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Posts posted by Mysteron

  1. The board is getting hacked because religion is discussed, now I've heard it all...

    I thought it was an interesting comparison that shows the difference between two world dominating religions. One which preaches love, forgiveness and understanding and one which preaches... well, the opposite. Perhaps there's a reason why Muslims are fleeing to Christian countries, but no Christians are fleeing to Islamic countries?

    They are stories. Did these people exist, and if so, are the people who tell the stories telling the truth

    History says no

  2. This isn't offensive in any way, I'm neutral to this since I don't believe in either religion, so before you start complaining read through what's said said instead and ask yourself who's the better role model. I'm not religious in any way, but I know who I would pick out of the two.

    Still not a good thing to talk about. Idle conversations on these subjects attract the hackers

  3. A lot of my friends are Muslim, historically and now. They are the greatest people, and neighbours ;) on the planet.

    Understanding religion and belief is about education, and I believe that the extremist folk are just not that educated; or otherwise mad.

    IS, and all other extremist groups, are made up of highly intelligent nutters, and daftees. In general, mad people picking on the vulnerable in society.

    It is like the people who get others addicted to drugs and enslave them, abuse them and prostitute them. There is no difference.

    Dafties? You have been up in Scotland too long now :P.

    I am picking up on bad habits :lol:

  4. I used a Betamax years ago. They were fine, and they allowed you to copy videos if you had a VHS and a Betamax

    Laserdisc seemed spazzy at the time, but it was something ahead of it's time. The technology is now used in CD, DVD and Blu Ray. If you are ever looking out for the next big thing, always look at technology that is scorned upon, it tends to become big years later

  5. A lot of my friends are Muslim, historically and now. They are the greatest people, and neighbours ;) on the planet.

    Understanding religion and belief is about education, and I believe that the extremist folk are just not that educated; or otherwise mad.

    IS, and all other extremist groups, are made up of highly intelligent nutters, and daftees. In general, mad people picking on the vulnerable in society.

    It is like the people who get others addicted to drugs and enslave them, abuse them and prostitute them. There is no difference.

  6. The exclusive list of theTop 10 awful bands that managed to sell millions of records

    01. Oasis

    02. U2

    03. Coldplay

    04. Creed

    05. Oasis

    06. U2

    07. Coldplay

    08. Creed

    09. U2

    10. Pearl Jam

    Creed were forever awful

    Oasis did ok, they replicated The Beatles and the music of the day to get a few hits.

    I think Pearl Jam, and what became before, was great, and it added a dimension to Seatlle back in the day, and influenced a lot of other bands.

    U2 were massive in the 80s, they redeifined themselves afterwards but lost their way a little

    None of it overly influenced Guns, from what I hear

  7. I love this whole Derrida thing. It is impact text. Brilliant.

    The subject is a big bag of whatever, but I like how it is written.

    Thank you! Let's not listen to Facekicker. He's a doodoo-head. Don't worry about the subject if it's not your cup of tea. The subject was important to him, but it's also a vehicle for his thought, which, as we've already seen, goes well beyond the confines of capital punishment.

    On a different level, your post will have an impact on my life, and for that I thank you.

    I am a forever private individual, but you have helped me, quite bizarrely :) So there you be

  8. I've always found him to be a self satisfied cunt who overestimates his own intellect.

    He is the total opposite, haha. Stephen Fry is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Really genuine and very interesting.

    He has lived most of his life with depression, no confidence whosoever, panic attacks, suicidal tendencies, the whole package.

    He fell in with a good bunch at uni, which helped, and has had good support around him since.

    During the Edinburgh festival here, he is always around, as are many of his era, especially Paul Merton. Great, great people

    Yeah, now that I'm reading Derrida I'm feeling much more generous to everyone. :lol: I'm sure he's a lovely person, and I have the utmost respect and consideration for people who battle anxiety and depression. When I say things like that, I'm speaking about a public image and not a flesh and blood human being.

    Yeah, I like the new you. You are a lot cooler and more considerate.

    It is an odd thing with UK celebrities, they like to keep up appearances. They created that persona with their early appearances on TV, then they carry it on for decades. Stephen Fry is no different. Stephen, himself, once said that to become a comedian you have to create an identity that is different to your own, sometimes create a voice or a persona for the identity. It is almost like being a ventriloquist without a dummy. Fake personas create a fake confidence.

  9. I've always found him to be a self satisfied cunt who overestimates his own intellect.

    He is the total opposite, haha. Stephen Fry is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Really genuine and very interesting.

    He has lived most of his life with depression, no confidence whosoever, panic attacks, suicidal tendencies, the whole package.

    He fell in with a good bunch at uni, which helped, and has had good support around him since.

    During the Edinburgh festival here, he is always around, as are many of his era, especially Paul Merton. Great, great people

  10. Superbowl halftime shows are almost always terrible yet full of controversy, so 2015 Axl should be just right.

    Prince was great. That's the only one I can remember being any good.

    I love Prince, an amazing artist

    We are led to believe in the UK that Janet Jackson's breast exposure has increased the importance of the half time act in recent times. I have no idea if that is true.

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