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Everything about GH4 soundin' awesome so far--except now their sayin' not sure if they will make existing GH guitars compatible. That would really SUCK if not.

One of the reasons I'm holding out for GH4 vs. RB is the ability to also have the extra, existing GH guitar to use as a 2nd axe. Gotta think they will make the right choice here...

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I'm interested in the studio bit and creating your own songs.

It does seem like this is the bit that could give it the edge over Rock Band, although I think I read in OXM that you won't be able to lay down vocals for your tracks, so they'll just be instrumentals, which isn't quite as good imo.

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Why didn't the game stores have a midnight release for MGS4? The game wasn't a big deal to me but I think it was a bigger deal than GTA IV.

alot of places did.

they've stopped midnight releases where i live because when GTA4 was released alot of idiots decided to rob the people queing up and even people who bought the game

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Why didn't the game stores have a midnight release for MGS4? The game wasn't a big deal to me but I think it was a bigger deal than GTA IV.

alot of places did.

they've stopped midnight releases where i live because when GTA4 was released alot of idiots decided to rob the people queing up and even people who bought the game

Thats probably why they stopped here.

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I'm wondering what Ozzy song they are going to have on GH4. I'd love it if No More Tears or Diary of a Madman were on there. :wub: Either way, I'll play any Ozzy song they throw at me. They better have some Ozzy DLC for this one though, 'cos so far for Guitar Hero III, they haven't had any. Not even for Rock Band...

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I'm wondering what Ozzy song they are going to have on GH4. I'd love it if No More Tears or Diary of a Madman were on there. :wub: Either way, I'll play any Ozzy song they throw at me. They better have some Ozzy DLC for this one though, 'cos so far for Guitar Hero III, they haven't had any. Not even for Rock Band...

It'll probably be Bark At the Moon, unless they've alredy had that in a GH game.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt
WHy not to PS2?!?!? :(

It's the only game I wanna buy this year

If you've got 30 000 NOK every month and still lives home you shouldn't have to complain about this. Buy a Wii, a 360 and a PS3!

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GH4 to have 100+ tracks:


Guitar Hero World Tour

Format Xbox 360

Developer Neversoft

Publisher Activision

Genre Rhythm Action

16-Jun-2008 Every song. Ever. For free.

When developer Travis Chen hacked the Guitar Hero controller and created a PC synthesiser, little did he know he was spearheading a revolution. Ironically, his efforts were poured into a Harmonix game; a company whose game he's about to bury. Rock Band, we're sorry to say, is finished.

Just look at the drums. Rock Band's has four pads with loud, plastic covers and a flimsy pedal. GH's has three pads and two high-hats, all coated with rubber to dampen any unwanted noise. The high hats are 'flappy', like cymbals, and there's still a pedal for that extra layer of complexity. All considered, the peripheral gives Rock Band's the runaround.

Like Rock Band, Guitar Hero World Tour will rely on DLC to boost its track list. However, whereas Rock Band shipped with 67 songs in Europe, GHWT aims to squeeze over a hundred master tracks onto the disc. So far The Eagles, Van Halen, Linkin Park and Sublime are confirmed, and while we can't reveal any other names on the list we can say that there are some major players involved. But as great as the on-board talent is, the new feature 'GHTunes' is what will truly send Harmonix's game off to the labour exchange.


GHTunes is, quite simply, a revolution. The premise is simple: design your own songs, design your own album covers, upload your album for the world to see and then download any album you fancy. It's the Guitar Hero equivalent of YouTube, and it costs precisely zero pounds and zero pence.

Coupled with the incredibly deep Music Maker, GHTunes has not just swung the battle of the bands in the favour of Guitar Hero World Tour, it's won the contest outright. Imagine this: there's a popular song that isn't on Guitar Hero or Rock Band. You want to play it. You could take the time to pick the song apart and recreate it in the game or, the lazy option, you could search GHTunes and download one of the inevitable fan recreations that will have been uploaded. For free.

How this system is policed is yet to be established. Monkeying with copyright material is a risky business and we're not sure how kindly the music industry will look upon fan recreations of famous songs. With no vocal recording, tracks will never be identical to the originals, but it's likely that Microsoft will have to clamp down on certain 'pirates' if complaints are lodged by the copyright owners. Cliff Richard, for one.

Inevitably though, your favourite songs will be made available alongside thousands and thousands of unique albums. Of course there will be steady streams of dross, but GHTunes will be bundled with various ranking systems - from top downloads to 'Neversoft Recommends' - to ensure the best new music isn't lost among the chaff. This, it is safe to say, is the future of rhythm action. Get on the bus, daddio.

Will Rock Band 2 implement a GHTunes-esque feature and a music maker? It has to if it wants to even put up a fight. Until then, Guitar Hero World Tour will scoop all the awards. No competition.


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I'm wondering what Ozzy song they are going to have on GH4. I'd love it if No More Tears or Diary of a Madman were on there. :wub: Either way, I'll play any Ozzy song they throw at me. They better have some Ozzy DLC for this one though, 'cos so far for Guitar Hero III, they haven't had any. Not even for Rock Band...

It'll probably be Bark At the Moon, unless they've alredy had that in a GH game.

Nah, that was in the first Guitar Hero. I really hope they don't do Crazy Train. Great song, I love it, but there are plenty of other songs that would be way better.

EDIT: The create your own song thing is cool too, but it can't be easy. It'd be neat if they had some type of generator that you could upload the music from your 360 or PS3 onto the game and it would take the song and generate it into a Guitar Hero version.

Edited by Axls_Shorts_Rule
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Eh, unless he re-did Metal Gear 1 or 2, or Outer Heaven, I wouldn't really have much interest otherwise, although something that happened between MGS 2 and 4 would be good.

Because I hate Metal Gear Acid and Portable Ops, and that shitty one on the gameboy color.

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I gots MGS4 early. ^_^ Working in GAME is already paying off. I only had a half day, too, so I went home and played it until about 3 in the morning. Glorious fucking experience. I completed it yesterday.

Best game ever? Nu-uh. I can't say that just because it doesn't play nearly as well as something like Mario, Zelda or Resi 4 but as a pure entertainment experience? It's one of the best. Up there with any Hollywood film for me. The script, voice acting, lip syncing, motion capture, the soundtrack... it's just sublime. Without sounding like some Sony marketing guy it's an experience Kojima could only produce on the PS3. It's his vision finally fully realised. I wish to God that the first three games could have been made with the same production values and technology because that would just be the greatest game series ever then.

I really wanna try MGO but I don't have the net at my flat so that'll have to wait, I guess. In the meantime I'm going to play through it all again. :D

My favourite bit was Act 3 by far.

Not only was the tracking through the streets different and very cool, but you also had the amazing plot reveals from Eva, that fantastic on-rails section and then that end cutscene which is by FAR the best in the game. I swear I said 'holy shit' at least three times during that cutscene. It was better than most action sequences that Hollywood come up with.

Overall though I loved it all. There's a few niggles here and there but generally it played so much better than the previous games and it was a great fan service. Had everything I'd ever want in terms of returning characters and all the story arcs being tied up.

Top 5 game for me.


I totally agree.

Act 3 was the most amazing thing I've ever played. Snake in his awesome outfit (major goosebumps when he showed up with facecamo modeled after his old... young face) and the sneaking was awesome!

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