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Posts posted by JONEZY

  1. I think there was something rather corporate and silly about the addiction to MTV Unpluggeds in the 90s. Yes, there were a few classic shows (Nirvana, Clapton) and it helped trigger a Kiss reunion but, from a point every band seemed to be roped into doing these records.

    Yes. And they were busy touring from 91-93. Then they needed a break. Then the band began to fall apart. By the time they would have been ready to do "Unplugged", the fad was dying down.


    Sucks we gotta wait 18 months, but I am interested in their new stuff. Hopefully Dave and the Van Halen brothers can get along.

  2. Farm aid was great. I remember waiting all day for GnR to come on. Had to wait through all the country music stuff, but finally they came on and played a new song. Then finished with "Down on the Farm". Watched that VHS tape for years until it finally wore out. Thank goodness for you-tube.

  3. Good posts Bono. People seem to forget that this was 2002, a year after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Even Axl has to go through customs/security when going to another country which takes some time, and Axl wasn't even in the country yet. For the 1st show of the North American tour!! Of course, the rest of the band was there.

    Wouldn't surprise me at all if this was planned by Axl to get some publicity.

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  4. I seem to remember Axl saying something like Slash/Zakk playing together(auditioning) just sounded like 'noise'. Both playing over each other, no give and take. They are both lead guitar players who are used to playing lead all the time.

  5. 48 Hrs & Trading Places his 2 best flicks.

    How does someone go from being that friggin' hilarious to mostly awful? You'd think he woulda eventually found his groove again these last 15 years or whatever, but... :confused:

    I agree. I remember a few years ago Charlie Murphy( Eddies brother) was doing some radio shows and said that Eddie was going to do stand up comedy again. But it never happened. Eddie probably wanted to be a 'serious actor' and once he didn't get the Oscar for Dreamgirls, he got pissed off and semi-retired.

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