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Posts posted by JEEP11

  1. I believe Jarmo about the fact that this supposed quote from Axl is BS. That being said, the shit clock is ticking, and Axl's got the next 5 days to make an announcement or we can kiss 2007 good bye.

    I'm sure he is worried.

  2. If the record was being recorded in Jan/Feb, mixed and all, perhaps it is ready to go. That's why the band and yes Axl even seem happier these days, from all accounts of the shows.

    If that is true, with the cost invested and to maximize sales, the record company will prob. set the release date. In the USA that is the biggest release date for shopping of the year (Thanksgiving week). That may be why it is @ Nov. 20. If it was on schedule for Sept., then pushing it back 2 months for a few more first week sales is an easy decision for the record company.

    So cheer up buttercup, it will be here fast.

    If not, oh well. You are all used to it.

  3. GNR music is too heavy for playing at a Super Bowl, ever. Plus Axl is not reliable enough to be considered. There is way too much $$$ at stake for the networks. Every minute is worth millions. Won't happen, in 07 or beyond.

  4. this may not be a big deal to other people. I figure we here are the minority core fan base (we are), and figured the young peeps today don't care about GNR now. Anyway I sat at a table at a bar with strangers cuz my friends were boring me, they were all 21-ish, punk rock people. Cute girl who could sing like a champ too. They sang Weezer, Chili Peppers and Johnny Cash songs on the shitty karoake system. Anyway we talk about all sorts of music and I say, have you heard the new stuff from Axl Rose? Nobody had. I told them about Catcher, etc. on the web. Then I say, I think his stuff is good, he's a little weird but... and one of them just goes, "Man, Axl is fucking awesome!. When is it coming out? Holy shit!" And the rest were nodding and saying the same. I thought it was cool albeit a little thing.

  5. If the record is scheduled for first week of March, a single will come out about 6 weeks before. So January it will be for the single if March 6th album is true.

  6. If they are doing it in 2006, releasing it before Thanksgiving is the best business move. In the US the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year, and it is insane. Businesses go from in the red into the black on that one day. Hence 'black Friday'. If not then, just wait til 2007.

  7. this is the worst f'ng thing I have seen, or at least close to it. MTV sucks. whats with these emo rock bands wearing capes, and al gore teching us about science? WTF. Music has gone to shit and MTV , well it did 15 years ago.


    Playing - 50% (I heard the production schedule/plans are being moved around right now, whatever that means, sounds like normal GNR sh*t to me!)

    Release Date - 10%

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