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Posts posted by Lumikki

  1. @Rock Hopper Welcome! I'm another one who personally prefers the Use Your Illusions albums (I like long epics and piano and stuff), but thinks you should start with Appetite for Destruction considering you're an ACDC fan lol.

    Speaking of, what are everone's favorite songs here? Mine are:

    Appetite: Welcome to the Jungle and Rocket Queen

    Illusions: Estranged, Coma, Yesterday's, 14 Years, Civil War, Don't Damn Me, Garden of Eden, Don't Cry (alt.), Dead Horse, Breakdown, So Fine... (and I also sometimes like Locomotive and Shotgun Blues, but those lyrics...)

    Chinese Democracy: Street of Dreams, Prostitute, Sorry, Better, Madagascar and I've recently started to like Shackler's Revenge.

    Other albums and stuff: Ain't It Fun (my favorite song from the Spaghetti incident), Patience, the demo version of Don't Cry, Axl's versions of It's Alright, Dust In The Wind, etc... I also really wish Crash Diet had been properly recorded. I really like that one for some reason.

    (And yes, I'll admit that I don't really like November Rain, You Could Be Mine, SCOM, It's So Easy and Paradise City. Blasphemy I know :lol:)


    2 hours ago, oaka said:

    I actually love Axl's photoshoot with Sasha! I think it's great and Axl looks absolutely amazing in it! 

    I know I just voiced a very unpopular opinion - please, be lenient with me! :P

    LOL it's okay, someone's got to love 2006 Axl too :lol: Seriously though, I'm not very fond of that particular photoshoot, but I actually do think Axl sometimes looked pretty great in 2006- if one ignores the hair and the clothes. His face and body were still awesome then.

    Always thought he looked good during that event:




    Also kinda like these. He was sweating so much his silk shirt became see-through lol.





    And I also came across these while digging through my old pictures. Girls, that's the last time we saw Axl without a shirt: :wow:




    And the last time we saw his legs (or rather leg :P):

    (The bruises being once again the result of clumsiness, iirc :rolleyes:)



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  2. 11 hours ago, killuridols said:

    holy shit @Lumikki, now my life is destroyed! Will have to spend hours dissecting this one :facepalm:

    Ok, let's put Elephant Joke behind, it's probably some lame ass old men stuff similar to what @MillionsOfSpiders posted above (not that Im calling you old man or lame ass, haha, please dont get offended, Im talking about Axl and Dizzy :P)

    - I don't know why that woman is called the Cat Whisperer (sounds like the Dog Whisperer guy Cesar Milan?). Maybe she's good at taking care of cats?? maybe she's a catsitter like Sasha :rolleyes:

    - I don't know who's the The Seeker, I just know he's a moderator or some kind of administrator from that Paradise City place that I will never know what's its function, if its a social network or a fan club or a website but it is some sort of "official" online thing for fans. I was there a couple of times but had to get away quickly because it's infected with the same lunatic person that infects the Nightmare FanClub and lots of middle-aged crazy women who believe Axl is their husband :crazy:. This moderator or admin has been around for a long time, definitely not new and not because of the The Who song included in the current setlist. That song was played by the nuGNR line-up many times in the past tours.

    - No idea what's the connection other than she's a "friend" of the Lebeis clan, just like so many other models and people like that :P


    omg that photoshoot has to be the worst Axl has ever done. He doesn't look sexy at all. It's SO NOT HIM :vomit:

    Is that Sasha? Are you guys sure? Looks nothing like her body, lol. She doesn't have any curves, much less that roundy firm booty.

    She looks really bad from the waist below :scared:


    Yeah that was my thought as well about the cat whisperer thing, but how many goddamn cat sitters does Axl need?! lol :facepalm: And how would the paradisecity guy know she's the cat sitter. Most people didn't even seem to know that the Markie woman existed (I didn't either until reading this thread). Maybe he knows her (or other people from Axl's entourage).

    I'm pretty sure that's Sasha in that photoshoot, but all the pictures from that shoot were photoshopped to hell and back, so they probably photoshopped the hell out of her body too lol.

    Here's some more:






    Aw, look at them holding hands :P:smiley-confused2:


    5 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    - It's not necessarily the same person behind both accounts, but they are definitely related. I incline toward being two different people, because of the differences in writing and content. For example: Dijon doesn't use abbreviations ("u" for "you" etc) while Dexter does (and so does Axl :smiley-confused2:). Dijon always tags Axl's and the band's official accounts; Dexter does it sometimes, but he mostly tags TB (Beta, Fernando) and band members. Dexter follows a lot of accounts, while Dijon follows only Axl and Dexter. Dexter refers to Axl as "daddy", Dijon refers to him by his name. Some Dijon's tweets contain teasing/provocative comments on Axl.

    - Who could be behind these accounts? I don't think an irrelevant person, a fan for example, could know or have access to all this stuff. I also tend to exclude the possibility of Axl being behind both; it would be too crazy, even for him. Hence, either both cats are people close to Axl or one of them (Dexter) is Axl and Dijon is a friend of his (Del James?).

    - In any of the two cases, the cat accounts are probably an inside game between Axl and his friends/entourage.

                                                                                                            And what about this?


                                                                                        Duff's dogs have twitter accounts, too :rofl-lol:



    Twirls' tweets are "normal" and the account seems to be handled by the McKagan family, but Buckley's account seems like someone's playing :lol:

    Yeah you're right, there's definitely some differences like that between the accounts. Like @Frey pointed out when he analyzed these twitters some pages back, the Dijon account especially seems to make a lot of fun about Axl and his entourage, pretty mean-spirited at times. That's why that one doesn't really seem like Axl to me (except if Axl maybe has some lingering resentment towards TB and Del which he expresses on the twitter account :lol:).

    But even if only Dexter is Axl, that would still be incredibly crazy, considering the shit "Dexter" posts :scared:

    Or an even crazier theory: Both the Dijon and Dexter accounts are run by Axl, but he intentionally gives them different personalities (maybe the personalities he imagines them to have if they could talk/were people?). Considering that Axl kind of seems to identify more with Dexter (I mean he even uses Dexter's name as his username on here...) it would make sense for the Dexter account to be more like him then :wow:

    Okay, I'll stop with the insane theories now. God this band is so weird. Are fans of other band's discussing shit like this? Probably not because other musicians are not suspected of being crazy enough to pretend to be their cats on Twitter :rofl-lol:

    As for the McKagan dogs... Yes, Twirls' account definitely seems to be run by the McKagans themselves (most likely one of the girls, Susan or both). Buckley's... I have seen that one before and at the time I thought it was one of their daughters just having some fun with it. If you look at the date of the posts, that was around the time when they were young teenagers and would have done such a thing, and I remember Grace also had a Tumblr account around that time (don't know if she still has it). Or maybe it's just an obsessed fan. I've noticed on places like Twitter and Instagram that the McKagans seem to have a lot of people who are "fans" of their entire family. It's so weird. But either way, it seems to have been abandoned pretty quickly.


    By the way, while looking for the pictures from the photo shoot above, I also found these in my folder (among many, many other "interesting" things I'd forgotten about). Since there was some horror at Axl's hat collection going on earlier, I thought I should post them here. So please enjoy Axl's animal print hat in all its glory (and some additional Beta and Axl loving if you're into that :lol:):





    And I just realized those are actually two different hats in the pictures. Axl has more than one animal print hat :lol::lol::facepalm:

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  3. Jeeesus, there's some real CSI going on here again :wow:

    1 hour ago, killuridols said:

    damn, that's complicated @Frey :P

    Let's dissect this...

    - The elephant joke got me confussed though. The cat says his daddy tells an elephant joke and the girl says she was told an elephant joke by Dizzy. So... is Dizzy the person behind the cats accounts? :suspicious:

    I interpreted it differently when I saw that post in the social media thread- I just thought that Axl probably likes his elephant joke so much that he's probably told it to everybody by now. And Dizzy has probably heard it a million times already after all these years, so he is telling it to other people now as well if he needs a joke lol.

    And I just Ctrl+F'd the cat accounts and that's the only mention of that Markie woman I could find:


    Retweeted a birthday message to her.

    Also, cat whisperer? Why?

    The original message is from paradisecity.com, posted by a guy called The Seeker. Who's that? Is he the same guy with that username that also posts on this forum? Also that's an interesting username considering The Seeker is now in the set list at every concert... And what's he got to do with the Markie woman? Considering that the Markie woman definitely hangs with Sasha, the Lebeises and co.



    This whole mystery keeps getting deeper :wow:


    1 hour ago, Andy14 said:

    Jesus fucking christ it looks like there are more people in Axl's entourage than in my country :shock:

    Maybe Dizzy is Axl's cats, that would explain why he's in the band :smiley-confused2:


    Your country has a bigger population than mine, so there are definitely more people in his entourage than in my country then, going by that logic :P


    5 hours ago, Frey said:

    This picture is so cringeworthy :facepalm:


    Oh god, I remember that. Axl hadn't been seen in a long time and suddenly there was an entire photoshoot full of "sexy" photos with Axl and Sasha :scared: There were some more pictures like that, but I've tried to erase them from my memory :P

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  4. Izzy's written and covered a ton of songs that are probably about Axl and GnR:

    F.P. Money: Obviously about the reunion situation.

    Take a look at that guy: I don't think it's a coincidence that he picked that song to cover, the lyrics just fit his situation and his relationship with Axl perfectly.

    Stuck in the middle with you, etc: Same as above.

    Bleedin': I also think this one is definitely about Axl.

    @SerenityScorp There's also this line:

    "Now time has passed you're an old man, way up there high on the hill".

    How many men does Izzy know that are old now and live high up on a hill and just can't get over a woman, and are still obsessed with her, even after all these years? Only one most likely. Bleedin' is like Izzy's advice song to Axl lol.

    14 Years: I could swear I remember Izzy saying that he told Axl the song was about a woman, so that he wouldn't get mad at him, but actually it's about his and Axl's relationship. Also, Axl and Izzy had both written a song called 14 Years, and they kind of smushed them together into one song, so that might explain why some of the lyrics don't seem to fit. But I think 95% of the lyrics perfectly decribe Izzy's feeling about Axl anyway, so it's not a lot that doesn't fit. And of course Izzy and Axl had known each other for 14 years when the song was written, which is a fact, so the song being about the two of them seems way more plausible than it being about some other men's relationship with a women or a fictional relationship with a woman. Especially considering that Izzy mostly seems to write about things going on in his own life.

    Patience: Is about Angela Nicoletti.



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  5. So apparently Duff's ex-wife doesn't just ship Slaxl, but is also into the whole Axl/Erin thing :P:ph34r:



    Anyway, @killuridols, this whole discussion about Axl's family reminded me that you asked about this picture some time ago and how we know that it is Axl's sister.


    I meant to reply to you, but then forgot :rolleyes: And it's a good question, it seems to be one of these pictures where everyone just assumes/knows it's his sister, although she looks quite strange there, if it really is her. So I did some research. She does kind of look like an older version of herself in these pictures:



    And this is definitely her in this picture. We know because the guy in the white sweater is her husband who is also in other pictures. Despite the fact that this is a more recent picture, she looks much younger here than in that first one. But could be the same woman I guess if she lost some weight, and grew and dyed her hair blond.


    This is also definitely her. And Baz. :P

    Kinda looks like a different person again.


    Another one with Baz:


    That is also her apparently:


    Honestly she looks quite different to from picture to picture, but I think it's the same woman in all of them. We're probably just not used to her face, because we see her so rarely.

    And while I was looking for these pictures with Baz, I also found this. Someone posted that picture in an old thread here in this forum. Seems like Axl and Stuart have very similar hair and hair lines nowadays :P




    @Andy14 He does seem to have lost some weight (his face is less bloated for example), but I think it's not that much yet and how he looks mostly just depends on the angle I think.

    I mean he looks quite slim in the pics you posted or here for example:


    But with a less flattering angle, we can clearly see his beer gut is still well and alive :P



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  6. 2 hours ago, Babooshka said:

    This is madness. Why would anyone want this? Even if you like the album, surely you want new music?

    How many times have these songs been reworked already? How many people have played on them already?


    This album has sucked so much life out of GNR. At what point are they going to become a functioning, creative band living in the present?

    It's not madness, it'd be awesome. I'd be all for them re-recording some songs from CD because while I've always liked Better for example, the new version is 10 times better than the old one (Melissa's backing vocals, that epic new intro :drool:). TIL is better now as well. And I want studio versions of that.

    Besides, no one is saying they should re-record CD stuff instead of doing something new. But it would be nice if they could also do that with a few songs.


    Ideally, I'd like to see:

    - an album of newly written music by Axl, Slash, Duff and hopefully also Izzy

    - an album of Axl's Chinese leftovers, also with Slash and Duff on them and re-worked as they see fit

    - a few songs like Better re-recorded with Slash and Duff, so we get studio versions of this new awesomeness


    They can put the re-recorded CD songs onto the CD 2 album as bonus tracks or something. Maybe it's a bit far-fetched, but far more unbelievable things have been happening in GnR land recently and all things considered, 2 albums like that should be perfectly doable (especially considering Axl supposedly already has all this stuff hidden away in a fault somewhere).


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  7. 5 hours ago, pinkforgirls said:

    heh heh look at all that physical contact... it's like 5 inches worth ;p


    (and I'd say it's even more than 5 inches actually :P)


    On 2.7.2016 at 0:46 AM, stella said:

    I'd believe that. He changed the name legally - he obviously didn't want it anymore and let it go. I've heard of other people who have been through traumas or want to break with their past doing the same thing, for what it's worth.

    If Azoff really did use that name, he is a major douche. Mick Wall did the same, actually - his hack job of a book about Axl had a title that called him "William Axl Rose." Either it was done to needle Axl or Wall really didn't do his research; either way it makes the book's credibility even more dubious than it already is.

    Oh no, Azoff definitely used the name Bill Bailey in the court papers. I know because I read them when they were posted here (and also Axl's counter suit or whatever that is called in English). I was only giving him the benefit of doubt that maybe he didn't know that Axl legally changed his name. He might just have assumed that Axl Rose is just his stage name, since guys like Slash and Duff still are Saul Hudson and Michael Andrew McKagan in their official documents. But then again, it is pretty well known that Axl legally changed his name and as his manager he would propbably know stuff like that, so he really was just being an asshole most likely. :facepalm: IIRC this was after Azoff had already been fired, so he probably wanted to leave Axl with one last parting blow or get a rise out of him (and it worked).


    Also, I really love this picture. Axl and Slash both look so damn happy there. :wub: Probably my favorite "bow picture" so far.



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  8. @rustycage11 Hah, that's awesome, never noticed that! :lol: So we have Axl and Izzy sharing clothes, Slash and Izzy, and now Duff and Izzy. The common factor here is Izzy. Conclusion:

    Izzy dressed them all! :headbang: j/k

    Or maybe he was just nice enough to share his clothes with everyone. Or if they aren't his clothes, then they all just wore each other's clothes. Cute.


    @Andy14 Well, Duff's certainly got the legs to rock that outfit :lol: Here's another one:



    46 minutes ago, starlight said:

    That's really interesting thanks for posting. I was always curious about how she looked like, she does resemble Axl: her eyes, cheekbones and her nose too

    I totally agree. From what I can tell, she mostly looks like a female version of Axl. Genetics are so fascinating. I'd also be curious to see what his real dad looked like.

    32 minutes ago, Frey said:

    What blurry pictures? I've never seen any pics of Axls mom except the one dalsh just posted.

    These. I've always been curious about them because

    1) Where the hell did they come from? They look like someone went through a foto album or something belonging to someone in Axl's family and took some snaps. Which is pretty creepy. Anyone know where they're from or who posted them?

    2) They're so fucking blurry that you can hardly see anything anyway, so what even is the point of posting them on the internet?

    I'm assuming that's his mom there as well in that one and also one of the women in the second one. Does seem to have the cheekbones and facial structure from what I can tell.



    Adult Axl with family (can only recognise Stuart besides Axl and the old lady is probably his grandma):


    And as we already established (thanks @killuridols !) the guy in the lobster picture is not Axl's stepdad, but the guy sitting in the chair behind little Axl in that picture might be (or maybe it's a grandfather or an uncle or something). At least tiny Axl looks pretty happy in that picture (Thrilled about his present? Looks like Christmas or something).



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  9. @dalsh327 Thank you for posting that! Many of us here aren't American, so there would have been no way for me to ever find that. Please post everything you have (as long as it's not too inappropriate), because otherwise most people here will never get to see that stuff.


    2 hours ago, nn18 said:

    Though, I find it hard to see the resemblance, probably due to the fact that the picture is very bright and black and white, so her facial structure (and hair) are hard to see. 

    I think she definitely resembles him. If I tilt my screen, I can see the same cheekbones Axl has. Also the jawline, chin, etc seem the same, only a female version of what Axl has and therefore less pronounced. Same nose too it seems, but hard to tell.

    Also what other picture of his mother? As far as I know there wasn't one until now (except for some weird blurry pictures of her with all three children that randomly appeared somewhere once). Do you mean the one of Axl with the frizzy-haired woman that is often claimed to be his mother? Because that's not his mother, that woman was a tourist guide from Chile or something. At least according to previous discussion on that forum about that picture.


    5 hours ago, Slash787 said:

    Which Interview? link please?

    This one: http://www.oocities.org/rattlesnake_suitcase/indy91.htm


    1 hour ago, pinkforgirls said:

    I see the resemblance around the eyes. Does anyone know how Axl's relationship been with his brother and sister recently and currently?  

    He still seems to be pretty close with his sister. Probably Stuart as well, but we never hear anything from him.


    4 hours ago, stella said:

    IIRC from the various Rolling Stone interviews and such, Axl had broken contact with his stepfather by the early 90s. Axl didn't have that beard until they were toward the end of the UYI - going on that, it definitely couldn't be the stepfather. I agree with what was said below; it's probably the restaurant manager or a local promoter or some such person.

    And I agree, I do not think Axl would really be happy about anyone calling him Bill now, and that the people in his life would respect that. Since he went to the trouble of legally changing his name to Axl back in the day, he must have felt very strongly about how he wanted to be called.

    Axl does not like being called Bill at all. I've heard at least two people say that Axl got really mad at them when they accidentally called him Bill (Pamela Manning and Chris Weber I think).

    And let's not forget Axl even sued one of their managers for damages because of the emotional pain he caused him by referring to him as Bill Bailey in the court papers. I think it was Azoff who did that. And Axl sued him because that name was too tied to his abusive childhood and the traumas associated with it and he alleged that Azoff knew that and used Bill Bailey on purpose to hurt Axl.

    Irving Azoff is a gigantic douche if that is really how it went down :facepalm::max::anger:

  10. 2 hours ago, SerenityScorp said:

    “All the shows have been great that we’ve done so far,” Slash boasted about the tour.

    Good to see Slash feels as positive as most of us about the shows. :heart:

    “Yeah, everybody’s getting along,” although he admits that he his bandmates were skeptical at first. “We all were pretty positive that that would never happen,” he continued, “so it’s still sort of blowing our minds. It seems so surreal to me, but everybody’s really getting along great and I think everyone’s come a long way and it’s all cool.”

    And then he continues with "Anyhow, so how do you like living in Austin?". Seems like someone really doesn't want to talk too much about that topic. :rofl-lol:

    (I see our chances of ever hearing how exactly this reconciliation came about getting smaller and smaller :max:)

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  11. 38 minutes ago, default_ said:

    This is a fuckin joke, right?
    Most of what VR did is extremely generic teenage rock, Slither is one of the most generic poppy and commercial song they have. CD, while weird still has personality and some rock n roll momments to it and stands to a legit vision by its creator, Axl.

    Yes, this.

    Slither better than all of Chinese Democracy combined? Are you fucking kidding me? :facepalm: Opinions and personal preferences =/= fact.

    Personally, I actually really like Slither, it's one of my favorite VR songs, but in no way do I think it's better than all of CD combined. I can think of at least half a dozen CD songs that I like as much as Slither or even better (I think I actually prefer songs like Street of Dreams, Better, or Prostitute, come to think of it).

    Axl has produced one album with multiple songs that I like, Slash and Duff have produced two very generic and boring as fuck albums with VR that both contain about 2 or 3 songs that I enjoy. To me, they've therefore been about equally successfull in their ventures.

    (And let's not even speak of their solo records. Slash has produced a ton of shit with a few gems in between it, same goes for Izzy, and I can't even be bothered to check out Duff's more recent stuff.)

    Also, as far this not being a real band? Have you people even seen the videos and pictures of the actual shows? Of them interacting with each other? Those smiles and the joy on their faces are real. It's not just a "we're only doing this for the money" venture. These guys have been at each other's throats for decades, for Christ's sake. Give them time to get comfortable and gel with each other again. They're already well on their way there and it's only going to get better.




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  12. 15 hours ago, killuridols said:

    Shit, that picture embarasses me! :wacko:

    I guess it is from that Kirsten Stewart movie :scared:

    Yes, Meegan shut down her account but it doesn't mean she deleted it.

    Lol that Mandy girl, wtf, maybe she thinks pic is real? :confused:


    Yeah, kinda embarassing. And I didn't know that it's from a Kristen Stewart movie, that makes it even worse :rofl-lol:

    I'd still want to see Slash and Axl's reactions to that though lol.

    I don't know enough about how Instagram works. Usually, when I typed in her name there, she popped up, but her account was set to private. But now when you search for her, her account doesn't show up at all anymore. Just fan accounts. Does this mean she deleted it or can you somehow make yourself invisible/unsearchable on Insta?

    As for Mandy, I have no clue wtf she is thinking. The only thing I know about her is that she's Duff's ex-wife and that she used to play in a band. That's literally it.


    6 hours ago, stella said:

    *Mandy* is back now?! Wow, everyone's popping up! I have to say, if I were Meegan or Erin or any of them, I'd probably keep my 'real,' non-fan-oriented personal account under a fake name so nobody else could find it...

    Lol yeah, apparently. I have to say it amuses me how all these people from back then suddenly show up now. But I guess Mandy was still married to Duff when Slash was dating Meegan, so I guess they're friends maybe?


    1 hour ago, Angeles_ said:

    found this one... don't know if it was already posted :wow:

    Whole version:


    That's one of the pictures where I don't really mind his... man panties. :P

  13. Omg, look what I just saw on Tumblr. :wow:

    Duff's ex-wife Mandy (lol yet another person getting involved in the GnR telenovela? :P) came across this picture on Instagram and tagged Meegan. Wanted Meegan to see this charming Slaxl manip apparently :awesomeface:

    But is Meegan even still on Instagram? Didn't she delete her account or something?

    Still, I think it's hilarious. Meegan really should show this to Slash and Axl :rofl-lol:



    6 hours ago, Andy14 said:

    I hope he's reading this thread :popcorn:, we aren't wasting our time for nothing :max:

    (just kidding :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:, but he'll definitely learn something new)

    The baby wallaby thing is so freaking cute :wub:, thanks for posting. Btw. What subject was it that you wrote a GNR paper and took an exam? That's really cool!

    He's dancing like nobody's watching :headbang:. I love his dance moves, hope to see him dance more and more 

    Yes, it's full of helpful advice regarding every area of his life, from his clothes to his entourage :awesomeface:

    It was for my English class. I wrote about the history of the band, various band members' biographies, and a lot about the controversy surrounding the band.

    And I just looked at that thing (haven't looked at in years), and saw I even wrote like half a page about Beta. :facepalm: And I included lots of really nice pictures of Axl, Slash and the other band members. Hope my English teacher appreciated that :rofl-lol:


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  14. 1 hour ago, Andy14 said:

    Ha! I've seen this picture before but thought it was apron haha. It's cute to see this side of him, well, let's talk about tenderness :rofl-lol: #chinaexchangeguyapproves

    You really know a lot about the band, I'm impressed, learning something new every day. :hug: Keep it coming! :headbang:

    Ahahaha, yeah let's talk about tenderness. I'm sure the China Exchange guy would totally approve of this conversation.


    Our next topic of discussion should be Axl showering or drinking coffee, to keep things here interesting for China guy. :lol:

    Seriously though, it really is sweet how much he loves animals (and children). It's one of my favorite things about him.

    And well, I've been following this stupid band for way too long and have a talent for remembering useless shit. And I apparently enjoy reading crappy books like Craig Duswalt's. That's where it all comes from :P:facepalm:

    (Also, GnR was one of my subjects in my high school graduation exams. Really, I swear. :lol: I actually wrote a 30 page paper about GnR and then had to talk about it during oral exams :facepalm:. Does that make me a GnR scholar? :awesomeface:)

    And yeah, more Duff and Axl would be awesome too. Also more Sluff. Because Slash and Duff also don't seem as close as they used to be for some reason.


    1 hour ago, killuridols said:

    Yes, Slash needs to pull some really odd shit like KISS TONGUE THE GINGER! :rofl-lol:

    The stadium would implode, hahahahaaha.... and I'd die if that happened! :wow:

    Not gonna lie, I'd pay to watch that.

    45 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    ahahaaha that last pic is a BIG change because it's always Axl on the receiving end, if you know what I mean! :lol::rofl-lol:

    Let's all pray that Axl never ends up on Tumblr, rockfic.com or various other places. Because considering how worried he always is about people being after his ass, he would probably have a heart attack or something if he came across the thousands upon thousands of fan fics, photo manips, drawings etc that feature him taking it up the ass.

    God, I can't even imagine. Poor Axl would be so disturbed.

    The horror of it all.


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  15. And on a completely unrelated note (I swear I'll stop spamming now, I'm just babysitting right now and really bored ), I just came across this picture again.

    It's from Craig Duswalt's book and it has always amused me. Axl looks so tiny and precious there. I don't know if it's the weird girly hat he's wearing or what, but it's an interesting picture. And most importantly, he's wearing a a kind of baby sling! :lol:

    According to Duswalt, Axl made a baby sling out of towels and stuff to carry his baby wallaby around in it (apparently he had a baby wallaby for a while during the UYI tour?). Everywhere he went, he carried the baby with him in that pouch he made for it. Duswalt said it was sweet to see such a doting and paternal side to Axl :wub: It's such a cute story, I think. But also makes me kinda sad he never had a real baby to dote on :(



    29 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    Slash was VERY affectionate with Axl in the beginning of the band. He would go up to Axl, hug him and all. Now its like Axl looks more for Slash than the other way around. Maybe that was youth, drugs, alcohol, I dont know. Soften up ROCK Slash!! :slash::bitchfight:

    I've wondered before about what happened to their early closeness and affection. Maybe it had to do with them even living together for a while back then (both with Slash's family and in the dirty little hell holes they also lived in)? That would naturally bring them closer together. And after GnR became more and more famous, they started to drift apart or something. Or maybe it really was just the drugs.

    I agree with you that it's mostly Axl nowadays who tries to be affectionate and friendly with Slash. Slash always seems to react really well to that, but yeah, I also want him to initiate things for once. Just go up to him and give him a hug or something. Or poke him or kiss his chipmunk cheeks :awesomeface: Endless possibilities.

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  16. I love these two videos of Coma. I love how at around the 4 min mark, Axl starts leaning on Duff while singing and Slash joins them too. It's the holy trinity having a magical moment :wub:

    And this one is even closer up (also look at how Slash is smiling at Axl's introduction :wub: And Axl smiles at him really happily as well!):


    1 hour ago, killuridols said:

    haha I guess he did, i guess he did, kinky Izzy what the hell he's talking about? All of them wanted to do Axl! :rofl-lol::ph34r::smiley-confused2:

    Yup, he looks awesome in that era too, so much sensuality and androgynia (sp?) in just one man :heart: but yeah, no more thongs! he looks cool as he is now!

    I'm not so stoked by the Axl/Slash pictures. Slash still looks to me a bit aloof and not so fond of our ginger. Love between Axl and granpa Angus seemed more genuine to me.

    But that's ok. Maybe Slash needs more time to get used to Axl's squirrel movements, jokes and all that shit he does now. Slash must be confused because Axl was never that fun to be around before, lol :D

    How could anyone not want to do Axl back then? :lol: Hard for me to fathom lol. And they had to stare at his naked ass the entire show whenever he wore those thongs :awesomeface:

    I don't know, Slash has always seemed pretty calm and laid-back to me, so his behavior now seems pretty normal. And he really did seem pretty happy in that video of him and Axl laughing or the one where Axl showed him his T-shirt. He seemed to find that pretty funny. I'm not too worried, I think it will only keep getting better :wub:

    As for Axl and Angus, it's sweet that they get along so well, but that relationship doesn't really do it for me. Probably because I just can't get into AC/DC. I tried, but their songs are so same-y and boring to me. I mean they're fun rock songs and enjoyable at the concert and stuff, but I don't really connect with them. They don't touch me on an emotional level or anything and seeing one AC/DC concert in my life was probably enough for me :P


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  17. 2 hours ago, killuridols said:

    When did Izzy dress Axl? If it was in the 80s then I guess he dressed Axl pretty much like a stripper or a hoe!

    Keep Izzy away if now he'd try to make Axl wear those male thongs again! :smiley-confused2:


    Maybe Izzy enjoyed dressing Axl like a hoe!  :awesomeface::ph34r::smiley-confused2:

    (I mean, I sure enjoy looking at pictures from that phase. I even like the male thongs. On young glammy Axl they somehow were hot instead of cringeworthy... But please no thongs anymore nowadays :rofl-lol:)

    Seriously though, Izzy was really into Hanoi Rocks, so he probably just dressed Axl up like Mike Monroe and himself like Andy McCoy or something like that.


    Loving all these Izzy/Axl pictures, by the way. They were so adorable together back then. I also always liked this band picture: I like how Axl is leaning on Izzy there. And Duff is so tall and pretty and gorgeous in that picture. And Slash is pretty sexy too. And Axl was beautiful as well in that photo shoot. I guess I love that entire photo shoot :wub:



    Btw, the Slaxl pictures also just keep on coming. Do you guys realise that we're soon going to have more Slaxl pictures just from this reunion than from their entire previous life? :wow: I'll need to make a new folder just for the NITL pictures or something :facepalm:





    And Duff, because he's cute in this one:






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  18. On 28.6.2016 at 6:00 PM, killuridols said:

    My dear Lumikki, you're so organized with your replies that it makes me love you every day more!:rofl-lol: 

    I don't know where to start now, though, lol! Let's see... I don't know any of those other women, I have no clue who they are, except for Sasha and now this Ellen Jarbour girl who seems to be back riding on that affair :rolleyes:

    Looks weird to me there are pictures of Axl actually kissing that woman or paparazzi pics of them in the streets. This whole PR stunt, as you say, only makes me sad for Axl. I remember 2006 was a big year for him, although the braids and the suits are horrible (I agree with you) his body was really cool, wasn't fat at all, pretty much looking like in the 90's. Don't know why he had to go that route of so many women at once. And Sasha? That woman is a total mistery for me, because if you think about it, she's the common denominator here. All those women are gone now but she's still around so I don't know what's the deal with her and if she really dates Axl (even if it's on-off) I don't get how she could put up with all that crap for so long. I mean, some sort of self esteem must you have, right? :rolleyes:

    Anyway, thanks for the pictures and explanations! As for Jarbour and her new interview on the car... I'm not perfect in Portuguese but I understand quite a deal and to me it sounded like she was just bragging about it for the sake of promotion.

    She acted like she was embarrassed to be asked about Axl Rose (that's why she puts on glasses and pretends to blush) but then she said she is a big fan of the band, that she escaped home to go see them in the 90's and that at some point she was mistaken by Axl, like people thought she was him because she was wearing ripped jeans and a bandana.

    Looks like years after that she started modeling and is/was a VJ for MTV Brazil and maybe that's how she connected to the Lebeis family. I don't think she was randomly called to translate Axl onstage, I think she already had a connection with either Fernando or Vanessa, but she says that after that she was invited to go touring with GNR around the world and she got to see 22 shows from the stage.

    Then she explains she was with Axl for 3 years, 2 of them very intense and the last one with some problems. That it ended because of the distance and because of other things she rather keep them private.:shrugs:

    And that was it. My impression is that she uses this piece of known information to promote her career and that she probably adds more spark to it than it really had. When she talks about it she acts strange, like she wants to say things but can't or don't want to, it's like always holding on stuff. She giggles a lot and that sounds strange to me. I have never giggled when talking about a serious relationship of mine. Also, she didn't have one word for Axl, talked about him or said anything of him as a person like other people do. Calls my attention as well.

    Lastly, I think the way Axl is dressing now is the best he has since the 80s and 90s. His legs and butt are perfect for wearing jeans, sneakers look amazing on him. I just wish he'd lose that big belly, hehe. If he does, he will look perfect again! :headbang:

    "Organized" is a nice way to put it. :lol: Other people might rather call it a bit OCD or something :P

    I agree. Axl in 2006 looked great, apart from his hair and some of his outfits. He could have had a major comeback in 2006, if the reunion had happened then and if he had looked a bit more like he does now styling-wise. He would still have been very attractive then to most people and his voice was great. I saw him at a concert in 2006 and he was amazing.

    And yes, Sasha is a mystery. Maybe she's still around because she doesn't just hang with Axl, she also seems to be pretty close to the Lebeis family. I remember she posted something on Instagram once about babysitting Beta's grandchildren. But not Vanessa or Fernando's kids, but the children of that other son that Beta has. The one that we never see (Alejandro or something?) lol.

    Thanks for the detailed explaination about Ellen. Interesting to hear.

    And I agree, Axl's style right now is pretty awesome as well. And yep, without the beer belly he'd look pretty damn fine...


    On 28.6.2016 at 5:56 PM, Andy14 said:

    I hate to say that but I really like this look :wub:


    I like it too. But like I just said above, I think his style in general is pretty cool these days. Most of the time at least :P He looks like a rockstar again, and not some kind of... I don't even know.

    On 28.6.2016 at 6:40 PM, MillionsOfSpiders said:

    Sophie Anderton is or was an English model, she's been on shed loads of reality TV programs, but she's best known for snorting cocaine and making an arse of herself in public! 

    She's given conflicting accounts of what happened the one night they partied together, from she pulled him cos he's Axl to he was just a sweetie and they had a kiss but nothing more. He probably shagged her then :lol:

    Yeah, probably :lol: Thanks for sharing that, I didn't remember anymore what exactly her deal was, just that she was also linked to Axl back then.


    On 28.6.2016 at 6:25 PM, Frey said:

    After Izzy stopped dressing Axl, things just went downhill from there :lol:

    Maybe if he really can't be back in the band, they could hire him as Axl's stylist or something. :lol: Izzy still seems to be a snappy dresser.

    I've noticed Izzy and Axl sharing clothes in the early days. Like the glittery gold shirt for example.

    Izzy wore it on stage a couple of times...



    Axl wore it to this photoshoot...



    I don't know why, but the guys sharing clothes is really adorable to me for some reason :lol::wub:

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  19. On 27.6.2016 at 3:50 PM, killuridols said:

    wow Lumi, you made this screenshots?? they are amazing, thank you so much!! :hug:

    Haha yeah, I couldn't resist taking some when I watched that video :P

    As for Ellen Jabour, yeah, I remember her. She was said to be dating Axl or having some kind of affair with him some years ago.

    I never paid it much mind though because Axl was linked to A LOT of women in the 2006-2011 years.

    Besides Ellen Jabour (and Sasha of course), I also remember Dyan O'Connor, Kat Mack, Sophie Anderton, Lindi Hingston, Lana Del Rey and a couple of others. I don't even know who the fuck most of them are supposed to be, except that they're all some kind of models or socialites.

    A lot of these "relationships" were assumed to be PR stunts or just random flings, so I always kind of assumed the same about Ellen Jaobour. Interesting that she starts talking now though. Did she give any details about her supposed relationship with Axl or did she just say they dated for 2-3 years?


    Anyway, besides Ellen Jabour we've also seen him pictured with this weird Kat Mack woman. And look at the third picture- it kinda looks like it already has our friend Andrei in it? Seems Andrei has been around for a long time :rolleyes::facepalm:




    And the Dyan woman:




    And Sasha of course :rolleyes:



    And well, these pictures with Lana Del Rey and I'm sure I'm forgetting some others. Axl was linked to so many different women over these years (and while he was supposedly dating Sasha), that I agree with @Padme - I don't believe he was serious about a single one of them, whether it's Ellen, Sasha or anyone else. Either they're all just there for PR reasons, they're friends, or he's just screwing around.

    Here's the Ellen Jabour thread from back then btw, in case anyone's interested.



    And speaking of fashion, the fashion phase I hated most was when he was dressed like in this picture (seeing that picture just reminded me how much I hated that). Fancy CEO/banker suits are just so... not Axl at all. The sports jerseys and long braids were horrible as well. 

    I love the way Axl dressed in the early days of Gnr up until about 1989/1990. UYI Axl was... okay. The teeny tiny shorts were nice to look at of course, but I wasn't very fond of the rest.



    Also, to get rid of all the horrible images, let's have some Slaxl :wub::







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