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Posts posted by mahimahi

  1. The fact that they are playing IRS Bettrer and TWAT just makes me think that somebody from the GNR camp leaked the songs intentionally.

    I agree with this, just to much of a coincidence.

    And im very happy with what they played. I mean come on, they played three song (even though we have already heard them through the leaks) that they havent ever played live before. Also play CD, The Blues and Madagascar. Come on, thats fucking great.

    I honestly didnt think they would break out that many on THE FIRST NIGHT.

    And they are playing four warm up shows, anyone else think they might just be testing out different new songs during these four shows to see which ones get the better crwod reaction, and the ones that go over best live?? It wouldnt surprise me if they broke out at least two more new songs before these warm up shows are done.

  2. smokingarthur thanks for uploading that :)

    Your welcome. If I had more time I could have made some continuity. Not too mention I lost many files too in my haste to upload. But looking at the quality, it is not worth the effort. I KNOW someone has a dv version. I am sure it will surface in time. Good night all. It was a momentous show. I am happy to have taken part of rock history. I am looking forward to Wed the 17th...

    Thank you for uploading these, I know you are tired from the show and just wanted to let you know its much appreciated you doing thi9s for everyone.

    This has been a great night, and its only going to get better from here. I too wish they would have played a new yet unheard song, but regardless that setlist is great. And they played Better, I.R.S and TWAT, thats just awesome. And it also makes me feel those leaked songs were leaked through management. If they were just old demos sitting around that got snatched up, why did they choose ONLY those songs to play.

    Anyway, its been a great night and I want to thank everyone for all the updates.

    CD is coming, this is just the beginning :)

  3. Here is a cool review I just read on Blabbermouth, the best one so far.

    I can confirm that Izzy will be at atleast one of the gigs, possibly more. As far as Bumblefoot goes, well he was amazing, but again, pointless shredder. A lot of people will use this chance to criticize Axl for using another "freak" such as Buckethead, and I do agree that Axl needs a normal looking, old school guitarist. But whatever...

    The crowd was ecstatic throughout the night. BFMV got booed to hell(deservingly so) and they cut their set short maybe 10 mins(I think anyway.) The stage guys put up the big GNR flags. They were redish with a cream type background, with the GNR logo in a black and white color. Awesome looking. The lights dimmed and they kicked into Jungle, which of course got a massive crowd response. I'm telling you Axl rocked the house. He was so much than in 2002. He had way more energy and his voice was absolutely perfect. He sounded like the old Axl but even better. He ran around the stage and didn't seem to be out of breath at all. Next they played It's So Easy and then Mr. Brownstone before launching into Better, one of the leaks. It was amazing live. Axl hit every note dead on. His scream in the middle was perfect.

    SCOM, Knockin on Heaven's Door were great as always. Next came band intros. When introducing Brain(drums), Axl said "Where was this guy when we hired Matt?" lol classic Axl there. Then they broke into You Could Be Mine. The scream at the end, well Axl hit that dead on with no problems at all.

    Dizzy then sat down at the grand piano and did a little piano solo before going into The Blues. This is definately going to be a future GNR classic for sure. The emotion Axl put into his voice during this song was amazing. Also I gotta say that Robin Finck really surprised me tonight. He was dead on, unlike in 2002. He now has real long hair and a beard, which I think looks good on him. Next was Madagascar and again, they played this flawlessly.

    Next Axl sat down at the piano and they went into November Rain. This was the most emotional part of the night. This song is just a work of art and is no doubt the greatest GNR song ever. Axl was dead on in his singing and playing. What pissed me off some was when Bumblefoot fucked up a bit of the end solo. Slash would never do that...

    Sebastian Bach singing with Axl on My Michelle was so fuckin awesome. Great job on Bach's part, and he rocked like hell as always.

    Later they played TWAT which sounded awesome live. Crowd was singing along to this one and Better earlier. Before they played I.R.S. Axl said "I see you fuckers are singing the songs, you must have downloaded em!" Funny stuff there. I.R.S. sounded a helluva lot better live than the demo leak.

    Next was a Robin Finck guitar solo. He was great, a lot better than his horrid playing in 2002. Also, all 3 guitarists were playing Les Pauls. Then they broke into Paradise City and the crowd was fuckin explosive. The entire band nailed the song note for note and Axl was flawless in his vocals, even after going through 2 hours he didn't miss a note. Robin jumped into the crowd at the end and was crowd surfing a bit before getting back on stage.

    Everything was flawless, except for the little fuckup in the end solo of NR(shame on you Bumblefoot, learn from Slash...), but all in all everything went down smooth as silk, with no idiots getting thrown out and no fuckin cameras(to my knowledge) in Axl's face. Axl was sporting the braids, but he was wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt, no jersey's which I thought was fuckin awesome. He looked very old school tonight. It was indeed a terrific show and to anyone that still has a chance to go, well this is a show you DO NOT want to miss. Axl Rose and GNR are truly back and whatever any haters may say, this band played the fuck out of these songs! Sure, I'd love to see Slash and Izzy back too, but until that happens, this band rocked.

  4. Quick question, I only listened to it once and im about to listen again, but didnt Axl say at the beginning that they were going to play Madagascar in New York?? If I remember correctly someone asked him if that was going to be played, and he said "of course".

    I mean I figured he would play it, but I guess that confirms it.

  5. I have always said Axl Rose is one of those rare people that anything he touches (musically) will turn to gold, and I stand by that statement.

    AS much as I love old GNR, I REALLY dont want a reunion right now, I want to hear CD and hopefully the album(s) that follow. I truely believe just based on these demos that the music he has been working on for all these years is truely something amazing.

    God I hope this album gets released, it will be a damned shame if it doesnt.

  6. Judging from the bootlegs?... No. In fact, I'd say it's a dud.

    But it does have some redeeming qualities and I wouldn't mind hearing a studio version where Axl can get his vocals spot-on.

    dud shmud. Its a fucking masterpiece, you have yet to recognize. Unfortunately we don't have a soundboard recording yet :(

    I want anyone who hasn't given the song a fair shake to check out this recording from Osakachina.gif

    Riyadh and the Bedouins

    Is this the best version out?? If it isnt could someone please send me a better version?? Thanks

    And thanks for posting this, it sounds pretty good from what I can tell.

  7. you're all acting like dark is the only one that could get you bootlegs!!, yeah it's nice by dark!.......but you guys have cried enough to fill me a lake!, oh the tears of pain!.

    and mods do your fucking job! why is there one person on trail! one post gets deleted for a personal attacks?........ can't you read the rest of the thread ? :shocked::fuckyou:

    God, shut up already.

  8. warchild, you are a bitch, plain and simple. He is just trying to do something nice for everyone, and your sorry ass has to run like a little snitch and try to tell on him for something he wasnt even planning on doing. You are a fucking loser and I would love to see you get banned for trying to start shit here.

    Anyway, cant wait for the updates dark, and thanks for trying to help everyone out, alot of people appreciate your efforts, including me.

  9. The way Axl sounded when he said that Izzy "might" be there is that Izzy has already said he would show up, but I guess by what Axl says Izzy has a history of not showing up, and just doing his own thing, so Axl didnt want to say yes and then Izzy not show up, thats how I took it. Not sure if he was saying he would actually play, or just be at the show.

    Anyway, that was really a great interview and thanks for posting this. Its just nice to hear the man again, and I think he sounded really happy. This is so much better than some "official" statement. Hearing him a Bas talking just reminded me of the old days and how much I loved both Skid Row and Guns, really miss those day.

    Im also glad there isnt going to be a reunion. Not that I wouldnt want to see one, but im guessing if they did a reunion then this album might just scraped, and I dont want that. I LOVE old GNR but I really want to hear this new band, and the album CD. Old GNR is a thing of the past and im ready to move forward with this new band, they deserve it and I fully expect CD to be nothing short of amazing. It would be nice to see a reunion sometime down the road, just not now.

    I honestly have never seen Axl like this, he was so down to earth, and no matter what questions were asked Axl did a great job of answering them. No "i dont know" remarks, he answered EVERYTHING.

    I was doubting alot of things recently, but now I can safely say that I believe CD is coming, and this truely will be GNR's year. Axl really impressed me by coming and doing this interview, come on people, thats SO not Axl lol.

    Great great day.

  10. Its kinda funny :P

    SOULFLY Bassist Hopes GUNS N' ROSES Don't Start Riots In Europe - Mar. 22, 2006

    SOULFLY bassist Bobby Burns has posted the following message on the band's official message board:

    "Yes yes yes... [The European] tour's been fuckin' killer! That's a fact and we owe it all to the fans for the support and I personally thank you all... Tonight, somewhere in France (sorry but the name escapes me), another sold-out show!!!!!!

    "We have a very long year ahead of us and we're all looking forward to it for sure.. Five-week U.S. tour after this and after that a few more months in Europe for the festivals... For ME, I'd rather be playing venues like we have been on this tour instead of festivals. Just because the crowds at the festivals are so far away from the stage and the set times are always different so you really never get into a vibe or daily ritual like you do when the tour is yours. But the upside to the festivals is getting to see a lot of other bands play that you dig, shit like that. I mean GUNS N' fuckin' ROSES MAY ACTUALLY SHOW UP this summer for the shows we're playing, haha!!!! That's going to be a laugh and I hope they rock and don't start riots and get people killed and shit like that..."

  11. The album is getting close, I can feel it. :D

    Seriously though, I just think something will happen soon. Its hard to really say because with Axl you never really know. But I just have a weird feeling that the album isnt far away. How close, who knows, but I get the feeling we will hear this album before the tour. Dont know why, I just do.

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