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Posts posted by mahimahi

  1. Nope, it sucks. I'll tell you why. As soon as I heard him sing the "my hands are tied" part and realized he's singing it like the rest of the song, it ruined it. Axl sings in two different voices in the real song, and thats what MAKES THAT SONG. There is tremendous passion that comes through the song when he sings the parts that are higher.


    That was the only part of the song I didnt like, but other than that it was great.

  2. ok so hoobastank talks shit about axl, and then covers civil war.


    When did he talk shit about Axl?? And what did he say??

    I know he talked shit about Scott Weiland, saying he was a dick to them on the Velvet Revolver tour last year, but I havent heard him say anything about Axl.

  3. can someone please record this and put it into mp3 format and upload it to a file sharing site (you send it etc?) as the java script will not work on my computer .



    Yeah, someone please?? I would love to have the mp3 of it, thanks

  4. You know, they do it better than GNR...



    Nah, they did a pretty decent job on it, was cool to hear it done acoustically. Its just not the same without hearing Axl's screams though...pretty cool though.

  5. You know, I just watched a bit of the Rock In Rio 3, and Axl seems so pissed at that show. You can just look at him and tell he isnt happy. However, after watching and listening to clips from these shows. And seeing him tonight at this show, I really believe he is happy and I truely believe this is going to be the year of Guns N Roses.

    Tonight has really killed any doubts I have.

  6. now you're probably one of the luckiest members here

    I really am. There are just some absolutely amazing people working behind the scenes in that band and I was just lucky enough to meet the right ones. Or maybe crazy enough... because had I not emptied my savings for tickets to all 4 shows, and had I not been outside in line for hours and hours and gotten up to the front gate 3 outta 4 nights, and had I not waited long hours by the stage door every night after the show... had I not done all these slightly-crazy things, I wouldn't have have met these awesome people. They rewarded my passion and dedication in the greatest way. I can't possibly thank them enough.

    I've been going through some pretty awful things in my personal life lately, but this past week has brought me joy unlike anything I could've possibly imagined.

    So thank you to the people that made this possible for me... I'm humbled by this whole experience.

    Thats really a great story, im glad these shows have gave you something positive in your life, sounds like you needed this. Nice to see something like this happen to someone like you.

    Congrats :)

  7. Im not really sure why, I hate that they did though.

    First, I LOVED the new beginning part they added, it sounded great. Maybe it didnt come over so great live, maybe Axl felt it kinda dragged the show down because songs like November Rain and Madagascar were so long, didnt want another song dragging out like that during warm up shows. Im not sure, but I have a feeling it will be added back once the real tour starts, or if not on the european tour probably on their full scale world tour.

    Whatever reason I hope it comes back into the setlist, I love this song.

  8. Bootleg wrap-up so far...

    I just thought it might be a nice idea to kind of inventory what has popped up so far from the NYC shows. Now it's all scattered over the forum and it's hard to keep the overview.

    May 12th:

    - Complete show audio bootleg by irgspice

    - Audio bootleg that cuts in at SCOM by jazjme

    - Audio bootleg that cuts in at SCOM by jazjme cleaned up by voodoochild

    - A video medley of various songs on youtube

    - A video of November Rain on YouTube

    - A video of Welcome To The Jungle on YouTube

    May 14th:

    - Complete show audio bootleg by dankrass

    - A number of cleaned up audio songs by Sava (still working on the rest of the songs)

    - A video of Rocket Queen on YouTube

    - A video of Welcome To The Jungle and Rocket Queen on newgnr.com

    May 15th:

    - Complete show audio bootleg by dankrass

    - Complete show audio bootleg by sydb

    - A number of cleaned up audio songs by Sava (still working on the rest of the songs)

    May 17th:

    - A video clip on youtube of Axl and Izzy performing Think About You

    I wonder if there's more to add to this list. It might be nice to keep it up to date so people can check if the're missing anything. I chose not to include low quality phone clips or other short clips. Just full stuff.

    That list pretty much covers it, the only one I can see that you left off was the video of Nighttrain (with Kid Rock) that was posted last night on here.

  9. I think that it's lame that Axl allowed Kid Rock to share the stage with him. He should have got Eminem to come on stage with him and trade raps on Rocket Queen. That would've been a good move to try and appeal to the youth. Kid Rock is just some washed up piece of trash that nobody gives a shit about anymore.

    Guess what, to alot of the public Axl Rose is a "washed up piece of trash nobody gives a shit about anymore". Does that matter to the GNR fans, No. I guess if thats what you think of Kid Rock then you have to think that about Axl, otherwise you are a hypocrite.

    So I take it you base your opinion on what others think. So in your eyes the public doesnt like him so you cant. Take your head out of your ass you stupid moron. Who gives a shit what others like??

    I swear, some of the people who have posted in this thread are closeminded, mainstream fucks who only like whats "in" right now. Some of you are truely pathetic.

    And again, if you dont like Kid Rock, thats fine, if you think he sucks, then thats fine as well, but some of the shit thats being said in this thread is absolutely pathetic.

  10. The only thing more obnoxious and sucks more than Fred Durst is Kid Rock.

    His music is the epitome of the garbage the music industry feeds people. Talent or no, his music is absolutely TERRIBLE. Plus, Kid Rock is just such a fucking dick. He reminds me of a rapist with down syndrome.

    He's a poser loser, no matter how much money and "success" he's had.


    When I noticed you used the word "poser" that pretty much shot down any credability you had.

    What are you, 12?

    And you say anyone who likes Kid Rock is white trash?? That makes Axl Rose trash then I suppose. And whats funny is that Kid Rock has played with EVERYONE. From Metallica, Hank Williams Jr, Korn, Aerosmith, Run DMC, Eminem and now Guns N Roses. So I guess all those bands dont know anything about Talent right?? All these musicians suck right??

    The fact is Kid Rock is a well liked guy in the music world, and just an all around down to earth nice guy. When I met him a couple years ago he was cool as fuck, most down to earth person I have met next to Slash and Gilby.

    Nobody is saying you have to like him, or his music, but some of the ignorant fucking retarded shit some of you have said in this thread is pathetic. Some of you should really rethink shit before you say it because you just look stupid in the end.

  11. Kid Rock is a whore, he didn't even know the to Paradise City. Go & yodel in the valley KR, you fucking attention whore. Or better yet, pay Jessse James to ride motorcycles with ya, you unckle kracker loving ball licker. Go assfuck Little Joe's corpse or something, later.

    Dude i couldnt agree with u more!

    To have him play with GNR is just a fucking disgrace.

    You know what the real disgrace to GNR is?? Having idiot fans like you.

  12. Uh, they don't. Kid Rock is garbage now. He only appeals to white trash hicks, not New York rock fans, or GnR fans. His first couple of albums went platinum, and then his career dropped like a rock. I think his last album went tin foil.

    He's old news, and having him on stage doesn't benefit Axl at all. It just shows how out of touch he is with today's music scene.

    Well, obviously he appeals to Axl. And I went and saw him live a couple months ago in a sold out 15,000 seat arena, so im guessing he is doing pretty good for himself.

    I can handle your opinion that you dont like him, thats fine, but some of the shit you are saying is just fucking stupid.

  13. Kid Rock is a whore, he didn't even know the to Paradise City. Go & yodel in the valley KR, you fucking attention whore. Or better yet, pay Jessse James to ride motorcycles with ya, you unckle kracker loving ball licker. Go assfuck Little Joe's corpse or something, later.

    God stfu

  14. Kid Rock?

    KID ROCK?!!

    KID FUCKING ROCK?!?!!?!??!

    You've got to be shitting me. What is Axl doing bringing this fucking scrub on stage. Why are jokes like him and Fred Durst even allowed at these shows in the first place? Maybe Axl thinks bringing them on stage will the "younger fans" connect with Axl.

    NEWSFLASH AXL - Nobody cares about Kid Rock anymore! People stopped caring about him 6 years ago! And he was never any good to begin with!!!

    I would get into this, but its not worth it. So im just going to say you are an idiot and be done with it. :)

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