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Posts posted by Opax

  1. Sadly I've never been able to get into them, the vocalist seems to me about as bog standard as they come and their songs (one's Ive heard, with the exception of Megalomaniac) seem a little formulaic.

  2. After listening to that and not watching jsut to test myself to see if I could pick out the guitarists, which was easy I have the following to report.

    You Could Be Mine. Really thought Buckethead did this the best, taking the original solo and giving it a totally new flavour which I enjoyed. Slash comes in second, keeping to the original yet playing it some what sloppelly and skipping notes all over the place. Bumblefoot comes in third with a below par effort.

    November Rain: Slash takes his original work and sticks to it. Nothing special but it does the job. Bumblefoot in second with his fast fingured manuevering making it sound like bad cellphone ringtone. Buckethead bringin up the rear trying to go in a completly new direction and losing me in my entirity.

    Nightrain: Slash again the victor with a blues drift through the classic material, sounds ace champ keep it up. Um Buckethead must've seen his mum in the corwd and yelled out "look how many notes I can shove in this solo mum" hats off to his effort but it ends up sounding like the soundtrack to a Sonic the Hedgehog game. Bumblefoot attempting to take it to the next level from Buckethead with even more notes whcih sounds god aweful almost as if Axl Rose has whipped out a chainsaw and is moving up and down the fret board.

    Fianl notes: Axl the majoirty of the fans that see your shows go to hear the original tunes played in the original status. Have a word with your guitarists telling them not to rape the fuck out of the songs that people are paying them to play. Hey I got nothing against an updated sound and putting your own creative influences into the songs, but please keep it to a limit.

  3. DUDE! That would be absolutely nuts. If it came to Australia I could say to everyone who pisses me off "Well fuck you, I'm going to a sex pistols concert". Dunno why, but that would make me feel good :)

    i know EXACTLY why! :):):) cuz they're the greatest band of all time, bar none.

    Who gives a fuck if some old bastards that stood for something more than 30 years ago are having a reunion, may I remind people they made one album (which was musically crap) all the sex pistols are about is attitude, thats all punk is really about. Don't get me worng but I love the Sex Pistols, I really do think they're the best punk band of all time. But a reunion tour is just a money grab.

  4. Rocket Queen was never played live, was it?

    No, it wasn't. :drevil:


    They played it in Norway!!!

    Wich im INCREDIBLY glad for, cus its one of my fav songs and I was hoping so much for them to play it

    Axl also played "The Asshole Song" at the 2nd show in Norway!! :D


  5. Welcome to the Jungle

    It's So Easy


    Out ta Get Me

    Mr. Brownstone

    Paradise City

    My Michelle

    Think About You

    Sweet Child of Mine

    Rocekt Queen


    Youre Crazy (Acoustic)

    Used to love Her

    Live and Let Die

    November Rain

    Knockin On Heaven's Door

    You Could Be Mine

    Down on the Farm

    Chinese Democracy




    There Was A Time

    The Blues

    Please Add

  6. Pearl Jam didnt make more than one video.

    Huh? :question:

    Srry, don't wanna start telling you you're wrong without your reason behind saying that

    Okay true, but in there early videos they only did one promo clip for Jeremy, Alive and Even Flow were live cuts and Oceans was bogus footage of Eddie Vedder Surfing among other things that was compiled without there knowledge. only recently have they begun to make promo clips again.

  7. I'm a long time Rock N Roll fan .

    Well, theres your problem, Queen for the most part inst very rock n roll.

    Theyre a good band and I like some of theyre songs, Freddy was a fucking Legend. But for the most part I think theyre pretty damn cheesey.

    Ah yes you're probably right.

    Too all others that replied, thank you, I have taken on board a few of your comments and have experienced a few new Queen songs that I'd never heard before.

    Unfortunatly I still don't really like them, probably because they are more of a pop act than anything else. It may comfort/annoy you to know I also dislike Metallica, Nirvana and Oasis. So I guess taste is just taste.

    Oh I do like Guns N' Roses though. Im sure we can all agree on that!

  8. Have a good listen to In Utero you'll find out its basically a cover album as well. They took a bunch of songs from Nevermind changed the lyrics and slightly altered the arrangement, biggest bunch of bullshit ever.

    And yes Spaghetti is a fantastic album I've been listening to it more and more recently. Wished they'd toured it like Slash wanted to. It's only let down for me are The last two tracks.

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