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Posts posted by Kapitch_77

  1. Pour ce qui est de Jarmo... j'allais sur son forum avant (dans les années 2002-2003 à peu près), à l'époque il avait l'air sensé. Il a changé dans son comportement au moment où le "camp" d'Axl l'a contacté, et qu'il s'est rendu compte que si il leur mangeait dans la main, il allait recevoir du bonbon. Je sais pas comment j'aurais réagi à sa place... mais il manque d'intégrité à mon avis. Regarde ceux qui gère mygnr, ils prônent la liberté d'expression et je ne peux qu'admirer ça. Jarmo est devenu une vraie petite peste depuis qu'il lèche le cul d'Axl. Comment Axl peut donner son appui à un forum qui est géré d'une manière aussi censurée, ça me dépasse.

    Pour Del James, je m'excuse j'avais pas précisé, je parlais pas de l'entrevue qu'il avait fait avec Axl, mais je parle de l'entrevue qu'il a fait voilà quelques semaines. Dans l'entrevue il raconte une anecdote qui s'est passé en Allemagne, en racontant son histoire, un moment donné en parlait de la police Allemande, il emploi le mot "nazi"... je sais pas mais je trouve ça complètement con et très irrespecteux, et je dois pas avoir besoin d'expliquer pourquoi. Dans l'entrevue il explique pourquoi il apprécie Axl. Dans son anecdote il décide de parler de Slash... et j'ai l'impression qu'il voulait l'écorcher au passage, sauf que pour moi il a juste passé pour un abruti de première.

    Je vais changer de paragraphe pour que ça soit plus aéré :P.... Donc il raconte qu'au début des années 90 il était en tournée avec gnr en Europe. Il raconte qu'il reçoit un appel de sa copine de l'époque pour l'informer que son compte est bloqué parce qu'il a pas payé d'impôt. Il raconte qu'il a un enfant et que sa copine est enceinte mais que tout est bloqué donc impossible d'acheter du lait. Il explique qu'il avait jamais payé d'impôt parce qu'il était sûr de crever avant ça, qu'il sniffe de la coke et qu'il en profite au max. Alors il s'en va voir Slash et lui dit ce qui lui arrive. Slash répond "Ben merde... t'es pas chanceux...", il s'en va voir Duff pour lui dire la même chose, Duff répond quelque chose de semblable. Il s'en va voir Axl, Axl prend le téléphone, fait un appel à son agent et lui dit de se démerder pour arranger un rendez-vous pour Del avec je sais plus trop qui pour arranger la situation. Et voilà pourquoi Del aime tant Axl. Ce qui m'énerve dans ça c'est que dans le ton qu'il a pris il semblait vouloir faire passer Slash et Duff pour de mauvais amis. Franchement j'aurais répondu la même chose que Slash et Duff. Le con agit comme un imbécile et va quémander de la sympathie (ou plus...) aux autres. Quand y'en a qui les appelle les sangsues (Del, Beta, etc) je comprends. Si tu veux le lien de l'entrevue je peux te le trouver..

    Le problème qu'Axl semble avoir avec Slash c'est qu'il l'a blasté dans les médias. J'attend encore (et je suis pas le seul) ces choses s terribles qu'il a dit. Je dis que Duff, Izzy et Adler ont fait pire parce que c'est le cas. Izzy a dit qu'Axl voulait tout contoler, qu'il était petit à l'école et qu'il avait jamais eu de "pussy" parce qu'il était petit et roux (dsl je fais juste répété), Adler a dit que les nouveaux membres était des scabs et j'en passe, Duff a insinué plus d'une fois qu'Axl était devenu un dictateur, que le groupe n'était plus une démocracie. Qu'est-ce que Slash a dit? On attend toujours...

    Le look d'un groupe a de l'importance oui. La musique, l'attitude, le look. Ça m'intéresse plus ou moins que mon groupe jadis préféré ressemble à un freak show.

    Je trouve juste ridicule de faire jusqu'à 7 covers dans un seul show. Je comprends vraiment pas l'idée. Quoi c'est pas bon Dead Horse? Yesterday? The garden? Etc? Pourquoi faire Another brick in the Wall au lieu d'une chanson de Guns? C'est insensé. J'ai pas de problème avec les ballades.

    La version d'Axl serait sûrement une version de persécuté car c'est ce qu'Axl est apparement (dans sa tête en tout cas je pense), non mais qu'il la dise sa version. Il l'a dit qu'un jour on aurait la vérité (si je me trompe pas), qu'il la dise. Moi je pense quil dit rien parce qu'il parraitrait juste d'un con. Il foutait plus rien, demandait au groupe d'aller dans le studio dans telle ville telle semaine, le groupe y allait et Axl était absent. Le groupe se butait à un studio remplit de piano et de merde inutiles qui coutait une fortune et rien avancait parce qu'Axl se bougeait pas le cul. Ce que je dis est dans le livre de Slash donc je me fie à ce qu'il raconte. Évidemment il dit ça d'une manière plus polie que ce que je viens de dire.

    Personnellement je pense qu'on a le groupe qu'on a pas parce que c'est le meilleurs, amis parce que ce sont les seuls qui veulent endurer Axl et rien foutre à part partir en tournée, jouer des chansons qui sont pas d'eux et empocher de l'argent. Les musiciens sérieux iront pas avec Axl parce qu'un musicien sérieux veut créer de la musique, l'enregistrer et rendre possible aux fans de l'entendre. T'as entendu ce que Pitman a dit dans une entrevue? Il a dit "pourquoi faire un album? Personne les achète alors!", en plus de rajouter "C'est comme guns, on s'en fout". Non mais c'est donc bien con de dire ça.

    Mais c'est l'entourage d'Axl, des lècheur de cul et des yesmen comme Jarmo. Moi j'en reviens pas que c'est ce que Guns N Roses est devenu.

    Je persiste à dire que tout foire. CD était supposé sortir en 2002, la performance aux MVA était vraiment pas terrible, la tournée a finit en catastrophe, RIR en 2011 a été une catastrophe, la video de Better est jamais sortie, des dvds non plus, leur site officiel c'est une blague (50$ pour s'inscrire pour.. en fait rien à part courir la chance de gagner une serviette de plage à la con), des affiches ratées (le logo d'une équipe de sport de Toronto pour un show à Montréal)... des documentaires qui ont jamais vu le jour, et j'en oublie sûrement plein. C'est une vraie blague.

    Je vais être d'accord avec toi sur un point, qu'Axl est une personnalité complexe.

    Franchement, comparé à ce qu'on avait avant 1993 et ce qu'on a là, c'est de la m.....

  2. Slash can say whatever he want, but he talked Axl down for over ten years. You cant see the negative stuff? Go use google translate ffs and read the articles i posted in my first post. Axl has stayed off the conflict, slash has gone on and on for many many years. My point is, i can see why Axl doesnt want Slash in the band after ten years with horseshit. Slash can go play Sweet child with Fergie while hes waiting on a reunion :rofl-lol:

    Axl had hes rants in the early 90s but i havent heard hes gone after Warren Beatty lately LOL

    Good lord have mercy.

    So back to topic, yeah Beta's a liar.

  3. He could have said: i have already answered this question nothing more to say. Insted he went on and on about all the negative sides of Axl.

    Here is Slash.....

    He sounds bitter and negative as fare as i concern

    And in your mind that video contains awful things? Are you crazy?

    Even if Slash said "All things considered, Axl fucked all things up, he's an asshole, a douchebag a dramaqueen and if he wasn't insane the band would still exist", what does it matter to you? Why oh why can Axl insult, beat and fight anyboby yet NOBODY should criticise him? In what world is this logic?

  4. Je comprends pas trop pourquoi il s'entoure de personnes comme Jarmo, pour ne nommer que lui... As-tu vu l'entrevue de Del James y'a pas longtemps? Il a dit quelques conneries à mon avis. Je comprends pas pourquoi il en veut tant à Slash alors que Steven, Duff et Izzy en ont fait autant et même pire. Je comprends pas qu'il ait voulu former un groupe avec des freaks comme Buckethead et Robin... Il était pas fan d'Aerosmith Axl? Est-ce qu'il y avait des freaks dans Aerosmith? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il fait autant de covers à ses show? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il fait des covers de Ac/Dc, un groupe ultra rock et s'entête à faire des chansons avec 2 clavieristes? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il engage des guitaristes qui peuvent jouer 1 million de notes par secondes mais qui n'ont jamais écrit un succès rock de toute leur vie? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il appelle une bonne femme agée de 5 ans de plus que lui "maman", pourquoi continuer en tant que Guns N Roses si c'est juste pour faire un album à tous les 20 ans? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il la dit pas sa version des faits au lieu d'en vouloir à Slash pendant 20 ans? Pourquoi, pourquoi, pourquoi.

    Je vais arrêter là mais je pourrais continuer.

    Ah oui et pourquoi est-ce que tout foire entre ses mains (les videos, les dvd,etc)?

  5. Tu attends quoi de tes discussions ici?

    Je sais pas trop. On parle moins de musique que du drame qu'entoure le groupe. Y'a encore certains qui défendent Axl coûte que coûte et Slash est tellement mauvais comparé à lui... bla... Je pourrais comprendre si on était en 2002 mais rendu au point où on en est...

    Tu lis souvent la section principale?

  6. Des fois je me demande si ça vaut vraiment la peine d'argumenter à propos de GNR dans la section principale. C'est quoi l'utilité en fin de compte? J'ai passé un bon bout de la journée à répondre à certains qui n'ont pas la même vision que moi, mais ça donne quoi? Est-ce que l'autre personne va changer d'opinion à cause de ce que je dis? Probablement que non.

  7. Ok girls look here:


    he admit it himself

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4189220.stm arrogance and ego

    http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2004/02/17/391094.html (He tells the reporter that the last thing he wants is an Axl type in hes new band and how painful it was to deal with axl)

    http://www.vg.no/musikk/artikkel.php?artid=239080 -Axl takes the band name down the toilet, Axls shows are bad, Axl wanted to make a techno band( i think everybody knows that Oh my god and Shacklers revenge has nothing to do with techno).

    - He has said that Axl in hes own eyes was a superstar as the public thaught he were. Axl destroyded the band since being late on stage, axl used all the money in GNR(mention above in the VG article, and the interview he gave when he left GNR when the november rain Oklahoma clip is being used, couldt find it right now but u know what i mean.

    This was just a little bit, and Slash has admitted for a long time he has been bitter and badmouthed Axl. END OF STORY

    Is this the worst you can find? If this is what upset Axl so much it only shows how much of a baby he is.

    Just remember: Slash has been badmouthing Axl since 1996. That means for almost 20 years. Axl diddnt really involve himself in that war because he didnt go public with whatever he had to say. Its okay that Slash has told hes side of the story, but he has been going on with this for almost 20 years and done it in the media. I can understand Axl is tired of that shit. I can understand that Axl was pretty fed up with the drug use back in the days too.

    The interesting thing is that Slash always has said that he want to do a Guns tour (only for the fans blah blah blah) but on the other side he has bee ugly about Axl.

    In the end, Slash can be a idol judge or whatever he wants to be. Axl has integrety and a "personality of the century". Slash is a one-dimentional, Axl is a five-dimentional. Thats the difference.

    The links above is what i found in 3 minutes on google. Go get a life!

    This line of thinking is, as always, a total crock of shit. When people interview somebody like Slash, what is the first question they ask? I can guarantee you it will be about Axl/GNR. If Slash says he doesn't want to talk about that, what do you think the second question they ask will be about? Answer: Axl/GNR. The truth is that Slash has always been, and will always be, asked about Axl/GNR. So it should not surprise anybody that he has spoken on the subject. If Axl has a problem with his answers, that is another story entirely. Although I have been waiting for years to see this list of egregious things he has said, and still haven't seen it.

    Exactly. Slash was interviewed, he responded, he could've talked about halloween trees but decided to say what he had in mind, I respect that, he could've been a real dick but what he said was all in all not that bad at all. Some things could not please Axl but maybe he just needs to look in the miror to understand why the old band said what they said.

  8. It won't work

    If Slash popped up when he 's sober...

    wait, beta still was on charge so no way...

    I don't think that visit could lead up to a reunion, just 2 former friends normalize their relationship and burried the hatchet...

    I think in this case Slash (and Perla) fuckep up, like beta fucked up this situation...

    also badmouthing about your bandmates when they STILL working with you is quite idiotic if you ask me... Not a nice move from Slash

    What about when Axl wanted to kick Slash's ass on stage because he misheard him? What about the time when Axl threw his mic in Frank's direction and yelled "WTF" in front of a crowd? It's ok when Axl act like an asshole but nobody should speak against him ever?

    when did Axl do that to Frank? Wow.

    I won't try to search the video right now (sorry..) but it's on youtube. During the end of Paradise City, I don't know if Frank made a mistake but Axl was pissed, yelled "WTF?" threw his mic (smoothly but still) in Frank's direction and left the stage (if I remember correctly). Some people always seem to act like nobody should offend Axl but what about the others? Maybe Frank didn't give a fuck about it but it could've bothered him. Imagine you're playing in front of a few thousand people and your singer act that way towards you in front of everybody...

  9. It won't work

    If Slash popped up when he 's sober...

    wait, beta still was on charge so no way...

    I don't think that visit could lead up to a reunion, just 2 former friends normalize their relationship and burried the hatchet...

    I think in this case Slash (and Perla) fuckep up, like beta fucked up this situation...

    also badmouthing about your bandmates when they STILL working with you is quite idiotic if you ask me... Not a nice move from Slash

    What about when Axl wanted to kick Slash's ass on stage because he misheard him? What about the time when Axl threw his mic in Frank's direction and yelled "WTF" in front of a crowd? It's ok when Axl act like an asshole but nobody should speak against him ever?

  10. Mommy I tried to fuck my ex bandmates and I try to burry them, I re-recorded a classic album with a bunch of no name in hope to sell those new versions so that the old band won't get money but they called me arrogant...snif...

    I called Slash a cancer better removed and that he's in my ass but he says that I was late and that I wanted to make techno music...sniff..snif...


  11. Ok girls look here:


    he admit it himself

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4189220.stm arrogance and ego

    http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2004/02/17/391094.html (He tells the reporter that the last thing he wants is an Axl type in hes new band and how painful it was to deal with axl)

    http://www.vg.no/musikk/artikkel.php?artid=239080 -Axl takes the band name down the toilet, Axls shows are bad, Axl wanted to make a techno band( i think everybody knows that Oh my god and Shacklers revenge has nothing to do with techno).

    - He has said that Axl in hes own eyes was a superstar as the public thaught he were. Axl destroyded the band since being late on stage, axl used all the money in GNR(mention above in the VG article, and the interview he gave when he left GNR when the november rain Oklahoma clip is being used, couldt find it right now but u know what i mean.

    This was just a little bit, and Slash has admitted for a long time he has been bitter and badmouthed Axl. END OF STORY

    Is this the worst you can find? If this is what upset Axl so much it only shows how much of a baby he is.

    • Like 1
  12. When Scott Weiland responded to Axl, why did he say: How dare you call our bass player 'spineless?'

    When the guys in VR spoke about this subject what did they think? Scott seemed to think it came from Axl and not Slash too. Did Slash say it was false and that it was Axl's words and not his? Did Duff thought the same as Scott and believes it comes from Axl too? That's gossip, It shouldn't matter but anyways...

  13. It got twisted and exaggereted and if he said something we don't have the full version or the context. There's a difference between "Duff is spineless" and "Duff is spineless when it comes to *insert a specific matter*". Beta and Axl made it public to shit on Slash, break VR and that's pathetic.

  14. The story of Slash badmouthing the rest of Velvet Revolver to Beta falls apart if you think about the other musicians themselves. Duff is spineless? In the past 17 years I've seen him with Neurotic Boy Outsiders (later Neurotic Outsiders), the reunited Ten Minute Warning, a one-off as part of The Presidents of the United States of America, and Loaded (opening for GNR in Seattle). He's also an author and journalist, and earned his college degree late in life. The guy is a go-getter. He makes opportunities for himself. In person he's very friendly and grounded.

    I don't buy it.

    Indeed. Why would he say these things against them? It's not like he hates Duff and would rather be with Axl than Duff. He supposedly told that he hates Matt, then why is it that when Matt invites him to camp Freddy or to join KOC he doesn't refuse? No instead he refused to play 2-3 songs on CD for Axl.. Anyway, I'm sure it got all twisted by Beta.

    • Like 1
  15. "I don't really know what makes sense any more. I think you have to come to a place where you say, if you continue you continue with a particular vision, not keep rolling with the tide.

    "Because the tide as it is I don't think it's that great. I'm not saying that the audience isn't great, or that the band isn't great. Something about it all feels a little too nicey nice. I'm not in a rock and roll band to be nicey nice, it's just not my thing."


  16. Funny thing is, Slash has badmouthed Axl for many years after the break up of the band. Axl has kept hes mouth shut. Slash is the guy for whatever reasons tries to reach out to Axl coming to hes home. He then lies about it, try to deny it before he has to admit, it happend. My conclusion on all this is: Slash wants badly back in Guns N Roses, and hes biggest dream is to reunite.

    Im hoping Axl never let him back in the band. He doesnt deserve that. Insted Axl should get back Buckethead. rock3

    I created a topic in the Attitude section a while back for all the terrible things Slash said about Axl. I'd like you to share on this topic what you're refering to. Thanks.

    Laughable, Slash is doing just fine on his own... I honestly think he believes a reunion would be too much work when he considers the extra baggage involved. I do know that he would love to perform to larger audiences and play some of the old material that he can't pull of without Axl on vocals * I say I know, I don't have evidence but it seems fair enough to assume it,

    Do you imagine Slash or Duff in GNR as it is now? With all the yesmen, Jarmo, Beta and her kids, Axl bringing these people on stage to sing them happy birthday? Do you imagine Slash and Duff in this environement and enjoying it? I sure don't.

    • Like 1
  17. Funny thing is, Slash has badmouthed Axl for many years after the break up of the band. Axl has kept hes mouth shut. Slash is the guy for whatever reasons tries to reach out to Axl coming to hes home. He then lies about it, try to deny it before he has to admit, it happend. My conclusion on all this is: Slash wants badly back in Guns N Roses, and hes biggest dream is to reunite.

    Im hoping Axl never let him back in the band. He doesnt deserve that. Insted Axl should get back Buckethead. rock3

    I created a topic in the Attitude section a while back for all the terrible things Slash said about Axl. I'd like you to share on this topic what you're refering to. Thanks.

  18. I think Slash went to Axls place and beta basically told him to leave and that's that. Axls camp made Slash look like a evil dude like they always do. I mean why would Slash go to his ex wife and talk about shit about his current wife? It's a real dumb move if you ask me one that I just don't see Slash doing.

    Let me see if I have this straight:

    Slash changes his story several years after intially saying he never went to see Axl. Then Scott states that he believes he was set-up to start a feud with Axl. Yet, somehow Axl is trying to make Slash look bad?

    Perla made him go there, this wasn't his idea and he was drunk. I understand if he denied at first cause he probably thouht it was a bad idea from the start but he just listened to his wife. And why say "Slash wasn't under the influence", why did they mentioned that "fact", what purpose does it have? Doesn't make sense. Beta hates Slash more than Axl so it wouldn't surprise me one bit that she twisted Slash's words to make her master feel better.

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