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Posts posted by gavgnr

  1. So I read with interest the comments from Youthinkso and the crux of it seemed to suggest that UMG has no interest in releasing a new guns album unless Axl agrees to a future reunion. It's a real shame because this poster has suggested that the material is finished and ready to go.

    So I ask, what do you guys think (assuming our guys comments were correct), about Guns releasing material with a new company or even independently.

  2. This would be amazing if true...I'm really excited about the prospect of a new song or two on tour.

    Let's hope we hear something special during the Oz shows, be a wicked Xmas gift!!

  3. Trouble is, does interscope have a hold over guns in that the money they poured into the project Chinese has funded songs not yet released.

    I know the best buy deal has paid off debts owing, but I'm sure that business being business, interscope aren't gonna let guns release those tracks without their approval.

    I don't confess to have a great understanding of these matters, but I guess it's quite complicated.

    Real shame because the band and axl gets a shit load of grief (I expect), and the fans don't get their music.

  4. Well the thread title says it all.

    Have matters with the record company become even more complicated following the release of Chinese thereby making any future release extremely unlikely?

    And when I say complicated, I mean axl (rightfully) demanding things be done how he and the band want, and the record company's unwavering stance regarding costs and business practicalities.

    I certainly hope not, but I fear a stalemate.

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