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Subtle Signs

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Status Updates posted by Subtle Signs

  1. I've been GN'R-educating people on here for TEN YEARS and I can only get ONE PERSON to vote for me to win a MOTLEY CRUE/ALICE COOPER contest by clicking this link? ! Thanks Bacardi (and he HATES the Crue!) Click these links , watch a video and listen to some song previews while logged into Tunespeak through Facebook! Thanks! https://www.tunespeak.com/p/55e90f3b69702d5d2c0032c9

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DR DOOM

      DR DOOM

      I don't FB either, otherwise I would have voted for you once for every copy of Chinese Democracy sold so far.

    3. LyndaRose


      We could not log you in: You can't log in to this app because you do not meet this app's requirements for country, age or other criteria.

    4. Subtle Signs

      Subtle Signs

      Thanks for trying guys! My friend lives in Australia and she was able to log in. As I said there might be a way to log into Tunespeak with email rather than facebook but facebook seems to be the easiest way.

  2. I guess if you have stuck around this long then I can take you out of the "gay guys pretending to be girls" group that seem to invade this Forum every so often.

  3. It's good to be home,Broham! 5 stars! Though sometimes you'll see me on GNFNRS!

  4. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna check out more of Coopers stuff. I'd even consider checking him out at one of his own headline shows. I was surprised how many of his songs I knew at the show. This is one of the first times I have really enjoyed a show without knowing pretty much all of the songs. I haven't seen Kerri or Jimmy play in years but I enjoyed them as well.

  5. I went into the show having seen Rob a bunch of times and I had never seen Cooper. I expected to enjoy Rob more than Alice but the exact opposite happened. I even went out and got my first AC album after the show (a greatest hits but still a start) I love the way he blended his set. I even thought Dirty Diamonds was an old song from the way it mixed in with his others.

  6. Any Slash fan is a friend of mine. See my signature. Post MORE pics!

  7. PS- People HATE that I use GNR-Educators You'd think I was cussing out their Mothers. I put it in my signature as a tribute to you.

  8. Stick around (again) 5 stars!

  9. I may need your help after with this computer proxy shit people keep talking about on here to get around the once per day voting rule for the Zombie/Cooper contest.

  10. I actually LIKE GNR-Professors It's not as good as GNR-Educators but it's still funny.

  11. Welcome back?! 5 stars.

  12. Let's see your pic, Brosef.

  13. I meant maybe ZINT and I will have it. Nah,you aren't a GNR-EDUCATOR unless you try and tell people how GNR was back in like 1991. The people who do that were barely born back then.

  14. Meh.maybe some day we will have the great GNR-Educators debate.

  15. GNR-educator99,I saw a definitive GNR lineup live . You are cool with seeing Axl and whoever is in the band this week. You are a GNR-educator of the highest order. You have no clue how old I was when AFD was out,BTW.Now ban some more people from your page and get back to GNR-educating

  16. Seek help,Kid if you are talking about the parents of someone you don't know in real life. You take GNR a LITTLE too seriously,Broham

  17. My mistake for assuming that someone with nearly 12,000 posts on one of the biggest GNR Forums might have an interest in the actual band. I stand corrected.

  18. Terrible. I never would have figured you for a GNR-Educator

  19. Sure ya do buddy. I saw the live shows in the 90s. You rub one out to them on DVD,HUGE difference.

  20. Ah,here is the king of GNR-educators Axl Rose14. I wouldn't care if Axl ripped me a new one,GNR would still be my favorite band. What do my parents have to do with this,you Jabroni? You are probably hella busted since you don't have a profile pic. Keep reaching for the stars,Broham.

  21. Hmm,I'm not sure why the "who's viewed your profile"isn't on the side of your page.Maybe you have it disabled and you don't know? Play around with the edit profile.

  22. Brain is fucking awesome. He is my 2nd fav GNR drummer behind Adler. Technically speaking he's the best drummer GNR has ever had. I wish he'd come back.

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