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Posts posted by Kapitch_77

  1. Bonne chose que j'ai pas nommé le topic "Le topic de l'amour", parce que certains seraient un peu hors sujet :popcorn:

    Oui heureusement que tu ne l'as pas appelé comme ça... Déjà que ce topic déraille tout seul. Le fait de parler français semble en inspirer certains bizarrement ! Je suis étonnée que l'on n'ait pas encore eu "Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir" :-D

    Sûrement parce que personne y avait encore pensé ;)

    Ou il n'y a plus de fans de disco sur le site, j'y avais eu droit il y a quelques années ! :-D

    Tiens j'ai trouvé ça... Ils n'ont pas traduit la réponse de la fille hihi


    Haha la réponse :xmasssanta:

    Tu avais répondu quelque chose de semblable? :tongue2:

  2. Bonne chose que j'ai pas nommé le topic "Le topic de l'amour", parce que certains seraient un peu hors sujet :popcorn:

    Oui heureusement que tu ne l'as pas appelé comme ça... Déjà que ce topic déraille tout seul. Le fait de parler français semble en inspirer certains bizarrement ! Je suis étonnée que l'on n'ait pas encore eu "Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir" :-D

    Sûrement parce que personne y avait encore pensé ;)

  3. Marc I'm not sure where you're at in your life in regards to mending your friendship with Axl but wouldn't it be better to contact him direct and not through Beta, Del, Fernando or anyone else?

    Did you ever think of starting a project for the current incarnation Guns N' Roses? A little promotion wouldn't hurt the band and would probably be VERY appreciated by everyone.

    I can't answer for him... but I think when the band formed, he was younger and had probably more time to follow the band and take pictures and videos, etc. Now he has a family and he has his work... I'm not sure how he could start doing promotion for the new band...

  4. I thought Axl said that the truth is out there and you can find it but people want there to be something more regarding the break up.

    From everything Axl said it was a disagreement between him and slash over the direction of the music and band. (Not uncommon for the two to see things differently) then slash felt he could be successful without guns when he failed to gain power of the band. Slash leaves which upset Axl because regardless of the differences he knew slash's sound was important and hard to find a replacement. Axl begins building a new band with the gnr name and as rumors start going around that the band is about to appear and a new album is coming slash and duff sue Axl over the rights of the name. (Axl's rants at rio 2001 reflect this) apparently this is where many of the lies about Axl come out. He is framed as a dictator that forced the other members to give him the name. This pisses Axl off obviously. These guys leave the band and now want to sue him for the name. Neither slash or duff have admitted to lying so this could be one of the many lies axl talks about.

    Anyways they lose the lawsuit or settle because Axl still owns the name. A few years later velvet revolver happens and slash goes on a media tear of axl which brought on more lies and which likely brought the most anger towards Slash.

    What about Izzy's comments about Axl wanting to control everything and the contract that Axl wanted him to sign, a contract that demoted Izzy? Is Izzy a liar?

    What's with the Slash nonsense today?

  5. None of us know what went on behind closed doors.

    We don't know the reasons of each one of them, but one thing is true, the only way to keep GN'R alive was not to quit from the band ... and as far as I know, only one of them didn't ...

    If Slash were any smarter, he'd apologize in a way that, if Axl doesn't do the same, or doesn't agree to a reunion, Axl would be publicly crucified. It's not that hard.

    It's not about being smart ...

    Truth is Slash have a huge ego ... the same ego that make him quit GN'R, because he was so full of himself ... he was so high ... and he still feels the same...

    Anyway, Axl is the only one who keeps the "huge ego" label on his forehead...

    The ego that made him quit? Slash was tired of Axl's shit, nothing to do with ego.

    Yeah, yeah .... "Slash the humble dude" :rofl-lol:

    Isn't diffcult to have a big ego when you are a junkie ...

    Slash's book is full of notes about how high he was ...

    I could name a few hundreds rock musicians that were high at some point in their career, I don't get your point sorry.

  6. If Slash were any smarter, he'd apologize in a way that, if Axl doesn't do the same, or doesn't agree to a reunion, Axl would be publicly crucified. It's not that hard.

    It's not about being smart ...

    Truth is Slash have a huge ego ... the same ego that make him quit GN'R, because he was so full of himself ... he was so high ... and he still feels the same...

    Anyway, Axl is the only one who keeps the "huge ego" label on his forehead...

    The ego that made him quit? Slash was tired of Axl's shit, nothing to do with ego.

    • Like 1
  7. Slash and the crew made sure it stayed buried for years...

    Marc Canter said the contrary. Slash wanted Axl to release it to get it out of his system (Axl I mean), so that after they could reconcile and maybe even reunite.

    I'll believe Marc instead of you.

    This "Slash is the devil" non sense has to stop. It's enough that Axl thinks Slash is Satan, no need for fans to think the same.

    No offence but Coma is 100% right

    So Del James lied?

  8. Slash and the crew made sure it stayed buried for years...

    Marc Canter said the contrary. Slash wanted Axl to release it to get it out of his system (Axl I mean), so that after they could reconcile and maybe even reunite.

    I'll believe Marc instead of you.

    This "Slash is the devil" non sense has to stop. It's enough that Axl thinks Slash is Satan, no need for fans to think the same.

  9. No he wouldn't be, even If Slash apologized that wouldn't mean reunion, Axl could just accept it maybe apologize back and move on with his life/career. I won't behave like it's all Slash fault (it isn't ) but Slash is the one responsible for majority of things :

    - he signed off rights to Guns N' Roses ( I don't care how but I doubt he was forced to because if he would any COURT in the world would make that document invalid) and then sued Axl over it. I don't believe he was forced to do so, so he did it willingly or being on drugs. Then whole VR marketing was build around this lie, essentially all those interviews about how it's solely Axl's fault,, how he was that black sheep etc, etc (Weiland admitted afterwards how Slash was lying about Axl)

    - Slash and Duff stated many times how they hated "Patience" but when they wanted to earn some $$$ they made it setlist essential.

    - Slash was hating on SCOM for years why he plays it live ?

    - there were obvious lies in Slash book etc etc

    - also I think that whole RHOF thing was a dirty set up ( and I don't think that Slash has to do anything with that but it's possible that Slash and co would not show up if whole new band was inducted as well) becuse they didn;t want to iduct new guys but they willingly iducted new RHCP guitarist. So why let's say Tommy, Tobias etc werent't inducted he had more to do with GN'R music then Sorum

    The fuck are you talking about?

    • Like 1
  10. Instead of strictly controlling a sub-forum why not control the whole forum.

    Why not go to HTGTH?

    i do but its to quiet. Also this forum used to be so much more positive. My roots lie firmly here anyway, but its clear something needs to be done when we are black listed.

    Just have a bit of pride, if someone is slagging your favourite band off on that bands forum, then deal with them. For instance if i was a mod, that little cuntish remark from arnold would get him warned.

    And you don't know why people are less positive? Do I need to list all the failures since 2001? People have a short memory it seems...

  11. Je sais pas si ce groupe est connu pas mal mais je viens à peine de le découvrir malgré que ça fait déjà plusieurs années qu'il existe. Camera Obscura, un groupe écossais... je viens d'acheter leur dernier cd et c'est vraiment pas mauvais...

    • Like 1
  12. The stones are boring live man, I saw a live show on vh1 and I didn't even no when the song would change. It all sounded the same, still I know GnR or Axl sounds like crap most of the times but shit I'd personally take my fav bands hits over The Stones borefest.

    They're 112 years old.. come on... They're still pretty good.

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