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Axl Rose aka God

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Posts posted by Axl Rose aka God

  1. This is just a human being we're talking about, one that happens to entertain people.

    If I happen to recognise something iffy about something I see, why can't I take the liberty to discuss my views with people on something that's called a discussion forum?

    Also if you read carefully or analyzed what I posted, then you'll notice I was talking about only that specific segment. If he were to use his expressions in exact the same way through the whole interview, then it's not down to lying and it could in fact be nervousness.

    But one thing is for sure, you've got to agree on is that he's very vague about the situation. He says it's like sports, getting in the game situation, but sports players have to stick to times as well.

    By the way, with a username with "god" in the name, you really seem to portray the figure casting one to heaven or hell. You're the one that needs to get over himself.

    You read too much into everything as well. I'd hate to meet some of you people in real life. You come off as the type who stands in the room, watching everyone have fun, and just pick every single flaw that everyone posseses. Having "god" in my username doesn't mean shit. It's an exaggeration, calling Axl Rose god, and nothing more.

    Fair enough about your username, but who is the one labeling other forum members as "morons" and that they should be banned?

    In a written post that can be perceived in any way, I come off as a person who stands in the room, watching everyone have fun, and just pick every single flaw that everyone posseses? I hope you didn't have to study anything to come to that conclusion, otherwise it was a grand waste of time I can assure you.

    You see though, that's just it. I'm making assumptions about you in the same sense that everyone is making assumptions about Axl Rose. We don't know him personally nor do we know how he see things. I don't know you personally, nor does anyone else I'm assuming. We're all just people on a message board talking about a band we presumably love. I understand we like to debate our opinions but do we have to go out of our way to bash Axl? No way. I think we should just appreciate the positives in life in a world that's much too dark...

  2. This is just a human being we're talking about, one that happens to entertain people.

    If I happen to recognise something iffy about something I see, why can't I take the liberty to discuss my views with people on something that's called a discussion forum?

    Also if you read carefully or analyzed what I posted, then you'll notice I was talking about only that specific segment. If he were to use his expressions in exact the same way through the whole interview, then it's not down to lying and it could in fact be nervousness.

    But one thing is for sure, you've got to agree on is that he's very vague about the situation. He says it's like sports, getting in the game situation, but sports players have to stick to times as well.

    By the way, with a username with "god" in the name, you really seem to portray the figure casting one to heaven or hell. You're the one that needs to get over himself.

    You read too much into everything as well. I'd hate to meet some of you people in real life. You come off as the type who stands in the room, watching everyone have fun, and just pick every single flaw that everyone posseses. Having "god" in my username doesn't mean shit. It's an exaggeration, calling Axl Rose god, and nothing more.

  3. A lot of you morons on this forum and other forums are fucking ruining it for not just yourselves but others. You're not special by posting your opinions or what you think is educated and or insider information. You have the same privileges as everybody else on here, and for even thinking you're of higher intellect and have the balls to post shit bashing the premise of this interview you should honestly be banned. Nobody owes you not one god damn thing and if you're going to bitch and whine and nitpick, you can get the fuck out.

    I'm grateful we're getting an interview at all.

  4. That was great. Sounds like he's in great spirits! "Now the guys will come to me and say, Hey Frank wants to put this song in the set and I'm like well you go tell frank who asked him! haha" Obviously is meant to be a joke guys haha, he's poking fun at how freakin' long the set list is as it is.

  5. So I've gotten really good at upscaling and remastering footage and upscaling audio by adding fidelity. With this I've decided to try my hand at remastering some Guns N' Roses footage. However, I need some help from all of you. Well, most of you. Not the double talkin' jive motherfuckers.

    I'm looking for recommendations of footage. Preferably pro-shot. If a recent performance was considered one of the greatest but is only available in fan-cam footage or something I'll consider it, pending that the quality isn't beyond remastering. So what I'm looking for is five to ten performances of particular songs. You vote which is the best corresponding to the decade/time next to the song. I've given fifteen options incase you feel one song doesn't belong in the compilation or incase I'm feeling bold. Sound good? Plus, this topic is great for deciding what the best performances are anyway!

    1. Chinese Democracy (2006 onward. Not accepting 2001 or 2002 because the song sounded differently)

    2. Welcome to the Jungle (any time, would prefer not to use The Ritz in 88)

    3. Sweet Child O' Mine (1980s)

    4. Better (I'm thinking Rock Am Ring 2006 but its up to you guys)

    5. Nightrain (any time period)

    6. Paradise City (1990's)

    7. November Rain (1990's)

    8. Rocket Queen (any time period)

    9. Perfect Crime (any time period)

    10. Don't Cry (any time period)

    11. You Could Be Mine (1990's)

    12. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (2000's, I'm thinking Rock Am Ring 2006)

    13. Estranged (any time period)

    14. Catcher in the Rye (obvious...)

    15. Civil War (1990s)

    It's very hard to limit this list to merely ten songs, or even five. I had trouble picking fifteen options honestly but I think these songs have all sounded great live when I've heard them. So get to choosing! Name the show, the date, and possibly a link to the performance.

  6. The god damn mickey mouse voice still ruins it. It sounds like it did at Rio, I don't know why everyone's lying to themselves and saying it's improving. It's improving on other songs but he refuses to rasp Estranged. Maybe because it's so long? Either way, he's singing with falsetto which is unacceptable.

  7. some dude posted these on another forum.....are they real??? probably not....they're fucking stupid. but don't forget about that dude that posted the Sorry lyrics back in 2007.....stranger things have happened....

    All cautions made, every chance was given, no effort spared, to save what we had

    or it would take, away the light we given, once it is ours, were free from this land

    dont ever expect me to turn up this late

    mother fucker' in this game, its checkmate

    as i then ran, as fast as i could, memories both friends, escaped from my hand

    ive got a gun, now the bloods on my hands, everything you see is here till the end

    dont ever expect me to turn up this late

    mother fucker' in this game, its checkmate

    lies that ive told, lies that ive given

    lies that ive sold, lies that have driven

    me mad to the top of my own head

    me mad to the top of my head

    at night sugar, im sorry if i turn up late

    well now honey, my turn, check mate

    all dozens slayed, every chance, one given, dont ever spin ,just say what we had

    or it would take, away the light we given, once it is ours, were free from this land

    dont ever expect me to turn up this late

    mother fucker' in this game, its checkmate

    All Thoughts in lane (all thoughts in lane)

    every chance we gave (ever chance we gave)

    dont ever spare (dont ever spare)

    im here till the end (checkmate)

    im here till the end

    im here till the end

    I'm calling bullshit as it becomes sort of poetry after the intro...and I dunno, it doesn't seem like something comparable to any of the ChiDem songs...and the punctuation changes as well. Obviously created by an amateur.

  8. Alright so a lot of people, actually most if not all of us, don't know how Chinese Democracy was created. As in, what went down and how. Perhaps it was boredom that developed while watching Malcolm in the Middle on Netflix and realizing that I've seen this episode more than any of the others. I looked up at my Chinese Democracy vinyls, two of the three I bought, that were used primarily for displaying, and thought "How did it happen? It's so mysterious..."

    So with a potential remake being speculated about, I thought of how it came about. Here's what I came up with. I'd like some help filling in the blanks, misinformation, or information that is known that I left out.

    Sometime in 1998-1999

    - Chinese Democracy for the most part was recorded. Oh My God was recorded and planned to be a single, but released for the movie End of Days. We know that story.

    - Mixing began and for the most part I.R.S. and Catcher were well received by Axl and sent around. These songs got out

    Sometime in 2000-2001

    - Axl begins finalizing his first renditions of Chinese Democracy, polishing the songs as they were

    - The album cover is created using the infamous bike cover that we have now. More than likely a varient of it without the current Guns N' Roses logo. Perhaps the version that was seen on the original thumbnail on Best Buy when it was able to be preordered.


    - Axl announces the album and describes the cover.

    - 'Final' mixing is occuring.


    - The VMA's performance goes down and Axl has his first words with the American Media

    - Axl tours ready to release Chinese Democracy however something makes him decide that it's incomplete and could be better

    - Post tour, he disappears.

    Somewhere between 2003-2005

    - Axl's voice improves ten-fold.

    - Fully knowing this, he enters the studio and either re-records or records various songs.

    - Mixing on these songs begins.


    - It's time for another tour, determined to release the album now.

    - Axl appears on MTV once again, only introducing The Killers but still appearing.

    - The newly recorded songs were possibly recorded to replace songs that weren't well received or perhaps being saved for another album later

    - The tour is going incredibly well and Axl is content with the mixes.


    - Manager announces a release date in March (there are only x remaining tuesdays!)

    - The March date comes and goes

    - Axl begins to realize that the manager is against him

    - Chinese Democracy is put on hold


    - Axl is mixing the album a bit more, changing some songs (perhaps the end of Street of Dreams? having Ron and the new band members record parts)

    - Axl bought various paintings from Shi Lifeng, and intended to use some as the cover art.

    - The manager or record company comes to Axl and says they can't wait any longer and his intentions are ignored.

    - Being forced, Axl rushes out an album but it still isn't finished, as the mixes he happened to be working on weren't completed.

    - Pressing begins, Chinese Democracy having a modified bike cover, Best Buy begins preorders.

    - TV spots begin. Knowing he can still create the Single Arts he uses the Red Star painting by Shi Lifeng for Chinese Democracy, and other art for Better and Street of Dreams.

    - Chinese Democracy released against Axl's will. Fires the manager, does an interview trying to explain that he didn't want the album to be released the way it was.

    Thoughts? A lot of these are things that have only been hinted at and can no be confirmed really. This is really just how I've imagined it, but I'd still like your opinions.

  9. If the upgrade from Rio to now has been this drastic then lets hope that its a good indication of how his voice will improve by the time we get a few weeks in.

    Maybe I'm hearing something different, but, to me, he sounds exactly the same as he did at Rio. The only difference has been that his voice is drowned out by crowd noise at the other shows, so you don't hear how off he really is. On most shows, since 2001, when you hear Axl without the crowd drowning him out, he's a little Vince Neilish.

    Bingo. Everyone who's saying "it's getting better!" is just starting to accept the Mickey Mouse voice again. It's sickening, and I really can't believe how much you people hang off of his hangers.

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