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Posts posted by Opax

  1. Rolling Stone's been real heavy with the Axl bashing ever since them announcing the Nov 21st rumor as a true release date passed and made them look like assholes.

    I reckon it makes him sound kinda cool

    Especially the part about shooting the pig, never heard that before. Fucking vegetarians.

  2. I'm a long time Rock N Roll fan but have never been able to get into Queen. Always believing there music to be impossible to take seriously.

    Could someone give me pointers on where to start.

  3. when he first signed to geffen he was just looking for a way to get his cd out. he grew up in a small quiet town and always said that he hated the way it was hard to buy music, saying wallmart was all he had. maybe he was thinking about availability of his music to people who weren't city slickers? thats why he changed the in utero cover, because wallmart refused to stock it and he wanted people in a situation similar to him as a youth to have the choice to get his cd

    he regretted signing to geffen( the same label as gnr) afterwards due to all the fame. if he really wanted fame why would he quit music? (yes i believe he was murdered but lets not get innto that again :P ) and as for doing music videos on MTV, the record company obviously had a big imput and influence ;) they'd hardly pay him millions and not try to make money off him. plus i'm sure there was a big demand from nirvanas fans for music, videos and merchendise.

    Pearl Jam didnt make more than one video.

    My assumption is that Kurt Cobain was a hypocrite and a knob. Sadly he didnt realise that someone else had done what he did like 15 years before, they wre called the Sex Pistols.

    Anyone also noticed how all the lead singls off In utero are based on the same paaterns as the lead singles of Nevermind, this proves that his music was also a bunch of unintelligent shite. He had to get Dave Grohl to write half the guitar parts on In Utero anyway.

    Kurt Cobain = Overated Hypocrite.

    If he was alive today he'd probably be doing duets with U2 and critising the US government. He would be a walking cliche just like he was in the early 90's.

  4. Is it just me or is it getting darker and darker in the world of GNR...Feels like Nirvana early 1994 where you just could tell its coming to an end one way or the other........This USA tour has been a deathblow to the new lineup...half empty arenas, negative reviews, cancelled shows, no album in sight, walking off stage, no buzz at all from the media which used to talk about every move Axl made...........

    It feels like the end is near for this lineup...Too much negativity and there is no coming back from it.......Dont say just release the album because it is obvious that is NEVER going to happen..And even if it DOES get released...what if it sucks...that would be even more of a deathblow......I hate to say it but it just seems like the shit hit the fan....

    First of all your a knob.

    They havent been playing to half empty areans. They've been playing to almost full ones, or near capicity. Nowhere have I read that the stadium have been below three quarters full.

    Also, there has been what, two cancelled shows, big deal not unusuial for other acts to cancel two or three shows a tour.

    Reviews have been for the most part very positive.

    Finally and most importantly fans have been getting to the shows and throurouly enjoying them.

  5. I sort of see the new band as showing the old band some respect in terms of not just trampling over the past - like waiting this amount of time and working hard enough on CD to make it good.

    What about them cashing in on the old bands music night after night. You can't even compare them to the old band becasue they've produced nothing to compare them with.

    I read this thing that Pink Flyod toured while working on Dark Side and then when tour was over went in and recorded the album. So people were going to shows without an new album - it's not a completely new way of doing it.

    Like in the other post they were playing the whole new album in its entiry (to the most part) every night. So its not the smae at all. Plus it wasnt a bunch of news guys trying to prove themselves they were an allready established act.

  6. But they had Andy Wallace mixing the album a month ago and suddenly it's like there is no album. It is weird to do a tour without an album but it's not the first time - Pink Floyd did it with Dark Side of the Moon. I do wonder if people will be back next year to see GNR live but still this idea that they are consciously betraying the fans on purpose seems a long shot. Like what for? For attention?

    The reason for the Dark side of the Moon tour prior to them recording the album was so they could road test all the songs. In other words they were playign Dark side of the Moon in its entirity before they recorded it. Do'nt see Axl doing that with Chinese Democracy.

    I just don't get the idea that this band is touring and people think it's on false pretenses. Like they touring and only pretending they have a record. To me that is a real stretch.

    Correct me if Im wrong but isnt that what they did in 2002

  7. and do you hate Iron Maiden for having three guitarists?

    Nobody ever, anywhere, hates Iron Maiden.

    I hate Iron Maiden, and I will continue to hate Iron Maiden until they kick out Dave Murray and come back with two guitarrists like a real band.

    No you don't. Neither do you Rev...

    since u said it....

    The band is for people with taste in Star Wars and other wierd stuff....

    Since when has Star Wars, the highest grossing movie franchise of all time, been considered weird!

  8. God damn it, you Americans have just had twenty something shows. If you dont want to leave your own state to see them, then boo fucking hoo. I travelled from New Zealand to Portugal to see guns in 04 and they didnt even show.

    Thats a 24 hour flight just for your info that I had to book months in advance.

  9. Just for the record, Spaghetti Incident was out in 93 not 94


    You sure?

    I always thought it was '94...

    I thought you'd be the last person to get that kind of things wrong :P

    Hey I was 5 weeks out - c'mon!! :xmassrudolph:

    A quick question foryou Subs, not topic related. When did the Estranged Video first air, got the impression it was 94, but seems weird that it would be post TSI!

  10. considering theres no album and this tour has been moderately succesful there is no need for a 2nd leg

    I can see another leg, but things are only going to get worse next year if nothing is delivered.

  11. I have noticed something in the last almost 8 weeks since I have been in the USAF. nothing makes people want to work harder or be more motervated then candy. dumb shits even risked getting in trouble in the dorms by hiding candy in their beds. what the fuck? we get to shot guns, learn how to kick ass, women get wet so easy for a guy in uniform, but no, they would trade all of that in for candy, fucking stuffing their faces like a bunch of damn fools.

    Talk about a band that flushed its creative spirit down the toilet. I'm from manchester and Oasis can suck a big one.

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