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Posts posted by Jabberwocky

  1. On 7/16/2020 at 11:26 AM, soon said:

    Ahh, yes! I cant see the pic - maybe why Jabbs was asking, too.

    And we even get to watch her lead a revolution in Hunger Games! :wub: Proof that God loves us all very much 

    Oh I could see it :) I've never watched Hunger Games. Only thing I really know about her is some people from 4chan leaked a shit load of nude pics of her.

  2. Samurai Cop (1991)

    Holy balls this is one the best unintentionally funny movies made. So much is wrong with this film it's hard pinpoint it. It's like the director watched Lethal Weapon and said "yeah I can do something that". The fight scenes are so gloriously clumsy. The tone of the film is all over the place. The dialog is laughable where you can tell what is improvised. You can tell that was meant to be a serious buddy cop movie but it doesn't work AT ALL. Here's a "best of" compilation. If you are into "so bad it's good" movies, this will not disappoint you

    Best scene from this


    EDIT: Oh Hell Yeah, there is a Rifftrax (the guys who did Mystery Science Theater 3000) version of this. This is going to be even more awesome :lol:

  3. Just a little something I threw together tonight. I had a few in me so in no ways is it complete, just a snippet. This is something I'm submitting for a Twin Peaks fan film called Queen Of Hearts. It's very Peaksy but not a complete rip off of Angelo Badalamenti.


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  4. Christine (2016)

    Biopic of Florida news anchor Christine Chubbuck who committed suicide on-air in 1974. Not to spoil it too much but she was a very depressed woman who tried to human interest stories she cared about instead of "if it bleeds, it leads" stories. And the struggles behind a very male dominated field. The acting and story was top notch, especially from Rebecca Hall, who played Chubbuck. 4 out of 5. I'd recommend


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  5. Ig1euaI.jpg

    Ensuring Your Place In Hell

    This is a hard to find bootleg that consists of 4 "shorts"

    #1 - Mortuary Of The Dead. A couple of people break into a morgue and film the inside of it. Lotta fetuses in jars, bodies in various states of decomposition (even some that are dismembered), some decapitated heads in pails. There's hardly any dialog spoken and from signs to different rooms this is in a Spanish/Latin country. The video quality is quite shit and has tape crinkle/tracking problems but the timecode shows it is from 1992

    #2 - Cooking With Huck Botko. This a compilation of short films where "Huck" hates his family members and makes desserts with the nastiest of ingredients. There's one where he makes a fruitcake for his dad but pays homeless people to spit in it. One where he makes a baked Alaskan for his mother and uses maggots and other shit from roadkill into the dish. One where he makes a cheesecake for his sister but puts the blood of people with Hepatitis as glaze. Lastly he makes a graham cracker cheese pie for his brother that has (uncensored) various men ejaculating into the pie and the crust. It's fucking sick but those videos have been debunked as fake as Huck is actually a established film director/writer. These videos were done in the 90's.

    #3 - Exploding Varmits. Not too much to say about this one. Basically a hunting video of these guys going on to various farms to kill squirrels, prairie dogs, groundhogs, etc. for population control. Only things that might be disturbing is the glee these people have over killing these varmits and the other is when these critters explode, they "explode". They use high powered rifles with ballistic bullets. Kinda boring to me as I had to do the same shit when I grew up and raised on a farm. The difference being is I never used firepower to make them blow the fuck up.

    #4 - Grave Robbing For Morons. This one, oh boy. It's just a cameraman and a young guy talking about how he robs graves for decomposed bodies parts to sell them on the black market. He gets very detailed about how to rob the graves and how to take care of the skeletal remains. What makes it so fucked up is the entire time he's explaining it, he is holding a legit skull that he's stole. The guy also has a stuttering problem. He looks between 15 to 20, at best. There are a few times where the footage fades in and out but the audio remains.

    Overall, I'd give it a 2.5 out of 5 because of the two segments (Cooking With and Grave Robbing) are the only thing interesting.


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