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Posts posted by Opax

  1. Never mind the Bollocks...heres the Sex Pistols

    I was gonna say that one.. How about 'You're Never Alone with a Schizophrenic' - Ian Hunter & Mick Ronson

    This humurous NZ band has an album called Back in Brown, apparently there first album was called Brown Sabbath

    so w'sup, pistols in the lead? :):):) where they belong...in everyway.

    Would have been interesting to see what their second album would have been called. Too bad they never made one.

  2. sorry madison but its time the people that support this band start getting something back im just expressing my opinion and distaste for this mess that was my favourite band

    i apologise if i offended but they should know how a lot of us feel.

    Constructive criticism is fine. But pointless bashing and vulgar name-calling is not.

    If you don't like the new band, I suggest you restrict your posting to the GNR Early Days and VR sections.

    Im sure like the rest of us he is simply frustrated at the lack of productivity from the current band.

  3. Merck has sex with dogs.

    Alright, he doesn't... but he looks like he does.

    Merck has slept with more beautiful promiscuous ladies than you will ever even dream of. He's rich, he's got connections, and he's Italian - they get all the chicks, dude!

    You should be jealous of him, not cracking jokes about him having sex with dogs. :fuckyou: Uncalled for!

    He is jealous of him, as are all the people complaining about Axl, why not knock a guy who does what he wants and gets paid for it. And you are right about the italian part.....ahem...my family is second generation from Naples rock3

    Been to Naples recently?

  4. ...whatever.

    no seriously, please explain to me why you would come on to a bands forum to call the band a sinking ship, seriously why?

    a little off topic here.. I saw a sinking ship yesterday and it's still sinking, was gonna try to make a raft and go to it an go inside it but it's freezing here so I'd die in like 3 min. if the raft gets detroyed... but still pretty cool

    Random, yet cool

  5. Not that this really adds much to it, but Nirvana has lost much credibility with me over the past few days, just a few thigns I've heard. Shame Kurt didnt live longer to drag his reputation through the dirt, he left it for his widow to do I guess.

  6. Whatever man, cudos to Del for writing some stuff and maybe filling in a few gaps, sure his comments about the online community may have been a little off the ball, but I agree that some people do need to connect to reality its healthy.

    and I agree to that as well, but there is no way bashing the net on the net makes sence. It's like walking into a biker bar and bashing Harley Davidson.


    Well yeah but if I recall he didn't say anything detrimental about the internet or anything, he just midly criticised some users. So its more like going into a biker bar and expressing yuor opnion that some people that ride harley davidsons are irresponsible on the road.

  7. Absolutly not and I'll tell you why.

    One had this happened in 2004 or 2005 when I was living in the UK I could have seen them and proabbly would have multiple times. Sadly I missed out on them at RIR in '04, its cool I saw Foo Fighters instead and they were all good. However seeing as this year I havent seen them live, no new (completed) music has surfaced and I've had to observe everyone else having fun from a small Island in the South Pacific, all in all that makes for a pretty depressing year.

    In brighter news, I got new records from Pearl Jam (who have put out 9 albums since 91, when guns last put out an original), Red Hot Chili Peppers, Thom Yorke, Tenacious D, Foo Fighters, Audioslave, The Panic Channel and Led Zeppelin (Ooops that was only in a dream)

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