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Posts posted by Gunzen

  1. Noel and Axl? It would be, pistols at dawn, after one hour!

    Why would you say that?

    Axl is pretty easy to work with.

    Sure, he has fired numerous producers, managers and band members. (Or they chose to quit)

    And not only did he miss numerous deadlines in releasing the last album, but it was also reported to be the most expensive album ever created.

    BUT in all of those examples, the fault clearly was never Axl's. It has always been the other person's fault, Axl just gets a bad rap by the haters out there.

    you have no ideas who's fault it is, was or will ever be. your just talking shit from your room.

  2. It's the nursery rhyme lyrics. Cringeworthy. The gulf in difference between Axl's other ballads and TIL is jawdropping. Serious falling off there, much like the rest of CD with the exception of perhaps TWAT.

    Definitely. It's a shame that the same Axl Rose from AFD and UYIs wrote those boring and awful lyrics for Chinese Democracy. Just awful.

    Sure...for instance Patience & Don't Cry have much more complex and less 'cheesy' lyrics than TIL....

    You said it.

    Arre you seriously comparing two classics to the "How now brown cow" jibberish of TIL?

    People on this forum wear such rose tinted glasses it is hilarious.

    CD has only proven one thing, the mystic surrounding Axl Rose is no more. The Emperor has no clothes. Axl is a busted flush and is no different to the other former members when it comes to quality of output. NONE of them have come close to achieving the same songwriting ability as what they made together. Axl is GNR only in name.

    To be honest, Slash has less "clothing" than Axl does if you wanna kick that can again. Axl is not what he was, but his music is far superior than the crap VR (sans 2 decent songs which just sound like GNR without Axls singing). And for the 1,000,006th time. You are here, and not on VR.com for a reason.

    All this ballad crap seems okay for Slash now though huh?

  3. From what I have seen is that Bumble is now the Lead Guitarist.

    Ashba is the lead guitarist now. I am not saying who is better, but DJ does the majority of the lead work, opens the show, and is much more out in front.

  4. First of all thanks for the vid, and secondly, that is by far the closest to a concert experience video I have ever seen, maybe it is the HD as well. But to all you haters out there. This is what it sounds like when you are there, and all the ambient noise and mix is there.

    He is not always that good, but most nights he is. How anyone can watch that video and still not appreciate a 50+ year old guy doing what he does, it is beyond me. I am glad for everyone including myself who were fortunate enough to see these shows. Here's to hoping there are more to come.

  5. Did anyone else have the opportunity to meet with Axl backstage? Or am I the only one?

    I am not a starfucker like you and could absolutely care less. But I am glad for you though.

    ...on topic, I agree with the OP. Any chance I have to see this band, and get a chance for a roadie with the droogs, all is well. I am not the only one to say this but the bottom line is clear. If these shows are for the fans who go to them, then it was nearly perfect. Unfortunately, some fans of the band somehow need to be edified somehow through these forums. And unless you go, you are just not gonna get the same feel. You just can't

    Nobody will say Axl did not give his all, or try new things, and stage set ups etc. All you can say is that he did not sound pitch perfect if you recorded him on your phone. It could have been a lot worse.

    Axl has established himself over the last 6 years a a solid, dependable rock star, who has pitch issues unless you are actually at the show. I'll take it.

  6. Put no effort in singing at the end, still a better voice than any 2012 performance

    Imagine that Captain Obvious, it was 20 years ago. How dare he age.

  7. I think Oh My God would be cool, but Silkworms sucks. There is some undeground love fest for this song, and to be honest, it is just a tad better than My World, and more sophomoric. I respect the bands trying to change directions., But that song BLOWS.

  8. so glad they are making money! fuck the music!

    It is funny how some people say attendance doesn't matter.....then they celebrate GnR selling 3000 tickets. Motley sold out their residency, weird that GnR can't.

    But ya, I did chuckle at your post. Apparently the money is what is important to some fans.

    Motley Crue has nothing to do with GNR. different band, different time, and different prices and promotion. I am not sure how many tickets they would sell it is was just Vince Neil and a bunch of guys nobody heard of.

    You are constantly trying to bring this band down, why, I have no fucking idea. You are such a drag.

    so glad they are making money! fuck the music!

    It is funny how some people say attendance doesn't matter.....then they celebrate GnR selling 3000 tickets. Motley sold out their residency, weird that GnR can't.

    Can you provide an example of someone here saying attendance doesn't matter and then celebrating GNR selling 3,000 tickets? I don't think you can. I think every post you make is a blatant strawman argument, attacking a position nobody has taken. This seems to be the only tactic you have and time and time again when you're asked to provide an example of the supposed behavior you're criticizing, you run and hide.

    As for Motley, I have no idea whether they sold out every show of their residency or not, but I do know GNR's 12 show residency is on track to gross more money than Motley's 12 show residency. Are you able to provide any citation for your claim that Motley sold out all 12 shows?

    Would it be more impressive if the GNR shows cost less, sold more tickets, but ultimately made less money? If so, why?

    I think every post you make is a blatant strawman argument

    this. It is all he does.

    It is good to see the positive response, when I was there on the 7th it was packed, and all over the casino people were talking about it. I had my VIP pass on before the show and the employees were telling me how great the response was and how great of time I was gonna have. Just a bunch of good will all around, and if 50 tickets don't get sold who gives a flying frogs fat ass.

  9. I don't get it, there's been tons of positive review lately, not only from the Vegas residency but also the European and the UCAP tour...

    Exactly, the shows are a lot of fun for all involved. But there will always be some who if Axl walked on water would say "well he can't fly though". Just the way it is. It was a nice read.

    Finally some decent press which actually seems to reflect the show people see


    USA today amongst quite a few others are finally reporting what fans have known for years.

    GNR live are fucking INCREDIBLE.

    I saw the original line up and at Milton Keynes bowl in 1993 it was amazing.

    However, I have seen the new line up twice in London.

    Both times I was totally blown away by the bands intensity and though the charm of the original line up was in the tight-but-loose Stonesy chemistry between the players the new line up are musically far more adept.

    The second time I saw them I went with a guy who was sceptical about the new band and Axl's vocal ability.

    Then... in Rocket Queen the band are tighter and more intense than he imagined possible and Axl hits the "NO ONE NEEDS THE SORROW" line NOTE. PERFECT. FULL POWER. LIVE.

    The sceptical guy just LOOKED at me.. A look that said "my god.. he's back!"

    In fact, he never went away.

    After years of Axl getting shit in the press because

    A- He pissed them off in the 80's/ 90's or

    B- He refuses to give interviews so they get to make up any old shit

    Its about time that the "he's over the hill"/ "where is Slash" brigade shut the fuck up.

    The man is the greatest living front man in the legacy akin to Freddie Mercury in terms of vocal range and stage presence.

    We've always known that the band is solid and that Axl is a living legend.

    Its about fucking time that instead of reviewing the show in their prejudiced heads the media are FINALLY reviewing the greatest rock band in existence for what they are:


    I laughed out loud at your "prejudiced heads" part. Your post is 100% biased and not factual at all.

    The thought that all journalists in the world have a beef to settle with Axl.......well, any credibility you might have had dissapeared with just that statement.

    Why can't you people just be honest about our favorite band? Why the need for the constant hyperbole and over exaggeration? Sometimes people just like different music than you do, it isn't because they hold a 20 year grudge or because of some big conspiracy.

    GnR has been getting pretty positive reviews for the past two years. The band almost always gets A ratings. DJ seems to be the only real weak link.

    And Axl's performances have been hit and miss. When he is off.....out of breath, forgetting lyrics, it is pretty bad. But when he is on.....the man can dominate a show.

    I've seen the new GnR three times and all three shows were top notch.

    Not the performer he used to be, but still better than most.

    Hopefully Axl and Team Beta will ride this momentum and release another album soon. I personally would love to hear what this band could do in the studio. Hopefully Axl and Team Brazil will give the band a chance to shine on their own merits - they deserve the opportunity.

    Boggles me that they can't sell out Vegas, and that CD wasn't as huge as the Illusions. I guess people's musical tastes are just different than most forum members. But there is no reason to get angry at people who don't automatically love Axl and everything he does.

    Finally some decent press which actually seems to reflect the show people see


    USA today amongst quite a few others are finally reporting what fans have known for years.

    GNR live are fucking INCREDIBLE.

    I saw the original line up and at Milton Keynes bowl in 1993 it was amazing.

    However, I have seen the new line up twice in London.

    Both times I was totally blown away by the bands intensity and though the charm of the original line up was in the tight-but-loose Stonesy chemistry between the players the new line up are musically far more adept.

    The second time I saw them I went with a guy who was sceptical about the new band and Axl's vocal ability.

    Then... in Rocket Queen the band are tighter and more intense than he imagined possible and Axl hits the "NO ONE NEEDS THE SORROW" line NOTE. PERFECT. FULL POWER. LIVE.

    The sceptical guy just LOOKED at me.. A look that said "my god.. he's back!"

    In fact, he never went away.

    After years of Axl getting shit in the press because

    A- He pissed them off in the 80's/ 90's or

    B- He refuses to give interviews so they get to make up any old shit

    Its about time that the "he's over the hill"/ "where is Slash" brigade shut the fuck up.

    The man is the greatest living front man in the legacy akin to Freddie Mercury in terms of vocal range and stage presence.

    We've always known that the band is solid and that Axl is a living legend.

    Its about fucking time that instead of reviewing the show in their prejudiced heads the media are FINALLY reviewing the greatest rock band in existence for what they are:


    I laughed out loud at your "prejudiced heads" part. Your post is 100% biased and not factual at all.

    The thought that all journalists in the world have a beef to settle with Axl.......well, any credibility you might have had dissapeared with just that statement.

    Why can't you people just be honest about our favorite band? Why the need for the constant hyperbole and over exaggeration? Sometimes people just like different music than you do, it isn't because they hold a 20 year grudge or because of some big conspiracy.

    GnR has been getting pretty positive reviews for the past two years. The band almost always gets A ratings. DJ seems to be the only real weak link.

    And Axl's performances have been hit and miss. When he is off.....out of breath, forgetting lyrics, it is pretty bad. But when he is on.....the man can dominate a show.

    I've seen the new GnR three times and all three shows were top notch.

    Not the performer he used to be, but still better than most.

    Hopefully Axl and Team Beta will ride this momentum and release another album soon. I personally would love to hear what this band could do in the studio. Hopefully Axl and Team Brazil will give the band a chance to shine on their own merits - they deserve the opportunity.

    Boggles me that they can't sell out Vegas, and that CD wasn't as huge as the Illusions. I guess people's musical tastes are just different than most forum members. But there is no reason to get angry at people who don't automatically love Axl and everything he does.

    Why can't you people just be honest about our favorite band?

    I don't think we are the ones who need to be honest with ourselves. I really don't think there are to many of us fans that think the current version or any since the original breakup are better than the original. But what we have in common is the appreciation for what Axl brought to the original band and what he, and his current crew have brought.

    You don't have to love everything the same dude. But YOU need to be honest and realize that you are the exact person most people loathe. A bear with a sore ass shitting on others joy. Easier to do behind a keyboard, but the attention you get here for being a drag, does not work in real life. I sure hope you do not waste this much time and effort doing this away from here.

    Boggles me that they can't sell out Vegas, and that CD wasn't as huge as the Illusions.

    And you obviously know nothing about music or you would not say things like this.


    The majority of your post doesn't apply to me at all.

    But instead of addressing specific points, you just throw out a few generalizations that don't actually even apply to me.

    But sure. Because I don't worship and praise Axl's every move, that must mean I'm not conducting myself properly in the real world. Making a comment like that says more about you than it does me.

    I'm not exactly sure how to respond. So I'm a jerk for not worshipping Axl's every move.......But I've said that CD is the best rock album of the last decade and I can't wait for Axl to record with the new band, because I think it will be amazing, said my last three GnR shows were amazing.....but you say I clearly don't know anything about music. Since I love Axl, GnR and think CD was just as good as either illusion - are you implying that Axl and GnR suck?

    So confusing.

    I guess I will continue going to live shows, will still listen to GnR every day, will still love CD, and will still hope that Axl will record with the new band. Just like you can make personal attacks and judgements against somebody posting on the same board as you do (while complaining that they are too negative). I'm surprised you didnt accuse me of living in my parents basement.

    Now......back on topic. And let's keep our responses geared toward the topic. I would love to know which of my points were wrong. And why.

    You are a cunty here sometimes for no reason and you know this. You can try to be surreptitious with your insults, but we all know how you are. Really, we do. Nobody gives a rats ass if Axl sells out every show. I was there on a Weds and the place was packed, who gives a shit what you think about attendance, really man..

    I am not going to debate with you about stupid shit, cause you are here to be negative. We all know this. Fire away, and if we are bored enough we will throw you a bone once in a while..

    Fetch cupcake........

  10. Finally some decent press which actually seems to reflect the show people see


    USA today amongst quite a few others are finally reporting what fans have known for years.

    GNR live are fucking INCREDIBLE.

    I saw the original line up and at Milton Keynes bowl in 1993 it was amazing.

    However, I have seen the new line up twice in London.

    Both times I was totally blown away by the bands intensity and though the charm of the original line up was in the tight-but-loose Stonesy chemistry between the players the new line up are musically far more adept.

    The second time I saw them I went with a guy who was sceptical about the new band and Axl's vocal ability.

    Then... in Rocket Queen the band are tighter and more intense than he imagined possible and Axl hits the "NO ONE NEEDS THE SORROW" line NOTE. PERFECT. FULL POWER. LIVE.

    The sceptical guy just LOOKED at me.. A look that said "my god.. he's back!"

    In fact, he never went away.

    After years of Axl getting shit in the press because

    A- He pissed them off in the 80's/ 90's or

    B- He refuses to give interviews so they get to make up any old shit

    Its about time that the "he's over the hill"/ "where is Slash" brigade shut the fuck up.

    The man is the greatest living front man in the legacy akin to Freddie Mercury in terms of vocal range and stage presence.

    We've always known that the band is solid and that Axl is a living legend.

    Its about fucking time that instead of reviewing the show in their prejudiced heads the media are FINALLY reviewing the greatest rock band in existence for what they are:


    I laughed out loud at your "prejudiced heads" part. Your post is 100% biased and not factual at all.

    The thought that all journalists in the world have a beef to settle with Axl.......well, any credibility you might have had dissapeared with just that statement.

    Why can't you people just be honest about our favorite band? Why the need for the constant hyperbole and over exaggeration? Sometimes people just like different music than you do, it isn't because they hold a 20 year grudge or because of some big conspiracy.

    GnR has been getting pretty positive reviews for the past two years. The band almost always gets A ratings. DJ seems to be the only real weak link.

    And Axl's performances have been hit and miss. When he is off.....out of breath, forgetting lyrics, it is pretty bad. But when he is on.....the man can dominate a show.

    I've seen the new GnR three times and all three shows were top notch.

    Not the performer he used to be, but still better than most.

    Hopefully Axl and Team Beta will ride this momentum and release another album soon. I personally would love to hear what this band could do in the studio. Hopefully Axl and Team Brazil will give the band a chance to shine on their own merits - they deserve the opportunity.

    Boggles me that they can't sell out Vegas, and that CD wasn't as huge as the Illusions. I guess people's musical tastes are just different than most forum members. But there is no reason to get angry at people who don't automatically love Axl and everything he does.

    Finally some decent press which actually seems to reflect the show people see


    USA today amongst quite a few others are finally reporting what fans have known for years.

    GNR live are fucking INCREDIBLE.

    I saw the original line up and at Milton Keynes bowl in 1993 it was amazing.

    However, I have seen the new line up twice in London.

    Both times I was totally blown away by the bands intensity and though the charm of the original line up was in the tight-but-loose Stonesy chemistry between the players the new line up are musically far more adept.

    The second time I saw them I went with a guy who was sceptical about the new band and Axl's vocal ability.

    Then... in Rocket Queen the band are tighter and more intense than he imagined possible and Axl hits the "NO ONE NEEDS THE SORROW" line NOTE. PERFECT. FULL POWER. LIVE.

    The sceptical guy just LOOKED at me.. A look that said "my god.. he's back!"

    In fact, he never went away.

    After years of Axl getting shit in the press because

    A- He pissed them off in the 80's/ 90's or

    B- He refuses to give interviews so they get to make up any old shit

    Its about time that the "he's over the hill"/ "where is Slash" brigade shut the fuck up.

    The man is the greatest living front man in the legacy akin to Freddie Mercury in terms of vocal range and stage presence.

    We've always known that the band is solid and that Axl is a living legend.

    Its about fucking time that instead of reviewing the show in their prejudiced heads the media are FINALLY reviewing the greatest rock band in existence for what they are:


    I laughed out loud at your "prejudiced heads" part. Your post is 100% biased and not factual at all.

    The thought that all journalists in the world have a beef to settle with Axl.......well, any credibility you might have had dissapeared with just that statement.

    Why can't you people just be honest about our favorite band? Why the need for the constant hyperbole and over exaggeration? Sometimes people just like different music than you do, it isn't because they hold a 20 year grudge or because of some big conspiracy.

    GnR has been getting pretty positive reviews for the past two years. The band almost always gets A ratings. DJ seems to be the only real weak link.

    And Axl's performances have been hit and miss. When he is off.....out of breath, forgetting lyrics, it is pretty bad. But when he is on.....the man can dominate a show.

    I've seen the new GnR three times and all three shows were top notch.

    Not the performer he used to be, but still better than most.

    Hopefully Axl and Team Beta will ride this momentum and release another album soon. I personally would love to hear what this band could do in the studio. Hopefully Axl and Team Brazil will give the band a chance to shine on their own merits - they deserve the opportunity.

    Boggles me that they can't sell out Vegas, and that CD wasn't as huge as the Illusions. I guess people's musical tastes are just different than most forum members. But there is no reason to get angry at people who don't automatically love Axl and everything he does.

    Why can't you people just be honest about our favorite band?

    I don't think we are the ones who need to be honest with ourselves. I really don't think there are to many of us fans that think the current version or any since the original breakup are better than the original. But what we have in common is the appreciation for what Axl brought to the original band and what he, and his current crew have bring.

    You don't have to love everything the same dude. But YOU need to be honest and realize that you are the exact person most people loathe. A bear with a sore ass shitting on others joy. Nobody needs a smug, condescending little shit in their lives. We tend to avoid those IRL. But here you will get the attention you crave. Just realize you are changing no one's mind, and are merely an alternative to The Chive etc for a few minutes a day. You hold virtually no utility here, other than an occasional retort, cause you are acting cunty. As long as you realize this, snark away, turd.

    Easier to do here behind a keyboard, but the attention you get here for being a drag, does not work in real life. I sure hope you do not waste this much time and effort doing this away from here.

    Boggles me that they can't sell out Vegas, and that CD wasn't as huge as the Illusions.

    And you obviously know nothing about music or you would not say things like this.

    on topic, I agree now that Axl is making himself more available the media will become more favorable. "I know the game, you go high, I go low." -Tony Montana

  11. I have seen Randy make a bunch of odd (and some cool) threads so I am gonna make one. I once compared Chinese Democracy to Godfather three, so here I go again. What the hell else is going on on a Thursday night? First a little back story I am an old guy, I am 45, and I remember seeing Dawn of the Dead in the theaters I am no johnny come lately to the Zombie motif, and have been a fan long before it became hip. Even wrote a college paper on George Romero and his mocking of American Consumerism. Anywhoo, I have never been a fan of the fast zombies cause it just seemed so impossible to ever actually survive, verbose etc..

    And apparently neither did Max Brooks, who wrote one of the best books I have ever read;


    Here is his 35 second opinion of the fast moving Zombies.....

    So now look at the trailer to the film adapted from the book, which he sold the rights too....

    While it seems like it may be a somewhat entertaining film, it is NOT WORLD WAR Z for reasons I do not want to get into to spoil the film. But the most amazing part of the book will not be possible, and the book was written in a documentary style etc. It should NOT BE CALLED WORLD WAR Z!

    So how this pertains to Axl and GNR. I realized as soon as I saw the trailer there would never be another World War Z like the book, and that ship had sailed, since the name was cheapened, or just diluted, and it pissed me off. It was just a title stolen, but it did have an effect on me. So I kind of see a parallel to how the ship has sailed for the original GNR, and I can somewhat see even though this incarnation is a good band, they are not the original band. And the name has somewhat been diluted.

    Sorry for the stream of consciousness, but I just thought I would admit that I may have been to harsh on some of you who really appreciate the original lineup and their name recognition. I still think it is GNR, but I get it. It took Hollywood fucking up a great story for me to see it. :shades:

  12. In fairness, BBF did call some dude out and asked him to come up so he could kick his ass. The dude made no move to take him up on his offer. His Tweet was obviously in jest. Try not to be so fucking retarded.


    This is pretty funny.

    I remember Pantera got into a bit of trouble for doing something like this back in the early 90's. Phil got the crowd to bash some kid who was spitting at the stage. They wrote the song "5 Minutes Alone" about it.

    Pantera overreacted. There is no real threat of someone doing any real harm to bands on stage. They need to lighten up.

  13. Download06 overall was a WEAK WEAK WEAK vocal performance, just listen to the leaked Monitor Mixes. At Rock Am Ring06 he was totally brilliant on songs like Nightrain, KOHD, OTGM, second half of IRS, Better and Patience. he managed to be that good in the end 0f 2006 aswell.

    2007 was the slowly return of Mickey. 2010 wasnt that good as 2006 as people say here, but definately better than 2007. 2011 and 2012 = a catastrophy most of the time. Axl actually is the WEAKEST part musicially in his own cover band. not sure how long he honestly gets away with it, guess as long as the huge GN'R name sells good he will go on - cash hungry as he is.

    cash hungry as he is.

    God I hate the envious liberal movement. Dude is just making a living. I suppose you don't make as much as you can with your trade, huh? It is called working. Lots of us do it.

  14. And dont fool yourself, that solo is like a walk in the park compared to Shackler's or Riad. Literally.

    Bumblefoot's solos on Riad and Shackler's fucking suck.

    Maybe it is a conditioning thing. He was so out of breath here. Some shows he isn't , some he is. Unfortunately he picked the stream night to sound so poorly. I am as big of an Axl apologist as there is, and it was pretty bad .

    This is an average night for the 2011 and 2012 Axl. And it was heaps better than RIR and Bridge School.

    For once, I actually agree with Randy and disagree with Gunzen.


    That is what makes the world go round Ali.

  15. I've been looking back at a lot of video's of the vagas shows and, is it just me or is the crowd completely shit??? There not even jumping around in the first song???

    Actually I noticed that as well. I was on the balcony looking down and they were tame most of the show. I will say this though, it is an older crowd here. Much older than when Hollywood. Bottom line Vegas is an expensive place, and not as accessible unless you have a little more coin. Just an older more affluend crowd I think.

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