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Posts posted by Nobodys_Fault

  1. Does it do you much good in a kick off?

    Obviously it's not as effective as somebody trained in MMA or something. But it gives you an insane level of core strength.
    A lot of MMA guys will tell you that a Judo black belt is the last person you want to run in to in a street fight. If those guys get a hold of the collar it's game over... your going for a ride to the pavement.

    I'm a brown belt. Considering going back to pursue my black. Do anything yourself mate? Seem very informed on the subject.

    Yeah I train at an MMA gym, have done since I was 18 or so. You should go for the black belt mate. Would be a shame to stop doing it when you're that close to mastering it. Being that skilled at a martial art is one of the most difficult things a person can do. It can really be a vehicle to develop your full potential.

    You hear a lot of about Karate and Judo experts but the NGOGs of this world are few and far between, most martial artsy types in my expierience ain't kick off merchants generally, it's all about discipline and that, thats what they teach em innit, you know it but only for a last resort.

    This is very true. I used to have a pretty short temper when I was younger and got in to a few scraps. Haven't been in one since I started training martial arts. And it's not because I've been taught, "only use these skills in self-defence!" or anything like that. It just knocks the ego out of you.

    Does it do you much good in a kick off?

    Obviously it's not as effective as somebody trained in MMA or something. But it gives you an insane level of core strength.

    A lot of MMA guys will tell you that a Judo black belt is the last person you want to run in to in a street fight. If those guys get a hold of the collar it's game over... your going for a ride to the pavement.

    That's the thing about MMA that is a bit of a fail. While certain martial arts, like Judo and Hapkido, are practical in the real world they don't really stand a chance in the octagon.

    Yoshiro Akiyama begs to differ:


    Judo is actually quite a good base in MMA. It doesn't work if that's the only thing you focus on though(which was actually Sexy-yamas downfall :() but that goes for anything really. Unless you're Ronda Rousey!

  2. Does it do you much good in a kick off?

    Obviously it's not as effective as somebody trained in MMA or something. But it gives you an insane level of core strength.

    A lot of MMA guys will tell you that a Judo black belt is the last person you want to run in to in a street fight. If those guys get a hold of the collar it's game over... your going for a ride to the pavement.

  3. I thought it was the perfect place to end. But I say this as a fan who has never really read the books. I saw the cartoons when I was young, but the films are really my introduction to Tolkien, and I love them.

    Fair enough, I don't mean to shit all over something you enjoyed. Maybe I'm being too negative. I did think the set piece in the middle with the barrels was pretty great. One of the main problems I had with the whole film though was that emphasis is put on absolutely everything thanks to the framing and the grand sweeping score. There's no balance. Maybe the HFR highlighted this more than the standard frame rate would have. (or it might have been because I was absurdly high when I went to see it :lol:)

    Not to mention this film shouldn't have had any conclusion since it ended in the middle of the book.

    This is nonsense. Tolkien didn't charge me for half a book.

    Huh? The second film ends in the middle of the story following the book. I don't think I get what you're saying...

    Films and books are both a storytelling medium. You're saying the film shouldn't have a conclusion because it follows the book. My point is that Tolkien didn't stop mid paragraph and say, "You can buy the end of the book next Christmas!" Because that's a shitty way to tell a story.

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  4. I thought it was the perfect place to end. But I say this as a fan who has never really read the books. I saw the cartoons when I was young, but the films are really my introduction to Tolkien, and I love them.

    Fair enough, I don't mean to shit all over something you enjoyed. Maybe I'm being too negative. I did think the set piece in the middle with the barrels was pretty great. One of the main problems I had with the whole film though was that emphasis is put on absolutely everything thanks to the framing and the grand sweeping score. There's no balance. Maybe the HFR highlighted this more than the standard frame rate would have. (or it might have been because I was absurdly high when I went to see it :lol:)

    Not to mention this film shouldn't have had any conclusion since it ended in the middle of the book.

    This is nonsense. Tolkien didn't charge me for half a book.

  5. Went to see this yesterday and thought it was really, really bad. The film has zero conclusion. That's pretty unforgivable imo because it means that what Jackson has done is made one giant film and split it in to three parts(instead of making a trilogy of watchable films). There's way too much going on and in the end it's just a complete fucking mess. This is Jackson's Attack of the Clones.

    The HFR 3D didn't help either. Made it painfully obvious that I was watching people in costumes on a movie set.

    Did you not see any of the LOTR films, none of them ended with "resolution" until Return of the King. It's part of the fun, we have to wait until next year to see the conclusion. This argument has always amazed me, it's like the whole world forgot what it was like seeing LOTR for the first time. I thought it was the perfect place to end. The next film is going to open with Smaug attacking Lake town, thats brilliant imo.

    Each of the Lord of the Rings films concludes an arc of the story. FOTR ends with the breaking of the fellowship. Two Towers ends when the battle of Helms deep is won. One crisis is solved, and another is teased to be looming on the horizon. Desolation of Smaug just ends right in the middle of something. This is because the LOTR trilogy is based on three seperate books which follow the basic tenets of storytelling - beginning, middle and end. DOS is just one third of a story - a story that Jackson has transformed into a particularly shitty one with a boring love triangle shoehorned in for no discernible reason.

  6. Went to see this yesterday and thought it was really, really bad. The film has zero conclusion. That's pretty unforgivable imo because it means that what Jackson has done is made one giant film and split it in to three parts(instead of making a trilogy of watchable films). There's way too much going on and in the end it's just a complete fucking mess. This is Jackson's Attack of the Clones.

    The HFR 3D didn't help either. Made it painfully obvious that I was watching people in costumes on a movie set.

  7. any good movies out there?

    Depends on what's opened where you live, but if Inside Llewyn Davis, American Hustle, Dallas Buyers Club, Nebraska, Blue Jasmine, 12 Years a Slave, Prisoners, The Act of Killing, Don Jon or even Enough Said are playing, then fuck yes there are.

    Been looking forward to Inside Llewyn Davis for a while now. Not sure what date it opens over here though. Likely not for another couple of months.

  8. Ok, name me one good RPG, besides FF 13, or adventure game from the last generation. Something that is not an open world or fps games. Something with no chin down eyes up cover.

    Dragon Age: Origins. Still one of my favourite games of the generation. FF 13 was garbage.

    I have been smashing up Skyrim on Master difficulty (I played it when it first came out, too.

    That game is infinitely more enjoyable when you up the difficulty level.

  9. They're the only ones producing good games for their system.

    Which is exactly Nintendo's problem. They are the only ones producing good games for their system because they have completely alienated third party developers. They get away with it because every so often they'll come out with a game that is a system seller but these titles are too few and far between to warrant a purchase for me.

  10. Has anyone noticed you can't say anything bad about Kanye without his crazy Kanye fans calling you ignorant and getting defensive? It's like some fans can't imagine any fault with LORD KANYE. Do you guys think if you support and defend him enough you'll be given party passes from Kim? :rofl-lol:

    If you worship Kanye's every move you need your head examining!!!!!!!

    Has anyone noticed that you can't say anything at all about Kanye without someone telling you he's a talentless idiot, despite having heard none of his music?

  11. Again, damage is not a scoring criteria in the Unified rules. I'm not sure why people keep mentioning it as a factor.

    Because they don't know. It is clearly because of GSP's face as to why people are freaking out.

    Based on the way you score an MMA fight GSP did win that fight.

    This is the problem though. The scoring system is fucked. They inherited it from boxing when the sport is completely different. MMA should develop it's own system that scores the entire fight as opposed to each round on a 10-9 basis. In fact, they shouldn't even have rounds at all - that's another unnecesary rule inherited from boxing.

    Out of curiosity, has anyone listened to the podcast GSP did with Joe Rogan a while back? It's fascinating. GSP has this crazy issue where he feels he's losing huge chunks of time. Like he'll take a look at the clock and two hours have passed in the blink of an eye. This has been happening since he was a kid and he seems to think it's some sort of alien encounter. He clearly doesn't like talking about it but Rogan gets some of it out of him. If it's true and he's really experiencing something like that - that's pretty fucking crazy. And I can't help but wonder if it's got anything to do with the 'personal issues' he referred to on saturday night.

    Apparently the issues were that his father is on his death bed and there is an unexpected pregnancy.

    TMZ was the source on that and the "father on his death bed" thing has already been refuted by GSP's sister as complete bullshit.

  12. Based on the way you score an MMA fight GSP did win that fight.

    This is the problem though. The scoring system is fucked. They inherited it from boxing when the sport is completely different. MMA should develop it's own system that scores the entire fight as opposed to each round on a 10-9 basis. In fact, they shouldn't even have rounds at all - that's another unnecesary rule inherited from boxing.

    Out of curiosity, has anyone listened to the podcast GSP did with Joe Rogan a while back? It's fascinating. GSP has this crazy issue where he feels he's losing huge chunks of time. Like he'll take a look at the clock and two hours have passed in the blink of an eye. This has been happening since he was a kid and he seems to think it's some sort of alien encounter. He clearly doesn't like talking about it but Rogan gets some of it out of him. If it's true and he's really experiencing something like that - that's pretty fucking crazy. And I can't help but wonder if it's got anything to do with the 'personal issues' he referred to on saturday night.

  13. A champ should never lose via decision.

    GSP got dominated dude.

    The ref never came close to stopping it at all during the fight. While I agree he got dominated, I still don't think a champ should lose the belt via decision.

    I get what you're saying in that GSP 'defended' his belt by not being finished and in some ways I agree - the challenger should always have to beat the champ clearly. But Hendricks did. He put a beating on him.

    Dana is a fucking dick for throwing GSP under the bus like that in the post fight presser though. Pierre has been nothing but professional for his entire title run and for Dana to say shit like that when the guy clearly has some personal issues was really out of line.

    • Like 1
  14. Let's see them. I thought the show answered most things that needed answers and the stuff that was left a mystery was better left that way. Giving a clear explanation for some of it would have been like attributing the force in Star Wars to a high count of internal microorganisms called midi-chlorians.

    The problem is, with Lost they lead you on to believe that there were answers in existence for all of these mysteries. Those Star Wars prequels were regrettable, but the original saga never claimed to have answers for its sci-fi characteristics. LOTR doesn't really give you an elaboration on why the ring has power other than that it was forged in Mordor and made to rule other rings. Did Inception give you the scientific explanation as to how you could force certain characteristics in dreams? No. The difference between SW, Inception, LOTR, and Lost is that the first three are sci/fi in nature, and claim to be nothing more than that. Lost trotted along as a thriller/drama/mystery (in the beginning this was essentially the only genre) with sci/fi elements (progressively added as the series went along). Lost fomented the spirit of mystery and surprise while SW, LOTR, and Inception triggered your intrigue regarding the metaphysical, philosophical, and sci-fi/adventure elements in each respective piece of art.

    I know this isn't a 100% parallel comparison, but hopefully it helps you to see the fundamental difference I see between Lost and its artistic counterparts. This isn't necessarily a bad thing inherently, when Lost was about the thrill/the surprise/the mystery, it was great. But as it progressed it became clear that some mysteries that simply didn't have answers (and it go more sci-fi), and this to me seemed lazy on the part of the writers. "Lets put X/Y/Z in this episode, and then if we get to it later, we'll answer it." From viewing the series, that's how it looks like it went.

    As for that Word document, I'll have to look, that was 3 computers ago.

    The mistake the Lost writers made was that early in the shows run, one of them made the claim that everything had a logical/scientific explanation. Maybe they said this to keep people watching, I don't know, but it was a stupid thing to say because Lost was science fiction from the very beginning. I think that expectation for "the answer" may have ruined it for a lot of people. They only part of the show I'd accuse them of 'making up as they went on' was the beginning of season 3 because they were in talks with ABC at the time, didn't know how many series they were signing on to do, so just meandered for 6/7 episodes.

    Any questions off the top of your head that you thought needed answering? I found that, on my second watch-through, a lot of the questions are actually answered if you look hard enough.

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  15. I was wholly disappointed in the end, found myself with literally 3.5 pages worth of unanswered question on a Microsoft Word document.


    Let's see them. I thought the show answered most things that needed answers and the stuff that was left a mystery was better left that way. Giving a clear explanation for some of it would have been like attributing the force in Star Wars to a high count of internal microorganisms called midi-chlorians.

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