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Posts posted by Opax

  1. I think this album will appeal to his fans of earlier work more than With Teeth. It's a lot more untraditional and challenging in structure... I like it more than Downward Spiral, though. "Vessel," "Capitol G," solid songs!

    Well that sounds positive, Im sure I'd have bought it either way.

    Oh and also ^^^^Bring back the dude, el duderio or his dudeness.

  2. Dio has rocked for a long, long time,

    Now it's time for him to pass the torch.

    He has songs of wildebeests and angels,

    He has soared on the wings of a demon.

    It's time to pass the torch,

    You're too old to rock, no more rockin' for you.

    We're takin' you to a home,

    But we will sing a song about you.

    And we will make sure that you're very well taken care of.

    You'll tell us secrets that you've learned. Raow!

    Your sauce will mix with ours,

    And we'll make a good goulash baby.

    Dio, time to go!

    You must give your cape and scepter to me.

    And a smaller one for KG.

    Go! Go! Dio! Dio!

  3. Quite disappointing.

    I don\'t think Chris is much of a solo artist. I think he works better in bands. Soungarden and Temple of the Dog were ace, and Audioslave had some good songs.

    His first solo album was mediocre. His best solo song - You Know My Name - was co-written by David Arnold (who composed the score for Casino Royale and implemented orchestral pieces of the Cornell song into the film to coincide with the theme song).

    Chris works better with others, I guess...

    I think his first solo album was quite the collaborative effort too though. I think people just get the worng idea because he tends to go in rather different directions than the bands folks are familiar with him in.

  4. What's with the Morello bashing?

    I like the guy's playing, personally

    Morello's heavy riffs are phenominal. It's the wanking solos that many don't like. It's been an acquired taste for me, though some of his solos don't fit the songs at all, just pure independent wanking for the sake of wanking.

    Just wish he'd use that stuff much more selectively rather than making it his signature for every song. But still, I agree with you, the guy's a BEAST, a great player, and those riffs make it all worth it...

    Yeah for me many of his solo's single handedly ruined Audioslave songs. Someone else in the band should have just told him enough is enough. Jewel of the Summertime is a great example of a song ruined.

    Original Fire too, great song, superb build up to the solo, then some kind of dying cat comes in and ruins everything. Kim Thayil woulda owned that solo

    Yeah, that is definitely one of his most annoying solos. Sounds like chimps in heat. :confused:

    I can just imagine Cornell in the studio rolling his eyes as Morello says "Yeah now I've got a bunch of solo's recorded lets roll a dice and insert one into each song at random. No wonder he left the band, that kinda shit would drive me nuts. I got respect for teh guy don't get me wrong but when he does that rubbish I feel like shoving his Soul Power guitar up his arse.

  5. What's with the Morello bashing?

    I like the guy's playing, personally

    Morello's heavy riffs are phenominal. It's the wanking solos that many don't like. It's been an acquired taste for me, though some of his solos don't fit the songs at all, just pure independent wanking for the sake of wanking.

    Just wish he'd use that stuff much more selectively rather than making it his signature for every song. But still, I agree with you, the guy's a BEAST, a great player, and those riffs make it all worth it...

    Yeah for me many of his solo's single handedly ruined Audioslave songs. Someone else in the band should have just told him enough is enough. Jewel of the Summertime is a great example of a song ruined.

  6. Marvin Gaye for destorying the social status of Motown and showing the way to artists like Stevie Wonder. Plus the fact he made some awesome music. What's Going On is one of the best records of all time.

  7. I'd just like to point out the fact that ten came out before nevermind, so it's not as if Pearl Jam jumped on the Nirvana bandwagon.

    Also like to add that No Code is my favourite album for no particular reason, closely followed by Vs. and their new album.

  8. Yeah the aeroplane flies high is like a bunch of extra disks for the mellon collie album. Really wish he had released all the other tracks seperatly instead of mashing them together into the medley track.

  9. Chinese Democracy, Year Zero, Libertad..., 2007 looks promising..

    there ya go..

    Im excited for these albums.. :D

    You're relaly not exited for Chi Dem? :question::confused:

    He's suggesting that Chinese Democracy won't be out this year.

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