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Posts posted by Jabberwocky

  1. On 6/18/2020 at 9:06 AM, Len Cnut said:

    Everyone kinda took for granted that Lauryn had kinda just given up on music.  And I can't see why not either because, unless I'm very much mistaken, she still ain't released shit in terms of new material.  Quite frankly I wasn't a great fan of Miseducation anyway, I kinda liked her with The Fugees.

    I don't think it was because she gave up on music. She did try to release an Unplugged album in 2002 (I think) but her voice was shot, she was trying an instrument (acoustic guitar) that she barely knew how to play, her "new material" was unfinished, etc. From what I heard she stole everything from Miseducation so that's probably why she never did a proper follow up. She ended up with a massive ego (wanting to be called Ms Hill) and either was late to live performances or never showed up at all. I'm the same age as her and it's weird to think she peaked when she was 23 years old. She has been promising new music longer than Chinese Democracy but fails to deliver. There's a solid reason why Pras and Wyclef want NOTHING to do with her, during the end of The Fugees and after their failed comeback.

  2. 4 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

    I googled it :lol:  Is it actually a narrative film, or is it just poo porn? :lol:

    It was one of those super artsy anthology series flicks :lol: The Japanese have their own way of transgressive film making. They cover up the naughty bits for censorship but have no problem showing a girl being a fudge fountain:lol:

  3. 13 hours ago, EvanG said:

    You look a bit like Gene Hackman in Enemy Of The State, except a lot younger,

    The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways ...


    Thank you for being the only person, so far, who hasn't said "hey man, you look like Drew Carey"


    12 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

    I wish I was fuckin' Jabberwockys neighbour, he's my fuckin' ideal person to live next door too.  Fuckin' music and freaky Texas Chainsaw videos and shit being made next door, life would never be boring again!

    :lol: Thanks man. Having you around would be better than the ultra Bible thumpin folks around here. Cost of living is cheap too. What most people would spend on a house with a backyard the size of a postage stamp, you could get a decent house and 30+ acres of land.


    10 hours ago, Dazey said:

    If you ever get to fulfill that wish do us a favour and sneak a look at his crawlspace. Because y'know, things...... :lol: 

    :PNah, I take the corpses and feed them to the pigs. No fuss, no muss. Putting them in my crawlspace would be tedious and back breaking. Plus I'd have to deal with the smell. Dead bodies smell like cat piss and ammonia


    10 hours ago, action said:

    for me, it's this book I am writing. It looks like henry jones' diary, with old leather binding. Entirely hand written, it contains excursions on the state of the world, human interactions and other insanities. I imagine, in 100 years time someone will find this book and will spend the rest of his life trying to dechipher it.

    Chase the dream my man. The world needs another Codex Gigas :)

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  4. Finished watching all 3 seasons of The Leftovers. I haven't been so moved by a TV show in such a long time. The writing, the acting, the directing, etc is so full of emotion. Only had 28 episodes but there is not one second of it wasted or feels padded out. It mixes in existentialism, the supernatural, comedic moments, desperation, religion, etc. It's a show that doesn't answer what happened to the 2% of the world population that vanished but how they are dealing with it. That answer of the 2% doesn't even need a tidy wrapped up ending because it is ultimately not important.  It is perfectly balanced. It's a shame that the only DVD releases are in PAL format.

  5. Tumbling Doll Of Flesh

    Women's Flesh: My Red Guts


    Those are the SWF covers

    Here are the NSFW covers



    I've seen these before because I have bootlegs of them that were transferred from not-so great VHS quality and without English subtitles. These new and improved copies I have came from Massacre Video with the original print and subtitles.

    The plots to both films are very paper thin. These are more for gore hounds, like myself.

    Tumbling Doll Of Flesh is about 2 amateur porn actors who want to leave during the production when various types of BDSM are introduced. Needless to say the crew tortures and kills them in such gruesome ways. Really fucked up ways. Turns into a snuff film.

    Woman's Flesh: My Red Guts is about a man who dumps his girlfriend. She ends up getting pissed off, depressed, and suicidal. Not to give too much away with the acts she does to herself, she basically eats herself.

    Rating: Again the plots are thin but that's kind of the point with these types of films. Acting is very passable. The practical effects and sound design are top notch. It looks VERY real.

  6. 13 hours ago, SoundOfAGun said:

    "Things I've Seen" is creepy as fuck! 

    Good, that means it did it's intended job LOL. If you look at the envelope you'll see that it's a PO Box address from Hollywood. To give it that extra oomph I decided to use a crude steak knife instead of one of those clean and precise letter openers. I wanted to have that tearing and ripping sound match the visual of bloodstains on that envelope. Put it in the viewers mind's psychologically that whoever had it in their possession before met a gory ending. Just wait until you see the next one and the ones after that. Shit's gonna get amped up.


    12 hours ago, Dean said:

    I wish you all the strength in the world my man. It's great that you are able to turn any struggles that you deal with in life into something so creative, I hope it brings you a lot of satisfaction and in the long run help keep away from anything you're trying to stay clear of. Keep your head up and I hope to be watching more of these soon!

    I appreciate that man. My struggles with booze was a long time and the reason I quit was because of my first kid. I didn't want him to have an alcoholic for a dad. I had a brother who had 3 kids and he drank himself to death. Died 3 days before he turned 40. I didn't want that for mine. They actually did help me with some of the stuff for the web series. One did camera work and the other is in the series itself. Small role but very pivotal. I have fun doing this stuff even if the view counts are low LOL

    • Like 3
  7. 5 hours ago, lame ass security said:

    I really liked the imagery and music in the WaterghOst pieces, very cool. And the how not to play Lowlife was hilarious.  But man, the 100 proof Conversation was fantastic. I was cracking up but the sadness was captured also. The acting was really good in it also, is that you? Great job.

    Thanks. I didn't want to do 100 Proof as a total downer where the whole thing is bleak. I think you got to have the sweet with the sour. And yes that is me. Right now I'm a crew of one LOL. I've never taken any kind of classes. It's just something I had to learn on my own.


    4 hours ago, Dean said:

    Great work man and I agree with LAS, 100 Proof Conversation was brilliant. 

    Thank you so much. A good majority of it is pulled from my life. Trying not to cave in to alcohol relapse is the main one. Also the part about me getting so drunk that I did naked truck surfing is 100 percent true LOL


    3 hours ago, EvanG said:

    ''I've run out of fucks to give''. Nice one. Good job and keep it up!

    LOL thanks. I kinda said the word "fuck" a bit much but it fits in context. I have more stuff coming on the way, hopefully once this corona virus is over with. The main one I want to finish is Hearts Are Always Killed. That's been my baby for 4 years now. I have 3 other shorts I want to do. One is called Pailhead which is a comedy of errors. Another called Last Cigarette and one called The Customer Is Always Right. Also film the last 3 parts of the Things I've series.

    • Like 3
  8. I do make my own original music and there are posts of them already on the forum. I just wanted to share some of my music videos I made for other people and some short films. I hope you all will like.

    Soap Scum


    How NOT To Play "Lowlife" (A Poppy Fan-Edit Parody Video)


    Watergh0st - Distortion (Music Video)


    Watergh0st - Killer (Music Video)


    100 Proof Conversation (Short Film)


    Hearts Are Always Killed - OFFICIAL Teaser


    Things I've Done


    Things I've Seen


    • Like 4
  9. I think everybody here has said exactly what I'd say. It's some of the best shit I've ever heard. As far as levels go, I like that the vocals are more out in the open, especially the subject matter. I nerd out over lyrics LOL. I don't know much about trying to get any label's attention, at least not on a major scale but it's been the same for a long time. You'll have 100 doors slammed in your face before one opens.

    Labels are bean counters, always have been. Payola has never went away.

    • Thanks 1
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