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http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/reviews/1312/Res...all_of_Man.html 5/5

Ahahah yeah such culture. That amazingly generic FPS sure did deserve that score. It has so much CULTURE in it. He's spot on. I felt so emotionally more developed after blasting those aliens away.

I’m happy to say, though, that Resistance is the best first-person shooter since that glorious double whammy of Halo 2 and Half Life 2 way back in 2004.

To consider Halo 2 a great FPS is one thing, but to even compare Resistance to Half-Life 2... :lol:

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Dude, don't be so ignorant. You have to look at the amazing artistic motivation behind the game and the great CULTURE that the Chimera species had. They make the Combine in Half-Life 2 look like baddies from a children's book. If you're not smart enough to see the greatness in games that are overlooked by the common, sell-out reviewers then don't post here.

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Shut the hell up sir, I am not a fanboy of any franchise or games system but it is clear that the all-mighty Wii has a far greater artistic direction and game art than any other rival console which I also own so it isn't biased but anything that isn't on the Wii is obviously going to be shit sir. Look on true review sites, like http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/ for unbiased reviews on games sir.

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Shut the hell up sir, I am not a fanboy of any franchise or games system but it is clear that the all-mighty Wii has a far greater artistic direction and game art than any other rival console which I also own so it isn't biased but anything that isn't on the Wii is obviously going to be shit sir. Look on true review sites, like http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/ for unbiased reviews on games sir.

The Wii goes against everything I'm about now after bringing out Wii Fit. After so many years in the basement I'm very proud of my gigantic belly and as much as I love the Nintendo Wii I'm not going to let them take that away from me. I was willing to give it a go until I saw the weight limit on it and realised that Nintendo had turned on some of their biggest fans. That game is everything that is wrong with the system; appealing to un-educated common consumers who just want the latest toy without any appreciation for what actually should go into game design.


Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to the CLASSICS that were out when the Wii was a true gamer console and play No More Heroes. That game looks like it was made on N64 technology, has absolutely fuck all to do in the city and has some really over-the-top and gory action to appear cool. Now THAT'S game design! Who wants fun stuff to do in a game? I like my games to be made by 6 people on a $150 budget thanks.

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Yeah, Jeff didn't get fired over Kane and Lynch. Everybody at Gamespot, his fellow editors and friends who quit over his firing, even came out and said that wasn't the reasoning. They had no reason to say that once ties were cut. That K+L thing just made good sensationalist headlines.

Nobody knows why he was fired. The Gamespot management is just really retarded so it could have been any number of things.

Maybe GTA4 is just an amazing game that IGN loved.. :rolleyes:

It could also be that Jeff was a horrible reviewer.

Either ways, GTA4 getting a 10/10 from IGN means absolutely nothing. Sheep, BAAH!

I have the game and truely its worth playing i wouldn't say 10 out 0f 10 but a 9,5 at least.

Grapichs didn't blow me away but the whole vibe in the game is brilliant i love this game.

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Shut the hell up sir, I am not a fanboy of any franchise or games system but it is clear that the all-mighty Wii has a far greater artistic direction and game art than any other rival console which I also own so it isn't biased but anything that isn't on the Wii is obviously going to be shit sir. Look on true review sites, like http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/ for unbiased reviews on games sir.

The Wii goes against everything I'm about now after bringing out Wii Fit. After so many years in the basement I'm very proud of my gigantic belly and as much as I love the Nintendo Wii I'm not going to let them take that away from me. I was willing to give it a go until I saw the weight limit on it and realised that Nintendo had turned on some of their biggest fans. That game is everything that is wrong with the system; appealing to un-educated common consumers who just want the latest toy without any appreciation for what actually should go into game design.


Now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to the CLASSICS that were out when the Wii was a true gamer console and play No More Heroes. That game looks like it was made on N64 technology, has absolutely fuck all to do in the city and has some really over-the-top and gory action to appear cool. Now THAT'S game design! Who wants fun stuff to do in a game? I like my games to be made by 6 people on a $150 budget thanks.

Despite this sir, the Wii clearly is so innovative. The PS3is the only piece of hardware to make use of six-axis controlling sir and for a piece of hardware to include such a phenomininacal piece of engineeing and then to ditch it shows it's inferiority. If it has really been any good, it would've stuck with a failing product and continued with it like true developers and made several sequels and spin offs - yes, i have questioned sir how you can make spin offs of hardware, but with the invention of the WiiGun (and the Mario equivilant, the KoopaSoaker) - all others will tremble underneath the art design. Fuck graphics sir, art direction is where it is at. Did Koj care about MGS? No. Developers don't care about their games, except those that make them for the Wii because they truly believe in their product and want it to become something special that people can cherish for years to come. MGS may be the flagship of the PS3 (I've played every incarnation, and I believe this will be the worst) but it will never compare to any release of any game on the Wii (Mario Kart: Gears of Phwoar, Mario Party 17, etc.) due to the fact that it lacks.

I do not mind, as an expert gamer extrodinaire that knows more than you all because I jerk off to IGN and proper review sites, if I cannot use such pieces of technology, because - unlike all of you, I have an arcade Dancing Stage Euromix in my basement, and yes - I have the 3rd highest score sir, so - before you start spouting your rubbish about how Nintendo clearly fails, I put to you sir, that it does not. And that GTA will clearly fail because it is just about being counter culture and rebellious, like games such as Postal or GTA when it was in 2D and you actually had to imagine it happening, because the artistic direction of poor 2D drawings with ant like people - was immense.

I just wish Portal never told me that the cake was a lie :(

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You guys. :wub:

I can't make up my mind on this MGO Beta. I like it, but I don't like it.

You're guy moves slow, which doesn't allow you to get in any real gun fights. And the controls are so freaking hard. It's hard to get a kill with an assult rifle unless you have a real scope on it, other than that you're looking through a ball-point-pen-sized hole to kill someone. And don't get me wrong, I just love running up and down stairs like I have a giant turd in my butt, but that gets a little old aswell. :rolleyes:

I better start liking this Beta by May 11th, or I won't be spending $60 in June for a fucking starter kit.

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You guys. :wub:

I can't make up my mind on this MGO Beta. I like it, but I don't like it.

You're guy moves slow, which doesn't allow you to get in any real gun fights. And the controls are so freaking hard. It's hard to get a kill with an assult rifle unless you have a real scope on it, other than that you're looking through a ball-point-pen-sized hole to kill someone. And don't get me wrong, I just love running up and down stairs like I have a giant turd in my butt, but that gets a little old aswell. :rolleyes:

I better start liking this Beta by May 11th, or I won't be spending $60 in June for a fucking starter kit.

Yeah, I'm kinda on the fence about it too. If it was first person, it would be so much better. I have having to hold L1 and press R1 in order to shoot. I only played for about 30 minutes yesterday, so it would be unfair to give a final verdict just yet. But so far, I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be.

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You guys. :wub:

I can't make up my mind on this MGO Beta. I like it, but I don't like it.

You're guy moves slow, which doesn't allow you to get in any real gun fights. And the controls are so freaking hard. It's hard to get a kill with an assult rifle unless you have a real scope on it, other than that you're looking through a ball-point-pen-sized hole to kill someone. And don't get me wrong, I just love running up and down stairs like I have a giant turd in my butt, but that gets a little old aswell. :rolleyes:

I better start liking this Beta by May 11th, or I won't be spending $60 in June for a fucking starter kit.

Yeah, I'm kinda on the fence about it too. If it was first person, it would be so much better. I have having to hold L1 and press R1 in order to shoot. I only played for about 30 minutes yesterday, so it would be unfair to give a final verdict just yet. But so far, I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be.

Yeah, go into the Free Training area and just learn the controls yourself. That's what I did. And in that you can use any gun you want with whatever scope it allows for that gun. You can even use the RPG. :)

It also gives youa chance to roam around the maps and learn small things to your advantage about them.

Once you have the main controls down though, it seems a little more fun, but even after all of that, I'm still not exactly sure what I want to do about it when it comes out.

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Fucking GCSE's. Im stopping myself from buying GTA until after my last exam (june 18th)


same here :( except with my leaving cert and not GCSE's. plugging out my consoles tommorrow, i doubt it will help me study more but i have to try. i won't be reading this thread anymore either, some people are showing their stupidity (i'm not talking about jack, even though i disagree with most of his stuff) but i am sure one of these idiots will probably post spoilers, and if somebody spoils this game for me, i will cry

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Fucking GCSE's. Im stopping myself from buying GTA until after my last exam (june 18th)


same here :( except with my leaving cert and not GCSE's. plugging out my consoles tommorrow, i doubt it will help me study more but i have to try. i won't be reading this thread anymore either, some people are showing their stupidity (i'm not talking about jack, even though i disagree with most of his stuff) but i am sure one of these idiots will probably post spoilers, and if somebody spoils this game for me, i will cry

Not me, right? :(

I never post spoilers about anything, and if I do, it's by mistake.

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:rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: Holy shit Sandman and Ridin' I bow down to you both, that was incredible.

GTA 4 looks UNBELIEVABLE, I cannot wait to get it, just watching that review I was blown away by how amazing it looks.

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