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Posts posted by mahimahi

  1. I thought this was a very good article, and I agree with him 99%, with the one percent not agreeing in calling the band "Hired Hands". I also saw GNR with Metallica in 1992, and although I agree that Metallica had alot more energy, GNR still put on an AMAZING show. That was when Metallica was in their prime, so you cant go on after them, their show was just too intense. The crowd is always wanting the next band to do more, and it just couldnt be done. For the diehards they will probably say they liked GNRs show better, but for me being a HUGE fan of both bands lets just say thats the best show ive EVER been to.

    Anyway, I agree with everything he is saying and he has a point. Until we have some real news I just cant get overly excited. I was at first when the leaks started, and the dates were announced, but reality has now set in and Im not getting my hopes up.

    And until they start this tour I still feel Axl could pull the plug on it, and not tour at all. The man just doesnt have a great track record unfortunately.

  2. Interesting... he doesn't deny the fact that Slash really said those things like Scott did. :book:

    Can't wait for Slash's response! rock4

    I really believe what Axl said happened really did happen. I just cant imagine Axl pulling that statement out of his ass if its 100% a lie. He may have stretched what happened, but I really believe Slash said those things.

  3. DUFF MCKAGAN Responds To AXL ROSE - Mar. 14, 2006

    VELVET REVOLVER bassist Duff McKagan has responded to a press release issued last week by GUNS N' ROSES frontman W. Axl Rose.

    Rose lambasted his former GUNS bandmates, McKagan and VELVET REVOLVER guitarist Slash, claiming that the latter called VELVET REVOLVER singer Scott Weiland a "fraud" and McKagan "spineless" in an early morning meeting at Rose's house last year.

    McKagan told Launch that he would rather not get involved in the situation at all. "I think, you know, a lot of it's really unfortunate, very difficult," he said in an interview conducted last Friday (March 10). "I've always just wanted to make great music and that's what I plan on doing. As far as a rebuttal to what he said, or what Slash has said, I won't get involved in a war of words, you know. People say all kinds of stuff and I'm not going to be one of them."

    Scott Weiland was not as diplomatic. In a posting at VELVET REVOLVER's official web site, Weiland called Rose a "fat, Botox-faced, wig-wearin' fuck." Weiland wrote that Rose had an "unoriginal, uncreative little mind, the same mind that had to rely on its bandmates to write melodies and lyrics — who's the fraud now?"

    Weiland also slammed Rose for taking more than a decade to make the still-unreleased GUNS N' ROSES album "Chinese Democracy", saying, "How many albums have you put out, man, and how long did it take the current configuration of this so-called 'band' to make (the album)?...We toured our album over a year and a half. How many shows have you played over the last 10 years?" The last GUNS N' ROSES tour, in 2002, ended abruptly after just a handful of shows.

    Weiland concluded by calling Rose a "frightened little man who once thought he was king."

    A VELVET REVOLVER spokesperson told MTV.com that Slash would issue his own response within days.

    Rose's initial press release accompanied his countersuit against Slash and McKagan, who have sued Rose over licensing, publishing and royalty issues.

    McKagan told Launch that VELVET REVOLVER will enter the studio on April 10 to begin recording its sophomore album.

    Source: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...ewsitemID=49575

  4. Mods deleted our other thread on this even though there are no links in it. Please keep this one open mods, we have no links or lyrics here.

    This is a thread to discuss the 14 second new track leak '7'- it has no vocals, was deleted right away and a couple of us got it

    Sounds like NIN meets Thrill Kill Kult, much more industrial and heavy than anything hear so far... if it's Guns then it's got a lot of Buckett on it as the others could not play that. I can't believe it unless I hear vocals to this though. Seems far fetched as it sounds nothing like the other leaks.

    Yeah, the fact that it sounds like Buckethead is what makes me think its legit. I think it sounds EXACTLY like Buckethead, so I think it might be legit. I could be wrong though, only time will tell :)

  5. I know this is old news, but I read this a couple months ago and it got me to wondering if any bands will cover these new demo's??

    What does everyone think??

    Im actually interested in hearing this song.

    AREA 54 Have No Plans To Release Cover Of 'GUNS N' ROSES Song 'Madagascar' - Jan. 19, 2006

    Frontman Lakis Kyriacou of the British melodic metal band AREA 54 has answered several "freqently answered questions" regarding the group's cover version of the unreleased GUNS N' ROSES song "Madagascar", laid down during a demo-recording session a couple of years back. The questions and Lakis' responses follow:

    Q: Since recording it, have you been threatened by Axl's [Rose lawyers?

    Lakis: "No, because we've kept our promise of not releasing it. They wouldn't take us to court for just recording the song, and as we've stuck to our word, there's no problem between AREA 54 and Axl or his manager/label as far as we know."

    Q: Are you going to release it on your next album?

    Lakis: "If we were to get the go ahead, it could be fun to do that, but I suspect that our new album will be out before 'Chinese Democracy' (unless they really do drop the album in March this time), and they wouldn't let us release a cover of an unreleased GUNS N' ROSES track. We've had so much interest in the song that if we are ever to release it, we'll probably go back to the studio and fix a couple of things, because the pressure is on more than we expected. I consider it a work in progress now rather than something that we just did for a laugh. Everyone wants to hear it, even the Axl haters, which is quite cool and funny to me! It's the first cover we've ever recorded, so I'm not used to the amount of e-mails I've had concerning the track and the people who actually come over to me at gigs to ask if they can hear it — even at a recent ARCH ENEMY/STRAPPING YOUNG LAD gig!!! So yes, we're better known anyway, that's never a bad thing. Most GUNS fans have been very supportive and have been behind us, apart from those who think we did it as a publicity stunt, which is far from the truth, but people will believe what they want. If we didn't get asked about covers, we might never have mentioned it, so those wonderful users of Blabbermouth etc. who are going to tear into us, don't be so quick to, but if you're going to anyway, get your money's worth, people!"

    Q: Don't you think it's going to bother Axl?

    Lakis: "Why would it? We've respected his wishes & he should be happy that we've not just done 'Sweet Child O' Mine' like everyone else. It should show him that if it's already being covered, he's got nothing to worry about regarding the release of 'Chinese Democracy'. Come on Axl, release that bad boy."

    Q: You've said to elsewhere.com that it was a last-minute idea to record it, so how good is it?

    Lakis: "Fucking excellent! Like we said, a couple of things could sound better, but considering it was a silly last minute idea, it's still a seriously brilliant version of the song."

    Q: Why did you record this particular GN'R track?

    Lakis: "Originally it was purely for fun. I was at the Leeds show back in 2002, they played it there. Hearing it live just blew us away. I wanted to hear a studio version, and at least I have now!"

    Q: If you were to do another unreleased GN'R cover, which would you pick?

    Lakis: "Haha, good question! 'The Blues' maybe, it's one of those grow on you songs if you like that kind of thing. It wouldn't be 'Silkworms', but I don't want to do anything else, so it's not going to happen."

    Q: I heard the Internet buzz about you doing a version of "Madagascar" and the forums were buzzing with talk about your effort. I was wondering when we are gonna be able to hear your track? Are you going to release an mp3? What's the situation there????

    Lakis: "No MP3s, sorry!! We don't want it out there until we have permission...If that ever happens."

    Q: How different is it to the GUNS N' ROSES version?

    Lakis: "We've sort of stayed true to the original. We didn't add any of the orchestra that Axl has added to their studio version, the middle section was a problem, because if you take out the Martin Luther King quotes etc., that section would not work at all, so we changed a few root notes in that section of the song and added a fucking cool solo in there instead, which gave that section a weird feel of the older style GUNS breaking out, which was not intentional, but I'm glad it came out that way. Ours is heavier too, we've put serious heaviness to the guitars, but it's all tasteful, we've just AREA 54'd it up real nice! Even if we can't release it, the new AREA 54 album is going to surprise a lot of people. It's like a different band, and we've come a long way, so add that to your shoplifting list of 2006."

    For more information on AREA 54, visit www.area54.co.uk.

  6. Didn't fool me.

    Me as well.

    To quote Axl from 2002 but twisting this to management.

    You've been played, you've been lied to, you've been manipulated but they shouldn't do it at your expense or mine. The truth is they're a bunch of bad cops and we're Serpico and they can suck our dicks

    Internet "tough guys" -- always make me laugh. :rofl-lol:

    Seriously though - Merck confirmed no single would be released tomorrow - Wednesday. I didn't ask about another day. If radio jocks have changed their story - and are now claiming another day, then say so. Until then, please spare us the "tough guy" act.

    Why cant you ask Merck if he can tell you SOMETHING. It would be nice to have some positive news rather than him just denying everything. If you cant that is fine but would he not answer a simple question as to the update of the album, or if a single will be released soon, or when an official statement will be made??

    It would be nice just to know something, anything.

  7. This fucking song. I was like "what the hell is this?" the first few times, but now I can't get it out of my head. I want to listen to it over and over again. Any song that I like right away is just a flash in the pan, but the ones that are an aquired taste are usually the great ones that have real staying power.

    Thats EXACTLY what happened to me. This song is simply amazing, I cant stop listening to it.

  8. i cant beleive how many members are dissing axl & these new songs

    i say FUCK YOU to these members :anger::fuckyou::anger:

    i for one expected this album to be overhyped nonsense'

    but what ive heard so far i'm very impressed with these tunes

    i also get a buzz when i listen to them'(without drugs)

    you can never please everyone' but this shit i'm reading is pissing me off'members say they are dissapointed with the songs' well i aint' everyone is entitled to there own opinion' but i feel a bandwagon rolling at this forum

    if you aint happy fuck off' no one is making you stay here'

    rant over


    You're a sheep

  9. Also he mentions nowhere that they were demos.

    umm...maybe you should read the entire article before you post. He says it here

    It doesn't seem fair to the artists to critique work that might be half-finished or never intended for release
  10. Civil War is not that good... Other average songs : 14 years, Get in the Ring, Shotgun Blues, Breakdown.

    My World is not even average.

    No, Civil War IS that good. One of the best songs they have ever done. Breakdown is a VERY underrated song, its one of my favorites. Get In The Ring is just great.

    I agree with the other songs 14 Years and Shotgun Blues being average. And I dont like My World at all.

  11. I'm very dissapointed cos these songs are not mind-blowing or earth-shattering like the songs from UYI or AFD. If T.W.A.T and Catcher in The Rye are "The Big Guns" it will be average rock record. Something like "The Spaghetti Incident"

    They're unfinished demo's, how "mind-blowing" do you expect them to be?? You can get a good feel for the songs based on these demo's, but you shouldnt be comparing them to studio tracks off UYI until you hear the final cuts.

  12. who's playing this song through windows media player?

    did you bother looking at what WMP displays as a thumbnail on the right?


    any comments on this?

    That doesnt show up on mine, but its very interesting.

    I didnt know what to think when I first heard CITR, but after hearing it a few times, im loving it. I have a feeling the final version will be beautiful.

  13. That really is a fair review, and I agree with alot of it. I love these demos personally, but that said, they are still "demos", and we will not get a full appreciation for these songs until we hear the final versions.

    I respect the person that gave this review, one of the best ive read.

  14. actually there IS a difference, the concert bootlegs; axl knows they will be out there, it's inevitable, but leaks from studio recordings are something else.

    So Axl is all about people having recording devices at concerts?

    I could point you towards about 10 rants from shows off the top of my head that suggest otherwise.

    shut the fuck up and get off your own damn high horse, i know every rant axl has ever uttered, being a die-hard fan for 16 years. i didn't say he approved of it, i say he knows that it happens, of course he does! there's the difference, bootlegs happen at every fucking major concert, stealing from a studio is something else. get it?

    A few years ago I probably would agree with you, but not in this day and age. EVERY album leaks early, so you are saying that because bootlegs are inevitable, that they should just understand, yet album leaks are ALSO inevitabel these days. So by your theory leaks should also just be understood.

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