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Posts posted by GibsonLP

  1. I don't have a distaste for Guns N' Roses! I love that band, I wish they were still around

    You just admitted what I accused you of. That's big of you. Whatsa matter, you don't get the attention you crave in the pre-94 section? That's really what it's about, isn't it? Incessantly drawing attention to your point of view.

    actually I think if you read my post you will see what I actually said was:

    I don't have a distaste for Guns N' Roses! I love that band, I wish they were still around

  2. It's like a train smash. I can't look away

    I also like ancient Egypt. Should I not be interested just because it doesn't exist anymore?

    Oh don't gimme that shit. You flaunt your lack of faith. You rub our noses in it. You take out your frustrations with Axl on other fans. You exert a concerted effort to spread your distaste for GnR.

    But your answer certainly is interesting. You seem.. how shall i say.. a little defensive? lulz

    I don't have a distaste for Guns N' Roses! I love that band, I wish they were still around

  3. Not a chance , not in this lifetime lol like he gives a fuck about me.

    It'd be interesting to get DJ down to the range and see if this were true

    I wonder if Axl would take one for DJ? Hmmm

    It's fuckin ridiculous. Axl can't even take the stage at a good time to please his band mates and fans, yet one of them says he'd take a bullet for him

  4. I'm also troubled that they made inference that he is a 'rock legend'.

    People say Slash does things for financial gain but atleast he doesn't name drop his clothing shop's web address during interviews...

    I don't get this. Obviously people do things for financial gain but there is a way of doing things. You can either be classy, or DJ Ashba.

    I guess he has to sell it all before his fame drops or else he's left with a warehouse full of shit clothing unsold...

  5. It's not about the fact that Axl has always been late and that people should realise and accept it. It's about the fact that its a shit and disrespectful thing to do consistently, and its frustrating that the guy is so incapable of change even when he sees that it's such an inconvenience for so many people.

    Has the guy ever been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder? Because its almost like he takes joy in inconveniencing others

  6. I believe Izzy has expressed an interest in rejoining in the past but isn't interested in getting mind-fucked again. I think if it was less of a headache he'd be into it.

    Where did you hear that? I never heard Izzy mention he was interested in joining NuGuns. Can you site a source?

    Just based on how NuGuns tours he wouldn't rejoin + many other reasons. He's probably working on another album too.

    Steven Adler has spoken frequently lately of his desire for a reunion of the original GN'R. Tell me what you think of that and how your relationship with Steven is at the present.

    Izzy: “Steven lives a very confused life."

    But if it were to occur, you would consider the possibility of a reunion?

    Izzy: “Yes, of course. I wrote a great deal of that material."


    I think it would be good for Axl if Izzy joined. But I don't think he wants to?

    I think it would reduce the guy's stress levels considerably. It wouldn't all be on him. Plus Izzy is a great songwriter and would add some authenticity to it.

  7. Every time a former member joins them on stage we get the "what if they rejoined?" threads.

    In response to the question, no.

    It's naive given the history of this band to think the current line up of this band will be the line up of the future. It's likely members will change in future, and it's possible that a former member could come back.

    Thanks for your thought out response though...

    It's far more naive to believe that there will ever be a reunion of any sort.

    Umm didn't we get a reunion of a sort last night?...

    Umm... Didn't Axl explain clearly enough for you that Duff and Izzy could join them on stage once in a while and that that would be the extent of it?

    I'm not questioning things Axl has or hasn't said, I'm replying to you saying it's naive to believe there will be a reunion of any sort, when clearly last night we got a reunion of a sort.

    But no I don't take everything Axl says as the be-all and end-all, because reality sometimes differs from what he has said in the past, as it does with all of us. It's a dynamic world and things and people change. I didn't say Izzy was going to rejoin, just asked a couple of things about how people could see it going if it were to happen.

  8. Every time a former member joins them on stage we get the "what if they rejoined?" threads.

    In response to the question, no.

    It's naive given the history of this band to think the current line up of this band will be the line up of the future. It's likely members will change in future, and it's possible that a former member could come back.

    Thanks for your thought out response though...

    It's far more naive to believe that there will ever be a reunion of any sort.

    Umm didn't we get a reunion of a sort last night?...

  9. I don't know, maybe people wouldn't think it as an Axl Rose show, but Izzy wouldn't join, even if Axl wanted to. Although to general public Gn'R is Axl and Slash. Most don't care about Izzy or Duff, which is sad.

    And Izzy performing last night didn't have anything to do with the HoF thing. They've done that before. It's just cool and for fun, but I wouldn't read too much into it.

    I believe Izzy has expressed an interest in rejoining in the past but isn't interested in getting mind-fucked again. I think if it was less of a headache he'd be into it.

    You can't be telling me Axl is unaware of the audience and messageboard response when an original member hits the stage...

  10. Every time a former member joins them on stage we get the "what if they rejoined?" threads.

    In response to the question, no.

    It's naive given the history of this band to think the current line up of this band will be the line up of the future. It's likely members will change in future, and it's possible that a former member could come back.

    Thanks for your thought out response though...

  11. If Izzy were to rejoin GnR permanently do you think it would take some weight off of Axl's shoulders, with the band being perceived as more than just Axl's thing? Do you think Axl would be happy to share ownership of the band in this way or do you think it would be like a Batman and Robin kind of thing with a main guy and a follow-along guy?

    Also do you think having Izzy appear last night is a sort of gesture from Axl to satisfy the fans that were disappointed that Axl didn't go to the HOF, to give us a taste of the original band?

  12. It's pretty obvious that this is as much as Axl can possibly milk the current situation. Endless touring of basically the same show with dwindling crowds and pissed off people in attendance. He's gonna have to come up with a new plan soon or malls will be the only place he has left to play (they'll be closed by the time he gets there though).

    Other bands like Iron Maiden spice things up by dedicating a tour to a particular period or album. The obvious choice for Guns N' Roses would be an Appetite for Destruction tour but that would be a bold move for Axl to attempt given the current state of things.

  13. That was a serious question, I mean I thought in your vision you might have seen a title and a release date. If you didn't see an actual release date, did your visions include any clues about a time period so we can gauge how far off this amazing album is, like were there flying cars etc in the time period you saw it released?

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