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Axl Rose aka God

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Posts posted by Axl Rose aka God

  1. The same things get said by the same people regarding setlists. The people who complain constantly that it's the same are ridiculous and holding on for something that will never come. I'll never understand that irrationality. There's no reason to change it, for it's a roaming circus act that needs to please a new crowd every night. 


  2. 1 minute ago, maynard said:

    A bit faster is ok but songs like PC and NR for example suffer a lot from the speed up tempo. It also makes it harder for Axl to catch some breath. There's no reason for them to play the songs so fast.

    I agree with you, but that's what they want. When I saw them live it was so noticeable that Estranged was done much faster. The song was only like 7 minutes. I'm confident in saying that they just want to make time so that the shows don't go too late

  3. You guys really need to understand something. Not everybody follows the band's every move. Not everybody watches a periscope feed of every single show. Turn off the periscopes once in a while, and look at this from the perspective of a fan who doesn't do those things. There are fans who, probably, haven't seen much of Guns live unless they've attended a show or seen a brief stream on Facebook or Instagram. This is COOL to those people. Complaining about the setlist is normal for the forum, but to the people who haven't seen much, Black Hole Sun is NEW to them. 


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  4. Look, Axl's voice is certainly not in prime shape and that's just normal with age

    Still, he sings well enough.

    It's the case of having a Lambo vs having an every-day-car
    If my Lambo is aging, enthusiasts are going to know it's got it's issues and that's its a bit older. To most people though, it's still a fucking lambo. An aging every-day-car though, enthusiasts and common folk alike are going to know it's a piece of shit. Axl's the lambo. 

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