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Posts posted by gnfnrs1972

  1. 1 hour ago, wasted said:

    I guess they could do an experiment at the 2026 WC. Have open borders between Mexico, Canada and the US. Then use Amazon facial recognition technology for security. 

    Every phone is kind of a tracking device so just use the facial recog as an added layer. 

    Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Apple will save us all. They are all great companies that want the best for everyone.:smiley-confused2:

  2. On 6/24/2018 at 12:01 AM, wasted said:

    That’s the mistake I make when I go to White Castle, other than actually going to White Castle, you don’t need the fries as well as 10 sliders. 

    I make that mistake no matter where I go. Food is my addiction.

  3. 1 hour ago, soon said:

    Tim Hortons is a popular coffee chain in Canada. Double Double is the coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugar. Its a big part of many of our lives, lol. Theres some locations in other Countries such as USA, I believe. But youre out in the sticks anyways so that wouldnt help.

    You and Axl arent too big at all - thats average, unless Axl is wearing Spanx as I suspect :lol:.

    I love this Cappuccino protein shake. It contains tons of vitamins too. Its a bit high in sugar, but the rest of the healthiness should give you permission to enjoy your Cappuccino






    Thanks for all the info. I'll look for that brand around here. Off the top of my head I just remember Starbucks and Duncan Doughnuts in stores around here.

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  4. 1 hour ago, soon said:

    I feel for ya, man! Its such a nice pick me up in the morning. Ever tired a Tim Hortons Double Double? That might hit the spot! 

    Maybe some cocoa powder brewed with the grounds? I think that coffee ice cream tastes more like something like a cappuccino or macchiato, so I dont know if you've tried those? Also, cold brewing coffee makes the flavour different, less acidic and less intense - although you dont get as much caffeine that way.

    Never heard of Tim Hortons double double. I drink the cappuccinos that come in a bottle from the store and like them. I'm already as fat as Axl so those aren't helping any.:lol: Also I live in a rural area where the nearest big city is an hour away, so I cant just pop by any coffee house or fast food on the way to work. 

  5. 4 hours ago, soon said:

    Toasted pulled chicken in spicy BBQ sauce sandwich, topped with cheese and pickled Hungarian peppers. With Coffee.

    My day planner tells me that I get t "free style" with leftover slice of peameal later. Might riff on carbonara if I cant think of something else.

    More sofrito meatloaf in spinach/shittake/bell pepper puree for supper.

    You know, I always thought when I got older I would finally like coffee. Now that I am old or middle aged I still can't stand hot coffee. It smells so wonderful while its brewing and then to taste it. :wacko: I've tried tons of sugar and cream and still cant stand maybe a half of a cup. Coffee ice cream...love it. Certain iced coffee...yummy. It would be nice to actually like it so I could have that caffeine pick me up in the mornings.

  6. 12 hours ago, Powerage5 said:

    I don't usually quote posts pages upon pages later, but the answer for me is simple: 5.1 audio. AFD in 5.1 is basically a wet dream for me. That said...I can't be assed to buy it now really. Too much money tied up in the Maiden tour this year to justify it right now. I'll wait until my local record store does their annual 40% off sale in October, thank you very much. 

    Holy crap! There's still record stores out there? Man I miss the days of them. I think my cell phone bill is higher every month than what I would spend in 6 months at the music store.

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