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Iron MikeyJ

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Posts posted by Iron MikeyJ

  1. 1 hour ago, lame ass security said:

    Yeah, lol, before my family had a VCR I would go to the video store to see the cool boxes and check the cast and summary.  Btw, you can't mention Night of the Demons(original) without thinking about the lipstick scene.😄

    For sure!!!

    When the old man puts the razor blades in the apples, I thought that was so messed up. But then his wife feeds them to him. 

    They just don't make em's like that anymore.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I mentioned a film from 2015, The Witch. You should watch it. The best horror I have seen in years. 

    Thanks, I will keep my eyes open for it. That was one of my main reasons for starting this thread, to spread the word about films that maybe others haven't seen. 

    As I just said on another post, I actually collect horror movies. I have a local store I go to and buy used DVDs (they are like 3 bucks a piece, and when you buy 3 you get 3 for free). So I go there and spend $30 and get like 20-25 movies. Which I was in there yesterday to be honest, and the guy said "you really like horror huh?" I already own all the "heavy hitters" (and have owned them for years). As a matter of fact I have all the Freddys, Jason, Michael Myers, Evil Deads on VHS as well (that's how long I've been collecting them). So I like finding movies I've never heard of, especially if they are good. 

    I admit that that I dont typically enjoy the modern films as much as the older stuff. Not that there isn't some good ones out there, but there is also a TON of crap (especially on Netflix). Everyone talked about how good It Follows was... I was disappointed. I thought it was average at best. 

  3. 9 hours ago, lame ass security said:

    Damn, you kind of nailed it for me with that list. There are of course others but that's a great list.

    Edit: Night of the Demons was awesome, the character Stooge was hilarious and had a great line, "eat a bowl of fuck, I'm here to party."😄

    I was wondering if anyone on here had seen Night of the Demons. Not the crappy remake made around 2004ish either, but the ORIGINAL one. Underrated 80s horror flick imo. The 2nd one isn't half bad either, the 3rd one is a crap fest though (if memory serves, I own 1 and 2 but not 3). 

    Story time, lol. Back in the mid 80s or so (before I was allowed to watch horror movies), I could watch Godzilla. Well my local video store put the Godzilla films in the horror section, so I would see all these crazy movie long before I actually watched them. So I have very vivid memories of seeing the VHS boxes for films like Ghoulies, Sorority House Massacre, Sleepaway Camp, April Fools Day, etc. Its also where I first learned about Night of the Demons. If they had a cool box, I was interested. Well fast forward to the mid 90s and I was allowed to finally rent them, and boy DID I. Most were pretty disappointing (if I'm honest). Not Night of the Demons though (it actually scared me when I first saw it). The film actually borrowed quite a bit from Evil Dead, but I didn't know that at the time. As I said, I have since bought 1 and 2, I collect horror films). Although I dont get to watch those very often (my wife doesn't share my enthusiasm for them, lol). When I discuss 80s horror though, I ALWAYS include it!!!

  4. So we kinda went off topic a bit in the Halloween thread, so I decided to make a thread dedicated to the topic of horror. For starters, how about everyone give their top 5 (or 10) films from the modern era of horror (70s-today).



    1. Halloween

    2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    3. The Exorcist

    4. The Omen

    5. Dawn of the Dead

    6. Amityville Horror

    7. Omen 2

    8. Carrie

    9. Last House on the Left

    10. Satanic Rites of Dracula


    1. A Nightmare on Elm Street

    2. Nightmare 3 Dream Warriors

    3. Friday the 13th the Final Chapter

    4. Evil Dead 2

    5.  Friday the 13th 6 Jason Lives

    6. Evil Dead

    7. The Howling

    8. Halloween 2

    9. An American Werewolf in London

    10. The Shining

    HM: Amityville 2 the Possession, Night of the Demons, Halloween 4, Friday the 13th 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, Poltergeist 1 and 2, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and 4, Childs Play, Hellraiser 1 and 2

    The 80s is my favorite decade for horror

  5. 3 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    T1 has more sex and more violence than T2. I cannot think what is more enjoyable than sex and violence?

    I am not into all that cheesy '80s American horror, but I have a friend who is. 



    Arnie takes his eye out for crying out loud. 

    For the love of all things holy, you call Dream Warriors "cheesy 80s horror" again, I'm gonna fly over to Britain and strap you down (like Clockwork Orange) and force you to watch Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Ghoulies, Critters 1, 2, and 3, and Puppet Master 1, 2, and 3 ALL of repeat. Just so you will ACTUALLY know what cheesy 80s horror looks like. 😁

  6. 17 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

    Its flashier and fleshier, its softer, it makes commercial concessions (the emotional terminator  who knows now why you cry) but the first one has that dark foreboding-ness in fitting with the tenets of the Tech Noir genre.  You can truly imagine a horrible future with that one because the tone of it is so dark.  The second one really can't compete with the first.

    You dont have to sell me on T1, for the LONGEST time I always felt the first was slightly better. Arnie as the bad guy always felt the "best" to me. But I rewatched them back to back (last summer I believe), and I finally saw what others were saying about T2. Yes it's EVERYTHING you said, but it's also just plain more enjoyable. I think, many people forget "enjoyability" when it comes to movies. If you are watching a movie, and you are just plain "into it" from start to finish, that can't be over looked. That's why I personally LOVED Godzilla King of the Monsters, I ENJOYED the crap out of it from start to finish. Not every movie needs to be a serious, though provoking experience. Sometimes those films are too far up their own butts for my liking anyways. 

    While "enjoyability" is subjective, I think most people would agree with me, T2 is more enjoyable than T1. Having said that I STILL love T1, as well as Alien. But the same applies to Alien vs Aliens, Aliens is more enjoyable. Alien drags on in the first half of the film (bordering on boring). Once it picks up, it's great. Bit that first half almost puts me to sleep everytime. Aliens on the other hand I dont have that issue. Again, I'm not ragging on Alien, I LOVE that movie as well. Heck I even really like Prometheus (so it isn't a Ridley Scott vs James Camron) thing.

  7. 2 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Nope, completely disagree. The first two are grittier, darker, more atmospheric. Alien is basically a horror film, in that we see the full force of Giger's horrifying creature. The sequels are excellent sequels but basically big budget action films. 

    The Freddie Kruger, in the sequels, became a comedic joke character. Don't forget in the original he was a paedophile who had been burnt to death by revengeful parents - quite a dark concept. In the sequels he became this slapstick character. There is some shitty '80s soundtrack: ''WE'RE THE DREAM WARRIORS'' by Ratt or Dokkon or one of those godawful bands. Utter tripe.  

    Yes, Freddy DID become a slapstick character in the series (really starting with the 4th film). Having said that, the character ALWAYS had a sick demented sense of humor (starting in the original) In Dream Warriors he is still dark and menacing, the jokes are secondary to his killing. Is the film as scary as the original? No, but it isn't a full on cheese fest like you are saying. Ok, so the soundtrack has Dokken songs on it, and the music video was full on cheese. But those are secondary aspects, not the film itself. Honestly I think you should give it another watch... with an open mind. 

  8. 1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

    I completely disagree. But I do agree that those sequels are a rare exception of a great sequel. 

    Uggh. Cheesy '80s crap.


    I LOVE T1 and Alien, but I'm sorry but the sequels are superior in every way (plot, characters, etc). 

    As for Dream Warriors, how can you call it "cheesy 80s crap?" Have you not watched it in YEARS. That film is one of the (if not THE) best horror sequels of all time. Robert Englund gives his best performance as Freddy, Nancy returns with a STRONG storyline, it also features truly great cast of teenagers (one of the best ensembles in horror history imo). It has been described by MANY fans as "The ultimate Freddy movie," and I agree. Let's not forget that it was written by Wes Craven. 

    1, Dream Warriors and New Nightmare are ALL quality films from that series. I would put 1 and Dream Warriors in my top 80s horror films list and I would put New Nightmare in my top 90s horror films list. All three had Wes Craven involved, and all three had Heather Langenkamp (arguably the best horror final girl). I gotta wonder if you are confusing Dream Warriors with The Dream Master? That one I would give you "80s cheesy crap." But not Dream Warriors, no way, I ain't having it.

  9. 11 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    All utter wank. 

    You know the ending of Halloween is perfect and all the dodgy sequels bugger that ending up the arse? Myers is out there and there are shots of the suburbs with the theme tune; there is an implication he could be in your suburb. It would have been great if it ended there rather than doing constant sequels for cash. Same with the Terminators and Alien dualogies and all this other garbage.

    Indiana Jones? They brought him out of retirement and he was flying through a cgi jungle like Tarzan. Please make it all stop!!!!!

    While I understand your point, and sequels CAN take away from the magic of the original film, I gotta disagree with you. I can NAME  plenty of sequels that ENHANCED the original film, and built the franchise. Just from those you mentioned Alien and Terminator. While both Alien and Terminator are GREAT films, they are not even the best in their franchises. Aliens and T2 are CLEARLY the best films, and the franchise builders in those series. Erasing THOSE films would have done a disservice to us fans. Same goes for Friday the 13th The Final Chapter (best F13 film), A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 The Dream Warriors (although the original is slightly better), and Evil Dead 2. 

    A quality, well done sequel is an amazing thing my friend. Now of course the vast majority are garbage (Halloween 8 for example). When a story is told perfectly, we as fans, want to return to that world, that's the point of a sequel. When it's done properly, I think it's a beautiful thing.

  10. 6 hours ago, Amir said:

    That's cool, too bad I already own most of the Showa films I want. I also own ALL of Heisei. I only have 2 Millenium films GMK and Final Wars (because I'm not really a big fan of the millennium series). 

    As for Showa, I have the original, Godzilla vs King Kong, Ghidorah the 3 headed monster, Invasion of the Astro Monster, Godzilla VS Gigan and Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla. The only other one I would be interested in would be Godzilla vs Mothra and maybe Terror of MechaGodzilla. I've seen the rest of the Showa era, and they are not all that good imo. Take Destroy All Monsters for example, it sounds great on paper, but it really isn't all that good of a film imo. It's not bad, just kinda average. 

  11. 54 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Although my excitement will never be what it was pre-Endgame, I'm prticularly excited for The Eternals, Shang Chi, and the Falcon TV show. I think its smart to scale Phase 4 back and focus on some new characters

    Why were you disappointed in Endgame, @Iron MikeyJ?

    While I wouldn't say it was bad, (it's still better than Age of Ultron as far as Avengers films go), it was underwhelming. For starters, I dislike the approach they took with both Thor and Hulk, they basically ruined (arguably) the best two Avengers. We never got ANY sort of payoff with the Hulk especially, they basically sidelined him in order to give Tony and Cap more screen time. Which would have been fine, if they hadn't benched him in Infinity War as well. I feel that was a major disservice for the character. As far as Thor goes... that was an AWFUL turn for the character. So those are my 2 biggest gripes. 3rd is Black Widow, they have her the shaft as well, and she didn't even get a memorial service or anything at then end. So 3 of the original Avengers didn't get a good final showing imo. Yes, it appears Hulk and Thor will return. Will Black Widow? I think her movie is going to be a prequel, so no, that's how she ends, more than likely. 

    The time travel aspect I'm very mixed about. The film DID have a Back to Future part 2 feel to it, which I liked. But they did a poor job explaining time travel (the rules on how it works). It was just kinda like "don't over anaylize it, but trust us it works" type of methodology. Which I found that disappointing to a certain degree. Which I can forgive this, if the final payoff was satisfying, but it wasn't. Hulk should have gotten a round 2 vs Thanos. I don't mean to dwell on the Hulk, but he was REALLY poorly used in this film. Worst Hulk performance to date (and that includes both the Edward Norton and Eric Bana films). I dont mind going for a "Dr. Hulk" approach, but it poorly executed. 

    Overall, it was a mediocre Marvel film for me. I dont hate it, I plan on buying it because it's the 2nd part to the Infinity War. I liked Tony in it, I thought he carried the film (and the franchise for that matter). I am not sure how the MCU will survive going forward tbh. 

    Which brings me to where I am at emotionally with the MCU at this point, they got LUCKY with Iron Man (the first film, which started EVERYTHING). What I mean by that is, they got Robert Downey Jr, and he really brought the character of Tony Stark to life. If they had gotten ANYONE else, the film wouldn't of worked, and neither would the MCU. Iron Man the character was a B list character, but it worked because of RDJ. That's how they got lucky. Then they did Hulk next (A list character), Universal owns the film rights to Hulk though, so they have to do deals like they do with Spiderman. Next came Thor (again a B list character, but he eventually became A list by the time the Avengers was released). Finally they did Cap (which is an A list character). So two A list and two B list characters built the MCU, which is pretty remarkable considering that Wolverine, Spiderman, Hulk and Cap are Marvels true A list characters. Yet the MCU was built on only 2 of them. 

    As the phases went along we got more B list, and C list characters. But they were held together by the original team, they were the glue. We also got Spiderman (another A lister), but this far I'm personally very mixed on the MCU spiderman. I haven't seen the newest film yet, but I'm not really excited about it either. They have just made two many changes to the character for me. The MCU was always about doing the characters RIGHT, how they were in the comics. But they decided to "change things up" with Spiderman, and I dont like a lot of the changes. So one of Marvels MT. Rushmore characters has become unrecognizable from the TRUE spiderman imo. 

    As we sit here now, we have a bunch of C list and D list characters getting films :facepalm: we have Spiderman but not REALLY spiderman, Hulk is ruined, Thor is ruined, Iron Man is dead and Cap is retired. Does this sound good to you? It doesn't to me. I could care less about any of the films they announced for phase 4 or the TV shows tbh. 

    Here is what the MCU NEEDS to keep it going... It needs the Xmen, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, Silver Surfer and Galactus. This would give it the boost it needs to stay relevant imo. Which I know there is talk about the FF and xmen, but until I see a film announced... I'm out. Black Widow film... Ok, Dr. STRANGE film... a little interested, Eternals... WHERE IS GALACTUS, Thor 4... makes me throw up in my mouth, the TV shows... could care less. 

    • Like 2
  12. 10 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

    I think you're way over-thinking this shit man :lol:  As realism goes none of its realistic, its just an excuse to see Michael slap the ol' mask on and go about mullering young birds :lol:


    I'm a horror connoisseur from WAY back 😁 So I DO take them overly serious, over analyze, etc. When it comes to Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers and the Evil Dead movies (they are my big 4) I've been watching them since the 80s.

    All things considered, you are right though. As long as Michael puts on the mask, and the characters are decent, I'm good. You know me, I gotta over analyze everything, lol. 😁

  13. I'm cautiously optimistic about this news. As we sit here today, I would rank the Halloween timelines as follows 

    1. Halloween, Halloween 2, Halloween H20 (ignoring 8 because it is dreadful)

    2. Halloween, Halloween 2018, all the upcoming sequels

    3. Halloween, Halloween 2, Halloween 4, Halloween 5, Halloween 6

    4. Rob Zombies remake films


    While I DO really like the 2018 film, certain aspects felt "off" imo. Most notably ignoring Halloween 2. Halloween 2 just belongs right after 1, it completes that original story. Ignoring it just feels wrong. Not to mention I still feel it's the 2nd best Halloween film overall. I would rate the 2018 film as 3rd best overall, followed closely by H20. 

    I just don't feel that any future sequels will surpass Halloween 2 or even H20 for that matter. So the original timeline will always remain my preferred timeline.

    Another thing that bothers me about the 2018 film, Laurie has been dwelling on Michael Myers her entire life, yet he ONLY terrorized her that 1 night (Halloween 1). The way her character was written would have made more sense if she HAD lived through Halloween 1, 2, and H20. I would have accepted Laurie more if she HAD experienced a life of terror, as opposed to just 1 night. My wife watches a lot of 20/20, Dateline, etc. Most survivors DO manage to move on after a traumatic event, and find some sort of normalcy with their life. So the Laurie they wrote for Halloween 2018 doesn't feel realistic imo. If they wrote her like that for the 2nd or third film, I would buy that. But, not for the first one. 


    Having said all of that, I'm glad they are making films, and glad they (hopefully) will be pretty good as well. Let's be honest this series has some garbage in it (Halloween 5, Halloween 8, both Rob Zombie films). So I'm sure these sequels will be superior to those garbage films, so that's a win imo.

  14. 4 hours ago, AxlRoseCDII said:

    Played most of your game (still got to do worlds 7 and 8) and it’s really fun and awesome that you made a whole game! :)

    I really like how you give the player the choice of fire flower or cape/tanooki/etc throughout the game. One thing id change is some levels require you to use a fire flower to defeat bowser. The issue with this is that if the player takes damage and loses the flower, the player can’t re-get it and therefore essentially are softlocked from finishing the leve. You can use pipes to have the flower keep spawning. Also, some levels feel like enemy gauntlets with little no platforming. But overall the fact you made a whole game is very noteworthy and enjoyable, and you have are a great level designer! Well done friend! I hope you take the constructive criticism to heart and continue making great levels.

    Thanks!!! I agree, it's not perfect. I might have rushed it a bit (I was trying to get it done asap, while the game is new). Some of the "gauntlet" levels were on purpose, because some players DO like that. I tried to do a bit of everything. I also REALLY tried stretching the limits of a "maze" type feel on some levels as well. I'm also doing some sort of giveaway (for those that complete the entire game) on my YouTube channel. So if that interests you, watch my video, and stay tuned for future videos (you already have a HUGE leg up on beating the game).

    I WILL keep making levels, for sure. Thanks for playing.

    • GNFNR 1
  15. 1 hour ago, action said:

    well, that's a missed opportunity for me then, I don't do games as a service, and I'll never will.

    I did just bought the game though, as a slight discount for 49.99 euro.

    For now, I'm hugely enjoying the story mode. It's like a 2D mario megamix with all the best templates of the past. For that alone, I'm considering this a classic.

    I'm also planning on building some levels in the style of the old classics, and store them. endless replayability right there.

    I already had the Nintendo online service (I bought it for the NES games). So it wasn't an added or extra expense for me, just something I already had. I understand what you are saying though.

  16. 5 hours ago, action said:

    @Iron MikeyJ what do these codes do? are they level - ID's that connect to your profile? Do I need connection to internet?

    Or is it more like a "passcode" that saves your levels?

    I don't have nintendo online. Will these codes work?

    If so, these codes can be handy to bypass the nintendo online wall to share levels


    They are the codes to access my levels. It's how you search for them. Ypu can also put in my user ID code, which will take you to my profile and access them that way as well. Yes you need Nintendo online to do this, but its only $20 for a whole year. When you play online, you can try and set the "world record" for any course you play (beat it in the fastest time). You can also download any level, and play them offline as often as you want (I recommend this for playing them multiplayer). 

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