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Posts posted by Route66

  1. Bumble as far as i'm aware had no intention of ever staying for the long term.

    I don't understand how you come to that conclusion. He waited around and played Slash's parts for 8 years.

    He was well paid for his service. Bumble said it himself before it became public knowledge. He thought it was private on his forum but it wasn't. GNR management was informed about his mercenary attitude and it almost blew his chance. He deleted every single post on his forum referring to GNR and in some cases those posts were taking the piss out of GNR!

  2. If something does come out I hope it's songs recorded during the CD era (with Buckethead, Finck & Brain). I actually bet it will be that with the new members doing some overdubs on it. I'll happily take it if that's what it is.

    I do wonder what happened to the rumored self-titled album in 2010 though...

    I would guess it's the same record. They haven't recorded a whole lot of stuff after those 26 songs stated in 2006.

    They may have a couple of new songs with Dj. Baz claimed to have heard a Dj Axl song.

    Fortus supposedly recorded songs in the CD era sessions and has been finishing it off etc.

    I think some may remain. Ultimately the song does :P but i dont think we'll see anything for a while. If it was good enough we'd of seen a release of them sooner than this.

  3. Tongue in cheek comment from a guy that didnt rate GNR from the get go but used it for personal gain and continues to do so. "Lead guitarist for Guns n Roses" - check out any of his numerous flyers, posters, adverts.. when in actual fact the lead role was shared between all 3 guitarists. Great guitarist but MERCenary. Plus by all accounts and inside knowledge he's already gone..

    Truth is GNR fans have been used by this guy and a few other people. He'll readily defend himself (which is his career) and i understand that, totally.. he's entitled to.. he's a fantastic guitarist and went through a lot of rough stuff with his accident etc. I for one am grateful for many things he brought to GNR. Truth is i was on his forum well before he joined and i saw exactly what he wrote about GNR. I saw the replies to rumors and i saw the disdain. Maybe Axl needs people loyal to him again that care about GNR as much as he does himself.

    Ron no offence intended. Like able guy but you are not a Guns N Roses guitarist.

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  4. Sales?? Do you think Axl cares much? If he did he would probably have promoted it. IMO what Axl cares about is how it's received by old fans and new fans alike. I honestly think the album was a success on many fronts. It didnt sell initially but Best Buy paid up front which took the risk away for the release. Tours since have been successful. Initial reviews were "ok" but since.. CHIDEM these days gets great reviews online. Win win and big fucking win.. or bullet dodged depending how you look at it. It could easily have been a huge flop. The pressure was unbelievable. I believe Axl delivered and then some. Not that it should have ever been his job to do on his own.. pretty rough responsibility to be left with.. the legacy of GNR!!!

    Pity the new band cant stay together. Time will tell what happens and probably be the new legacy of the band for future generations. Slash and Axl to reunite? I think everyone hopes so. They are incredible apart but united these two artists could potentially go some way to fulfilling their original potential. Maybe even surpass it and release great music into their old age like the late great BB King. Music changes and so do artists.

  5. Duff won't say a word. He's the bridge between dysfunctional elements. The new GNR band is done as far as i can tell. Until i'm told otherwise Axl might actually be quitting unless he wants one last pay day that actually makes a difference in the world. it's not about money. but it helps :)

  6. Bumble from day one was off to a bad start. He knows nothing about the background and whats going on and he is now doing exactly what some people expected.. myself included.. and that's interviews as a member or ex-member of GNR. Bumble as far as i'm aware had no intention of ever staying for the long term. Before GNR he was a great guitarist/songwriter with a following. Now he has a worldwide audience. It was partly about self promotion and who would ever deny the guy. I even heard people say he never liked GNR in the first place back when he joined. Each to their own. I did hear he grew to love the GNR fans which is good i guess. Can't blame him for leaving when there's old members trying to get back together again. I think that Ron frankly would love to see the AFD lineup back together again, at least for a bit of time.

  7. Did Axl like it? I heard he did. I think his vocal over that would have been pretty fucking good...

    Closest imo to GNR sound for a while and i will never tire of listening to it.. all thanks to Izzy and Slash. Look at the old family tree of GNR.. it's always been like this. I really hope the guys that play well together and write songs together get to just not give a fuck one more time and do it.. the past is just that.

  8. BBF was very open about using the GNR name to further his career a year before joining. He didnt like GNR then and sure as fuck doesnt now. I know for a fact Merck knew

    Evidence, please.

    Merck has it.

    Plus with in minutes of the news breaking he deleted a shitload of posts from his site. dont believe? i really dont care. ask Merck. He has the screen shots

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