun
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Oh no, no no no, if you thought you know Kaneda good then you've got bigger fish to fry than him.

Note: I 'm not bitching or anything...just putting in a dose of the obvious this board needs once in a while. I couldn't give a fuck anymore about Guns N' Roses unless they reunite and come back to existence again.

Alright great, you dont care, join the legions of other people that dont care. Congratulations. What do you want us to say? Its obvious that whatever we say your not going to change your views on the new band, and I could really care less. Just because you dont like them, doesnt mean anything to anyone else but yourself.

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Oh I don't hate the new band at all. I think what they are doing is great. But it is Axl is really bringing them down wiht all his shit. These guys can't even play their own material because he won't allow it, they probably want to altogether create their own band name but they can't because he is too psychotically glued to the name Guns N' Roses, what this band does of their own things is great, but Axl is letting very little of it be shown, which is really sad because he has reinvented history in the sense that he is stopping another great band from being themselves. It 's a part of his Operation Toy With The Band 2 :no:

Edited by Son Of A Gun
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Oh no, no no no, if you thought you know Kaneda good then you've got bigger fish to fry than him.

Note: I 'm not bitching or anything...just putting in a dose of the obvious this board needs once in a while. I couldn't give a fuck anymore about Guns N' Roses unless they reunite and come back to existence again.

if a person dosent care about a band anymore then why does that person come on that bands fourm and post about not caring..point in case,i dont give a rats ass about brian adams hence the reason why i wouldent post on his fourms ...

just a thought ...think about it..deep down inside u care alot and u know it man...lol

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Oh I don't hate the new band at all. I think what they are doing is great. But it is Axl is really bringing them down wiht all his shit. These guys can't even play their own material because he won't allow it, they probably want to altogether create their own band name but they can't because he is too psychotically glued to the name Guns N' Roses, what this band does of their own things is great, but Axl is letting very little of it be shown, which is really sad because he has reinvented history in the sense that he is stopping another great band from being themselves. It 's a part of his Operation Toy With The Band 2 :no:

Well think of it this way, if all they did was play new material, how many people do you think would actually show up to the concerts? I agree that they should be able to play their own material, but I think every single one of them went in knowing that they would have to play 'Welcome To The Jungle' every night.

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Thank you username, one of the ratinonal repliers. I just think something should be spoken out loud about Axl's actions. Nobody has come up to Axl personally and said to him "Axl you are a disappointment to your fans, you haven't released any of your own material in over 15 years, you are stopping your band from being themselves"

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I dont refer to them as "GNR" because they've embarressed themselves enough as a band to not be dignified with such a title ...just call them "Chinese Democracy Band" ..its the Axl Rose wankfest that is still licensed under a name that should be related to past glories and not the modern day Axl Show! that has yet to have provided a hint of music after more then a decade and the loss of "Buckethead" who while being a nutcase was a brilliant guitarist and brought alot to the new band, but he left because Axl was so up himself

dont expect an album, he has other plans it seems

Edited by motownjunkie
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fuck off and burn in hell..........



well thats how i feel ....just say the new band had have released a quality album sooner then maybe my opinion would be polar opposite but its a joke! ....they needed to prove they could match past GNR especially while still under the famous name, otherwise i would prefer Axl to start a new band, if like he says its all about the music then why does he even need to use "GNR" as a band name, if its all about creativity and not needing promotion then change tha band name because im sure Slash/Duff feel betrayed by it

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Between the lines u claim that a reunion would give us an album. Right? Thats a bad point. A reunion would make the band Guns n roses an even bigger joke. And even if a reunit Guns would be able to put out an album, CD would come first. Remember my words. 99,9% of the fans? yeah, right. Maby a majority by now, but this whole decission is up to Mr. Axl. He knows that he has something that will change their mind in the future. In Axls point of view your suggestion is out of mind. He would NEVER EVER drop all this work he made. CD is probably done by now, his fucking life work. It just a matter of days, weeks or months when they will be able to release it. As much as u can prove that he aint finished CD, as much can I prove he have.

And one thing that makes your post so fucking biased is that there isn´t even a mention of the new songs they play live. They play half a fucking album of new songs! And they are simply awsome, and a lot of people think they are. about 99,9% ;)

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Oh no, no no no, if you thought you know Kaneda good then you've got bigger fish to fry than him.

Note: I 'm not bitching or anything...just putting in a dose of the obvious this board needs once in a while. I couldn't give a fuck anymore about Guns N' Roses unless they reunite and come back to existence again.

lol nice one!

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