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Posts posted by smokingarthur

  1. 31 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    The output of Stones doesn’t bother me because they have quite literally dozens of albums and hundreds of songs. I would love new music sure but I think when you have this significant of an output I could really care less if you’re not releasing albums into your 80’s.

    Gnr though? For fucks sake, this band has 4 albums of original material, 5 if you count Lies. Stones deserve to be a touring act at this point-Guns can do whatever they want but it’s objectively shitty they’re a nostalgia act with this little material. 

    The Stones are at the very top of the pyramid. They don’t have to release anything, they’ve already secured their position as the greatest rock band in history. 

    Obviously with GNR, it’s a different story. And when I say “GNR”, I really mean “Axl”. The band in all its incarnations have never been the determining factor in how little was recorded and released.

    It must suck on many levels to be a talented musician tied to a band that doesn’t do much but tour. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, Cosmo said:

    And that’s mostly GnR’s fault. The less you release stuff, the more expectation you generate around the “next release” and so the more pressure you’ll get from fans. Pretty natural. Fans get “one shot” at a GnR album every tao decades, so I understand getting pissed if you think it sucks. If they released an album every three or four years like a normal band, maybe fans would chill and it would give them a lot more space to experiment.

    GNR’s output verges on criminal. Axl should have just started his own band like “Axl’s Roses” or some other corny play on GNR. Keeping that GNR brand going with next to no output all these years have soured his most endearing fans. 

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  3. On 7/12/2022 at 12:39 AM, jamillos said:

    There are Pele's disciples I see. They used over 10 studios; we've heard stuff from one of them. Tommy said Axl worked on something each and every year. That doesn't sound the same way as just two or three acceptable unfinished songs from the Village leaks to choose from...

    Unfortunately it may turn out that Axl wasn’t nearly as prolific as we were led to believe. It seems he had many ideas and worked on many odds and ends. Each track required so many countless demos and enhancements that Axl was spread too thin to execute on all his grandiose plans. I don’t believe there are enough adequate vocals to finish a album. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Tom2112 said:

    The catchiest track on the village leak was state of grace, and it was unfinished... Everything after that was a bit meh, some good ideas but to me they were half cooked. I don't think the village leak is the entirety of Axls CD vault though. I definitely won't be saying anything definite of what isn't there, I will say the leaks were not A+ material though, but that's not to say there isn't something else worth releasing. 

    Pity Slash and Duff traded in their spines, they should be saying "these songs aren't good enough" but they just want to keep the juggernaut on the road without any unnecessary tensions.

    I bet there is some ongoing tension here and there but it’s quickly subdued when Slash and Duff check their bank accounts.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Gordon Comstock said:


    I think something like Catcher or maybe Prostitute would've worked well if this lineup released it, but Atlas just seems like a b-side. It's bland.

    It's totally possible that the current version is better than the village demo (maybe it was improved over time, like TWAT) but I can't imagine the decades of tinkering have improved the song that much.

    Perhaps has better potential to reach casual fans IMO, but it needs a 2nd verse...

    Axl doesn’t have any cutesy songs like Chili Peppers, the bar is set very very high for GNR. Perhaps might reach more people but you can’t have an album full of B sides and expect to have any traction from it. Hence the situation we have been in for awhile. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Tom2112 said:

    It was supposed to be around the time they hit the road. Not impossible they get released before the wrap of this tour but also a little unlikely. 

    Whatever they release had better be head and shoulders above the two D+ songs from last year though

    Herein lies the problem, there aren’t any A rate songs in the pool of songs that have been “completed”. I think HS was released as the sole catchy rocker tune that ultimately didn’t catch on. There aren’t any “big guns” left, certainly there are no tracks that would move the needle in 2022. 

  7. 1 hour ago, jimisbatman said:

    What's the last predictions of when the two songs Slash mentioned will see the light of day? 

    With regards to those tracks that were mentioned previously by Slash, I believe Axl got wind of Slash’s comments and the minor fallout from them in the GNR community. I believe that Axl will leverage those comments by using them as the new, new-material goalpost. 

    No longer are we waiting on an album, there’s no album nor is there a promise of one. Instead, we are waiting on a couple of “new” singles which will validate Slash’s comments, bring Axl closure on the “new material” front and finally shut up the wretched super-fans. 

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  8. 25 minutes ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    I call bullshit. If they wanted to release something they would’ve, it’s not rocket science. Sick of GNR and their 10,000 excuses when it comes to new music.

    This is not in regards to an album, this is likely the singles Slash was referring to. It could very well be true. But it’s exactly what we are expecting, nothing more nothing less. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, DTV88 said:

    So, then the answer is no. No one on this board has ever heard or claimed to have any? Cool. I’ll just assume any time someone mentions CD2 as being “out there”, they’re talking out their ass 👍🏻

    The mythical CD2 may have just been a companion EP or LP with some track overlap from CD. The idea that it’s full of completely fresh tracks from the CD recording sessions I find more and more unlikely as time passes. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Sweersa said:

    This is not true. By the time the 2008 album was released, there was another album ready to go. Axl more of less confirmed this during his chat, and again in an interview years later. 2008 CD wasn't the best 14 songs out of the 2-3 albums of finished material they had at the time, that should be apparent from what we have all heard from the Village leaks. 

    With that being said, CD is a good "sampler" of the type of material that spans the two albums. CD2 being a bit darker in parts, however. CD2 also never had DJ Ashba added, at last by 2013. It was Bucket/Robin stuff, touched some by Bumblefoot, and likely Frank as well, just like the 2008 album. Had CD2 of been released 2009-2014, it, like CD would have similar style of songs, good songs, a few stinkers, and some amazing tracks too, the "big guns" as they say.

    I'm of the strong opinion it is a damn shame we never got this album as intended during this time. We thought CD in 2008 was overproduced, and CD2 would have been as well of course, but now we're going to get CD2 ran through the NITL grinder and end up with an album mixed and mastered like Absurd, and Hard Skool, and I hope I'm wrong on that and they actually take care in that release, leaving the best work from those who made those songs, adding some Duff and Slash, Melissa, Frank, then appropriate, and then mixing and mastering it well, which is unlikely from what we have heard. 

    I’ll choose to advocate for the Devil in this regards until proven otherwise. I don’t believe those songs exist in completed form. I do believe Axl spent some years trying to assemble tracks from old recordings of his, but I don’t believe it amounted on much. The reason we don’t have an album is because there isn’t an album to release. There’s all these 75% finished ideas that no one really knows what to do with. 

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

    Hoarders over ten years ago had a lot more stuff than what has leaked thus far, but most of the ones I knew are no longer around.

    Hopefully one or more eventually say "fuck it" and release what they have for the amusement of themselves, and enjoyment of the fans.

    All we know for certain is that The General exists with vocals. For all we know those other hoarded songs are just alternate mixes of what we have and alternate takes of ideas likely without vocals. I think there was a period where hoarders and enthusiasts were trying to fool each other into “trading” songs, but it turned out nobody really had any. It was an MSL approach that no longer worked. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Cosmo said:

    Lol makes absolutely no difference to me. I think I’ve listened to Absurd like 3-4 times tops and Hard Skool definitely less than 10 times. Bad thing is the setlist would be better off with some CD deepcuts than with either of them, though.

    I agree, I wish I could have my $1.34 back for purchasing Absurd. I’d rather spend the money on .20 gallon of gas. 

    It’ll be kinda funny when the next single ends up dropping and it’s a total Fuck You to us all. Rehashing OMG would serve that purpose. That’s why I’m thinking that’ll be the one. 

    • Like 2
  13. 17 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

    Slash is of course entirely aware of the danger of indicating a release date for GN'R music, he knows Axl better than any of use. That he then went as far as to suggest something could come out around June suggests things must have been pretty advanced at that time and that a release date in June was likely set internally. That it doesn't come to fruition shouldn't surprise anyone and definitely shouldn't cause frustration when even Slash himself wouldn't commit to a date or promise anything.

    I believe he felt that he had enough clout at that point based on what was discussed with Axl and TB previously that he was pretty confident that it might possibly maybe somehow probably occur. But it seems Axl likely had a change of heart, or the planetary alignment isn’t quite to his liking. 

    • GNFNR 1
  14. 1 minute ago, AxlSlashthebest said:

    do you really want another "absurd" or "hard shool" ?

    I’m not expecting anything revolutionary and earth shattering from this band. But I would take anything I can get, doesn’t mean I’ll like the results. But anything is better than nothing. GNR forever living off a tiny catalog of songs is getting old. 

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  15. 1 minute ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    I don’t believe Slash anymore since he lied, intentional or not, about new music coming out this June. He ranked himself as useful in interviews as Fortus, to my eyes.

    June isn’t over yet, on top of which, that may have been the tentative plan until Axl put the kibosh on it. 

    We are pretty sure they have at least a few more songs that are ready to go. The only thing holding them back is Axl.

    I’d love to be a fly in the wall during those conversations between Slash, Duff & Axl regarding new music. I’m sure in those instances Axl’s bipolarity kicks in real quick…

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