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Posts posted by Anahzul

  1. Fucking dead audience.

    Maybe they were tired. It was a week day night and the show didn't start until roughly 10:45 and went until after 1am. Assuming those people got up and went to work that day, I would bet many people had been up since 6-7 A.M and were probably dragging.

    When you start shows at that time during the week when people are working, you have to know that the possibility of the crowd being dead comes with the territory.

    But… In other parts of the world people work too, and they are not ¨dead¨ like them… :rolleyes:

  2. Axl Rose

    On Wednesday 13th January 2010, @axlrose said:

    Yo Vancouver!! D'oh!! Bkstage in Winnipeg, Danko's on, 26F HEATWAVE!! Excited 2 get this rolling. In r off time we'll b helping Mounties flush out Al Qaeda. (What's that aboot, Eh? jk) Good 2 see Baz! LET'S DO THIS!!!

    And he added a pic too. Ha. :thumbsup:

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