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Posts posted by Kapitch_77

  1. We've all been trying to figure out what exactly Slash needs to apologize for. We couldn't ever really come up with a whole lot. Was it Slash saying things about how Axl acquired the band name that Axl sees differently? It seems like the things Axl said later on were far worse than anything Slash said.

    Exactly. Slash and Duff in their book mention some things about Axl that pissed them off, but both say that their band members may have their side of the story that is as valid as theirs. They were pretty gentle. There was a topic here specifically created to discuss what Slash has said that is so offensive toward Axl.. and there wasn't much to talk about. I understand well that some things could have been said that Axl didn't appreciate but there is absolutely no need for a public apology.

  2. Why won't Slash do it for the sake of ending the feud? Is it his ego?

    He already admitted on national tv (on Letterman) that he contributed to the negativity surrounding the whole thing because he was bitter about the breakup, and frankly I never heard anything from his mouth that justifies years and years of hard feelings. I don't think it's about ego at all, it's just that from his point of view there's no need for such an excuse, and I understand him.

  3. I remember how Jimmy Fallon was wearing that AFD shirt and jumping around like a little girl, so excited "Guns n Roses is back!"

    And I'm willing to be Jimmy couldn't even name one of those guys aside from Axl. GNR my ass.

    People were excited because they thought Axl would do what he did in the end of the 80's and the early 90's. They (we) were so wrong...

    The idea of doing a medley of 3 songs (2 from Appetite) was a bad idea also... If he wanted to show how the band played the old songs just do a little intro, and then a new song in full. It was almost 10 years since the end of the Illusion tour.. you don't come back and play old songs, play a new one!

    I disagree it hyped the crowd up. Two short clips from Jungle and PC, and Maddy in the middle. My friend who watched it with me said... if that's what new Guns is writing and playing I'm definitely a fan.

    The performance was a disaster... your friend thought it was good? I watched it with someone who was not a fan and I felt embarassed... I was excited before the performance but not after. Anyway, if he liked it, good.

    We were both fans growing up but he wasn't following the new band as well as me. First time I watched it I thought it was amazing. Much like the 'live' concert effect vs. youtube debate. It wasn't until I re-watched it that I went... Ohh Fuck.

    It's ok. There are people today who still think it was a good performance. Unfortunately I'm not one of those people..

  4. I remember how Jimmy Fallon was wearing that AFD shirt and jumping around like a little girl, so excited "Guns n Roses is back!"

    And I'm willing to be Jimmy couldn't even name one of those guys aside from Axl. GNR my ass.

    People were excited because they thought Axl would do what he did in the end of the 80's and the early 90's. They (we) were so wrong...

    The idea of doing a medley of 3 songs (2 from Appetite) was a bad idea also... If he wanted to show how the band played the old songs just do a little intro, and then a new song in full. It was almost 10 years since the end of the Illusion tour.. you don't come back and play old songs, play a new one!

    I disagree it hyped the crowd up. Two short clips from Jungle and PC, and Maddy in the middle. My friend who watched it with me said... if that's what new Guns is writing and playing I'm definitely a fan.

    The performance was a disaster... your friend thought it was good? I watched it with someone who was not a fan and I felt embarassed... I was excited before the performance but not after. Anyway, if he liked it, good.

  5. I remember how Jimmy Fallon was wearing that AFD shirt and jumping around like a little girl, so excited "Guns n Roses is back!"

    And I'm willing to be Jimmy couldn't even name one of those guys aside from Axl. GNR my ass.

    People were excited because they thought Axl would do what he did in the end of the 80's and the early 90's. They (we) were so wrong...

    The idea of doing a medley of 3 songs (2 from Appetite) was a bad idea also... If he wanted to show how the band played the old songs just do a little intro, and then a new song in full. It was almost 10 years since the end of the Illusion tour.. you don't come back and play old songs, play a new one!

  6. It used to bother me that Axl was soiling the GNR name like he has, but of late it has become apparent that the name was really his punishment for unparalleled hubris when he decided to keep it in the first place.

    His career is in the toilet, he is a joke to the general public and he now looks like a bizarre cross between Paul Teuttel from American Chopper and Vince Neil.

    Karma has kicked Axl's ass backwards and forwards, and he is one of the few people you can say generally deserves the mess that has become his career.

    For all his protestations to the contrary, Axl has been revealed as the biggest money lover of them all.

    The GNR name meant nothing more to him than a free meal ticket for life to tour around on Slash/Duff/Izzy/Adler's music because he deep down was too afraid and lazy to ever start a new chapter of his career.

    Had someone told me a decade ago Axl would surpass even Steven Adler as far as living in the past and just touring around anywhere he could book to churn out the hits I would have refused to believe it.

    Every setback and humiliation he has encountered this past decade has been nature's way of telling true GNR fans it has our backs, and that if he wants to continue perpetuating this sham he will continue to run into nothing but problems and roadblocks as he has.

    Sadly, I agree with everything you wrote. What is sad (or pathetic) on top of that is that he's holding grudges with Slash, and even Marc Canter, just because they're not at his feet like he would like them to be... calls Slash a cancer, blame people from the past because he can't write lyrics, sue companies for stupid reasons (guitar hero), surrounds himself with parasites and yesmen and basically blames the world for all that goes wrong in his life. He's a mess all around.

  7. If beta has such an influence over axl why would she allow people to manipulate axl's money. Unless the 'charlatons' were another group before yoda.

    i don't think beta has a hold over axl when he can seek spiritual help and have girlfriends. He probably has them as management because they respect him and he's got a management that will follow HIS plans.

    Beta said in an interview that (I'm quoting her) as a brazilian, she believes in past lives... I don't think she's the kind of person who would have said to Axl "hey.. I think what Yoda say to you is a load of crap".

  8. I can only find one quote where axl refers to beta as "our mother" at the lax 09 incident.

    My take

    1.He said this to assure the bystanders and media that he was only sticking up for his family, a mum is someone everyone can relate too and he see's beta as family, using 'mum' because vanessa(?) and Fernando were there? Also anyone watching would sympathize to his actions, if you think what you would do if someone hit your mum. A comment to justify his actions.


    2. Anyone catch alan nivens interview a few months back? He made reference to the 'charlatons' that robbed axl out of thousands. You know all the yoda types, you have heard the stories. these people disappeared when Beta made her influence on Axl. Perhaps axl needs that mental comfort, be it yoda or beta and over time see's her as a mother to him.

    3. She is the 'mum' of guns n roses, bakes cakes for the band or whatever and axls comment 'our mother' would interpret 'our' as in 'GNR' rather than axls mum.

    Axl yelled "Hey that's my mother!" (refering to Beta) to a paparazi at an airport somewhere..

    I'm not sure but Axl started to see Yoda in 1991 or 1992... (when did he meet Beta?...), he continued to see Yoda till her passing in 2007...

    edit: actually he said "he hit my mother"..

  9. I cant recommend it enough to those who dont have it yet, its a must have for any GNR fan. I keep mine on the coffee table, everyone I have over skims through it and it gives me a chance to get them into a little GNR ;)

    I just finished it and I agree completely with you. On the back of the book Marc wrote "I want the reader to feel the flow of the live shows; to experience Guns N Roses as if you were right there, next to me. That's my goal".

    Well I'm glad to say he achieved his goal.

  10. No he should not. The Guns N Roses name itself is well documented as being Axl's when it first formed. Had Slash and Steven not ended up on the Seattle gig because Traci Guns (the only person with a legit beef, regarding the Guns N Roses name since his last name is the first word in the band name, but has no legal grounds since he quit, walked away, and gave Axl his blessing to keep the name) bailed on the band, had Axl, Izzy and Duff found another guitar player and drummer, there'd only be two original members. Axl n' Izzy. And Izzy doesn't want it, was never his to begin with to make a claim to it. Axl started GNR, continued and fought for GNR, to his near ruin. Something Slash obviously was never willing to do. Duff and Izzy either. Izzy, intelligently, chose life, and sobriety over GNR, and if you want to point fingers here, I'd point them directly at Slash and Duff as the two main drug and alcohol antagonists that didn't even try to assist there so called friend by at least attempting to keep the smack and booze directly out of Izzys face. And then Duff, again, another smart move, was also at the time he decided to hang it up making the choice to sobriety for his health and because he now had children. He absolutely needed to leave the lifestyle behind if he wanted a future with his family. And Slash straight up quit because Axl and Duff didn't want to agree with him becoming the predominant songwriter along with Axl. Axl and Duff both agreed they didn't care for Slash's southern rock direction he was all or nothing pushing. And felt they needed to bring in another strong songwriter into the fold, Slash felt that songwriter was himself. When they didn't cave in to his threats he quit. Plain and simple. And yes, Axl is not without his own level of guilt the way he tried to take over. But really, that began during the AFD recordings and continued thru UYI or we would have never gotten songs like SCOM, November Rain, Estranged ect, onto the albums being that Duff and Slash are on record as stating they were against these type of songs, especially SCOM from ever being on a GNR record. So yeah, I think he's deserved and earned the right to keep the name if nothing more than by bringing the name to the band, taking a leadership role when everyone else in the band was to fucked up to take care of themselves, much less lead a successful rock band, or even have any insightful or helpful input. Being the only one who never quit his band, and fighting for it for decades without backing down, while suffering tremendous personal loss in doing so.

    I don't understand how there are still people that don't get that Guns N Roses was the sum of it's parts: 5 guys (we all know who those 5 guys are).

  11. Look, it's quite simple Axl - if all you want to do is tour the world playing Appetite and Illusion songs, then call Slash and do it right.

    For that Slash needs to publicly apologize to Axl...

    "Hey I'm Slash and I'd like to express my sincere apologies to Axl for all the terrible, terrible things I have done and said... like.. like when I said I didn't like the Interview With a Vampire movie and.. and some other stuff.. I guess.."

  12. Enablers! If no one went to his concerts, it wouldnt allow him to live so comfortably

    I saw Axl in 2006, and while his voice was good, I was still disapointed with the show... I'm glad I saw Axl because it was the first time though. I could've see him 2 more time since then but I didn't went, not in a "that'll teach him" attitude, it's just that it doesnt interest me to see his fake guns playing the classics I love. Seeing other guitarists play the november rain solo is just wrong for me. I think I'm not the only one... Guns N Roses should still draw a lot of people but it seems that each year attendance are decreasing, it wouldn't surprise me that in a few of years Axl and his band would be obliged to play bars.

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