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Posts posted by Kapitch_77

  1. Bonjour Tout le Monde, Comment ca va?

    Salut! Ça va, ça va :shades:

    Et bien non justement, c'est tout l'intérêt de ce film. On se rend compte au cours du film que le méchant/fou se venge de ce que le "gentil" lui a fait. On ne peut pas s'empêcher d'avoir de la pitié pour le "méchant". C'est bien ficelé!

    Ah non je n'ai pas vu ce film. C'est un truc fantastique? C'est quoi l'histoire?

    Ah ben tant mieux si je me suis trompé, il semble encore meilleur comme ça!

    L'histoire... ouf.... ça fait longtemps que je l'ai vu... Je pense que je vais faire un copié-collé de ce qui est écrit sur wiki..

    Fred Madison, saxophoniste, soupçonne sa femme, Renee, de le tromper. Il la tue et est condamné à la peine capitale. Le film raconte l’histoire de cet assassinat du point de vue des différentes personnalités de l’assassin lui-même.

    Tu vas trouver bizarre que j'explique pas moi-même l'histoire mais comme j'ai dit ça fait longtemps que je l'ai vu mais c'est surtout parce que je trouve que le film est une succession d'événement très (TRÈS) bizarres et on a de la diffilculté à comprendre ce qui se passe (en tout cas je parle pour moi). Tu regardes le film et à la fin tu te demandes WTF?

    Ah oui, il va falloir que j'essaie de trouver ce film pour le voir, car je n'ai pas tout compris à ton explication!

    C'est un film que je recommenderais, d'ailleurs faudrait que je le revois... Ça vaut la peine juste pour voir à quel point c'est fucké.

  2. Et bien non justement, c'est tout l'intérêt de ce film. On se rend compte au cours du film que le méchant/fou se venge de ce que le "gentil" lui a fait. On ne peut pas s'empêcher d'avoir de la pitié pour le "méchant". C'est bien ficelé!

    Ah non je n'ai pas vu ce film. C'est un truc fantastique? C'est quoi l'histoire?

    Ah ben tant mieux si je me suis trompé, il semble encore meilleur comme ça!

    L'histoire... ouf.... ça fait longtemps que je l'ai vu... Je pense que je vais faire un copié-collé de ce qui est écrit sur wiki..

    Fred Madison, saxophoniste, soupçonne sa femme, Renee, de le tromper. Il la tue et est condamné à la peine capitale. Le film raconte l’histoire de cet assassinat du point de vue des différentes personnalités de l’assassin lui-même.

    Tu vas trouver bizarre que j'explique pas moi-même l'histoire mais comme j'ai dit ça fait longtemps que je l'ai vu mais c'est surtout parce que je trouve que le film est une succession d'événement très (TRÈS) bizarres et on a de la diffilculté à comprendre ce qui se passe (en tout cas je parle pour moi). Tu regardes le film et à la fin tu te demandes WTF?

  3. Je lisais le topic sur les films flippants l'autre jour...et ce film m'est venu à l'esprit quelqu'un l'a vu?


    Celui là était bien ficelé aussi!


    J'ai vu aucun des 2 mais c'est vrai qu'ils ont l'air flippant. Peut-être que je me trompe parce que je l'ai pas vu mais le 2 ème a l'air du genre de film frustrant... dans le sens où le "gentil" arrête pas de se faire entuber par le "méchant" et qu'on peut rien faire à part regarder et rager hehe.

    Un film dans ce genre un peu et que j'ai jamais vraiment compris (en fait je me demande si y'a quelque chose à comprendre dans ce film), Lost Highway:

  4. I guess I'm not gonna like the banner. Oh well. Not a big deal. :shrugs:

    The one with the albums covers looks pretty good too. Tough choice for me.

    I like the look of the one with the highlighted current lineup; I just don't like it conceptually. I don't like the idea of having iconic members faded while current members who haven't written a note of music for GNR are highlighted. I also don't like the different lineups intermingled like that. To me, each lineup is it's own band entirely. Slash and Izzy were not part of the same band that Buckethead and Finck were part of and that BBF and Ashba are now part of, regardless of what Axl has ruined his career trying to prove.

    But like I said, not a big deal.

    I understand completely. If it were up to me, the banner would contains Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff, Adler, Matt... and then Dizzy... Gilby and even maybe Teddy Zig Zag hehe, nevermind the others, I don't care about them at all, but I see this new banner as an improvement to the actual one...

  5. Definitely shouldn't be an amalgam of both bands. They don't really have anything to do with each other. Just use New GN'R.

    Erm, what? Nu guns wouldn't exist without the band that made appetite-the uyis.

    That actually holds true now more than ever.

    I say use both incarnations to keep everyone happy. Or just variations of the logos throughout the years.

    But just keeping it with guys who really haven't added any weight to the name is kinda asinine to me, and must make Joe Schmo either roll his eyes, or leaves him puzzled.

    I find the idea of Slash next to the other members absurd. It's insulting really. It's like when Dj designed those tee-shirts for Vegas. Or when Dj put CD under his discography. Just use the new GN'R. No need to juxtapose them. This isn't GNRevolution.


    You're the kind of guy that would say the same thing about Roger Waters on a Pink Floyd forum "Hey you can't put Roger Water next to David Gilmour that's insulting!"... lol

  6. Is a nice pic but I think he would look a bit silly smiling when everybody else is serious.

    Sorum is there because the banner is out of place in the right part. But the idea is having the classic AFD lineup on the rigth side (except for Gilby) and the "nuGNR" on the left side (except for Sorum). That's why Izzy, Slash, Duff and Adler are together and Brian, Tobias, Finck and Bucket are together on the other side too. Gilby and Matt are on the edges because they aren't part of the AFD lineup and neither the "nuGNR" lineup, so I find kinda appropiate how they are placed now. If I place Sorum on the right part it could be also the UYI lineup with Gilby, but it would be too much people on the right side...

    Oh ok.. I get it... Good idea.. But maybe a more recent pic of Adler would be better... I post this one but it could be another one.


  7. It looks really cool! Maybe I should move everyone a little bit to the left so the searchbox doesn't cover Pitman and Gilby, but Axl will be no longer in the middle so it's a little tricky.

    Gia, post a picture of Axl that you like and I can change it ;)

    Just a suggestion, feel free to change it or not... but the picture of Slash isn't really good.. we hardly see his face, and Duff kinda looks like a moron hehe.... I found these pictures... do you think they're better? Maybe you could use it... but it's up to you... it's just a suggestion.



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  8. I just go with the flow.Looking forward to a new release while the music already released still provides enjoyment after all these years. I'm not completely crippled emotionally and physically ill over the wait for a new release or anything crazy like that. :blink:

    That's a good attitude to have, similar to mine. ;)

    What we have is not what GNR should have been. Just my opinion, but Axl blew it. He blew it with the old band, he drove everyone away, he blew it with the new band in 2002 with the cancelled tour, he blew it by doing nothing and drove half of his new band away, he blew it on a few occasions live, he blew it with the Better video, the dvds, the release of CD that took way too much time to release, everything, I can't recall everything that went wrong because there's too many things. I'm not losing sleep over this really, but I can't be "happy" with what we have. Axl has surrounded himself with a bunch of weird people who are yesmen and the band is a joke. Guns N' Roses should have been something different... but it's not my band, if Axl is happy with his fake band than good for him I suppose...

    I think a lot of the fans of the original lineup feel the same way as you do. I don't take to the extremes, like you do - for me it's more like, it is what it is...could have it been really great? Yes - and I think most music experts will tell you exactly that - if they had continued after the Illusions albums - they could have been the best ever - and that's to the world (not just to us fans who normally think they are/were anyway).

    Sometimes I writes stuff here (like the post above) and I think that maybe I'm too hard... that if Axl would read it that it might piss him off or even hurt him, but it's not my fault, I have nothing to do with what happened; it's his own making. In his mind he must feel betrayed by the others and must blame them for abandoning him, but again, the reason for all this is him and his behavior. The band he has now won't leave him because they're nothing without him, so it is what it is, it's a band that can't create anything that comes remotely close to something amazing. I see pictures of Axl surrounded by Beta, Jarmo and other ass kissers and I can't believe this is the guy who made Appetite, the guy I had on a poster in my room when I was 15.

  9. What we have is not what GNR should have been. Just my opinion, but Axl blew it. He blew it with the old band, he drove everyone away, he blew it with the new band in 2002 with the cancelled tour, he blew it by doing nothing and drove half of his new band away, he blew it on a few occasions live, he blew it with the Better video, the dvds, the release of CD that took way too much time to release, everything, I can't recall everything that went wrong because there's too many things. I'm not losing sleep over this really, but I can't be "happy" with what we have. Axl has surrounded himself with a bunch of weird people who are yesmen and the band is a joke. Guns N' Roses should have been something different... but it's not my band, if Axl is happy with his fake band than good for him I suppose...

  10. Based on the overwhelming discussion on the new band as compared to everything else I think most people's interest lies with current gnr, at least around here.So let'm have the friggin banner. rock4

    Guns N Roses died almost 20 years ago. the band was great, the shows also, everything. What can we say about a band that died so long ago, and everyday? That said, the music we love was not created by the current band so a new banner with old members is a good thing in my opinion, plus the new band does nothing but touring the classics so...

  11. they threaten to leave him because they were tired of picking him up everytime he was fucked by someone...you all know how emotional axl is, that's common knowledge, now imagine 20 years of dealing with his emotional problems every time things didnt go out as planned...the gnr managers dont care about axl, they're with him because he pays them! So they said that , because with them managing the band they know his safe from being stabbed in the back by other managers. it's not blackmail... if u had a friend who was always making the same mistakes all over again and u always had to help him out i think that one day you would go up to him and say "hey if you don't do this or that i'll leave and never help you again"...that's not "blackmail", that's you taking extreme measures to help a friend.

    But you guys are to fucking dumb to understand that, im surprised you havent got a phone call to star in "dumb and dumber too" ffs

    Wow... those managers were demons it seems... Good thing Beta was there to help Axl and protect him from those demons... Good thing too she was there to help him when he was being fucked by Yoda... oh wait... he spent years and years and tons of money on that bullshit and Beta was probably supporting the idea.

  12. Lol. Sucks just as bad as my memories. Baffles my mind that there are gnr fans who pine for this woefully misdirected, embarrassing phase of Axl's life. Just my opinion though

    Completely agree. The band was just weird and wrong, all of them.

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