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Posts posted by Anahzul

  1. I wonder whose idea it was to put If the World in Body of Lies. If it was Azoff's idea then good riddance. Although I loved the movie, it was a huge commercial flop. Americans don't want to see movies about Iraq and 9/11. The Hurt Locker may have won best picture, but it made very little money. Spoiler alert, Rob Pattinson's latest film REMEMBER ME flopped because he dies in the 9/11 attacks. A GNR song needs to be in a movie with a more youth-oriented market that will be a mega-blockbuster like IronMan 2 or Avatar 2 or Eclipse. That is how buzz is generated in the industry these days to get airplay on the radio. Estranged would have been a great choice for Shutter Island.

    To put the song in Body of Lies was ok. But the part of the song used was so short that nobody knew it was a new GN'R song.

  2. You might have to read this one a few times to get a grasp of WTF he's trying to say...

    On Friday 26th March 2010, @axlrose said:

    Headed 4 Lima! Was great gettin' back 2 Buenos Aires!! The crowds everywhere on this tour r unique un2 themselves. Don't get much rowdier or energetic than here n' as w/ Belo Horizonte n' Santiago etc. very humbling. Sure there's excited idiots who throw shit or whatever but 4 the most part the fans r so enthusiastic, positive n' we mean so much 2 them it sets u bk n' makes u work hard to feel u can earn a small part of the respect they show u. So many of these shows we have trouble w/r sound on stage to b able to hear 'cuz the audience is singing along so loud which is amazing!! It's also nice to visit places that aren't as jaded n' influenced by peer pressure or media nonsense. They know what they like n' stand up 4 it rather than b told what they should n' shouldn't b in2. I grew up w/the preppies n' jocks w/their pink Izod's where Bowie, Cooper, Zeppelin etc. were considered garbage n' when The Cars, The Police, The Clash, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols etc were "gay", whatever. South American fans have always been so good to us, I'm happy we were able to find a way to play for those we've been fortunate enough to have seen so far!! Obrigado, Gracias n' Thank You!! N' to the officials who gave us extra time in Buenos Aires a triple Thank You!! Peace!!

    He is so sweet!

    It's good that he mentioned the sound problems.

  3. The rose and the thorns, OMG that's SO original, never heard it before LOL :xmassrudolph:

    Pretty shitty lyrics, if he wanted to counter attack sorry = epic fail

    Sorry is the worst GNR song I have ever heard so it is not as epic a fail as you make it out to be.

    I love Sorry. It's one of my fave songs!

    I think Ozzy shouldn't be in the middle of the fight ¨Axl vs Slash¨.

  4. Bumble was there


    On Wednesday 24th March 2010, @bumblefoot said:


    Fantastic time in Argentina! Apologies to the fans in the front that weren't getting Axl's voice in the PA - don't know wtf happened, heard part of the PA had malfunctioned, or something with the angle of the speakers, don't know exactly, regardless of the reason, I'm sad that there were fans that missed out on the full experience. Understand why people were throwing stuff at the stage, to alert us there was a problem. Someone threw a shoe. Please people, if you're going to throw a shoe, throw BOTH shoes - one shoe is of very little use. Got to Lima Peru last night, Holy Shit. The airport was lined with fans behind a gate screaming, sooo many, what a fkn welcome!!! I went over to one and had a hard time removing myself from the clutches, was a little too much to work with, kept my distance expect for one or two dudes in an empty spot. Got to the hotel and signed a bunch of stuff and took pics with fans in front of the hotel, but DAMN, you guys are aggressive! Took the help of 4 security guards to keep it doable. Had some killa Peruvian sushi at 2am with DJ and Nick & John (Sebastian's bandmates), then just relaxin' n watchin' waves hit the shore 'til the sun came up. Gonna head out in a few for a nice dinner with the band. From what I've seen at the airport and the hotel, Peru may be the wildest of all. Show us tomorrow...!

    They didn't know what happened. Poor GN'R.

    BBF is so funny: ¨if you're going to throw a shoe, throw BOTH shoes - one shoe is of very little use¨ :lol:

  5. I said it this morning and I'll say it again: more than half the people in the concert couldn't hear Axl... AT ALL!!! I think I heard Axl only four times. We all went to see him, and listen to him sing, and we left empty-handed! Therefore, I have the right to say the show sucked big time.

    Why I said Axl is an asshole? For not attending to the sound check, for having such an idiot as the sound engineer, for not talking to the audience (well, he talked, but only to threaten us). In 1992 and 1993 he was much cooler despite all the problems with the audience. Baz should give him a lesson about being nice to the audience. I don't like Baz as a musician but he was a very cool guy on stage, he seemed really happy.

    It is sad but I think this is the last time Axl sells out a show in Argentina. Many people left dissapointed.

    Yes, its Axls fault the mic didnt work! what a Asshole

    The sound engineer was responsible for it. The people said Axl's voice was heard in some areas of the stadium but not in others. The most affected area by these sound problems was the frontal part of the stadium.

  6. The Don`t Cry video really made my day...thanks for posting! It is quite clear that he rather spontaneously started to sing along to the guitar solo! That was just so awesome!

    Feel a little bit sorry for the fans who suffered from the sound problems, but maybe it would have helped shouting in english ;)

    As far as the usual complaints go: Why did they play so few songs, why didn`t they play this song, why is it called the CD tour if they only play half the songs on it....honestly, go F/$( Yourselves....the same complaints after every show...that really gets annoying and boring. Just be happy for the guys who have not seen the band for 17 years!


    Oh that say it in English part... That was well CLASSIC. No offence to the Argentinians. But I'm sure Axl didn't understand ya!

    Here you have the video where people were complaining about the sound. Of course, Axl doesn't speak Spanish. Ha! It was translator's fault.

  7. Great show, the sound was were distorted when the band was playing with full force. Axl's voice was powerfull and he moved around alot, he even ran from one end to the other of the stage at the end during paradise. Those people throwing things were complaining about the lack of vocal audio in the front, I was seating on the left side od the stage and it sounded pretty good, but my friends who were on the field said to me that in the front they couldnt hear Axl.

    It's true. Many people complained about the lack of vocal audio in the front of the stage. So, in some parts of the stadium, some could hear Axl, but in other parts they couldn't hear him. Poor fans!!!

    Exactly. This should have been caught during soundcheck. Baz was OK so it was clearly Axl's sound engineer that fucked the pooch on this one. Someone's gettin' fired!

    In other forums, some people are very disappointed about this. Some of them, who were near the stage, could hardly hear Axl. What happened to the sound engineer?????

  8. Great show, the sound was were distorted when the band was playing with full force. Axl's voice was powerfull and he moved around alot, he even ran from one end to the other of the stage at the end during paradise. Those people throwing things were complaining about the lack of vocal audio in the front, I was seating on the left side od the stage and it sounded pretty good, but my friends who were on the field said to me that in the front they couldnt hear Axl.

    It's true. Many people complained about the lack of vocal audio in the front of the stage. So, in some parts of the stadium, some could hear Axl, but in other parts they couldn't hear him. Poor fans!!!

  9. s417xw.jpg

    Full story and pics will be here: www.clarin.com

    news report in Spanish? http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/03/22/um/m-02164992.htm

    same in english translated online: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/03/22/um/m-02164992.htm&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhhI-dEq3_CZjmVUQWUq07ttARb-8w

    I uploaded FLV video of news report here:


    ok seriously I am off ta bed now lol :)

    Awesome pic rock3 rock3

    Beautiful :wub: :wub:

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