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Posts posted by Anahzul

  1. FUCK THIS!!! Seriously I hope everything wil be alright by the end of the month, I have booked the hotel, got my plane tickets and my tickets for the show, imagine if the ash problem happen on sunday 30th, I'm fucked. :xmasschef:

    let's hope not

  2. In these days, teenagers don't listen to rock & roll. They prefer hip hop, pop. Things change.

    Young people used to prefer rock because it signified rebellion.

    Rock 'n' Roll was about giving the middle finger to the establishment.

    There was a sense of danger - real or manufactured - rock pissed off your teachers and parents.

    It was full of naughty language and the rock stars themselves were troublemakers, drug-addicts and sex fiends.

    It's no surprise that hip hop is more popular with young people today.

    Whether it's true or not - hip hop appears more forbidden than rock does today. It's more offensive to the sensibilities of authority figures than rock is.

    I agree. But in the 80s and 90s, there were a lot of rock bands, something we don’t have today. Some years ago, the promotion of rock bands was everywhere: TV, radio stations, magazines. For example, now music channels and radio stations are full of hip hop/pop/rap music. Magazine articles are about hip hop, rap, pop artists. Music business changed. Where are the young rockers? We don’t have the same amount of rock bands as we had in the 80s/90s. People are influenced by the things they watch on tv, by the magazines they buy. Nowadays, people are influenced by a different musical trend.

  3. You know, it pains me everytime I go on a random music forum and find no Guns N' Roses topic. Worse, when there is a Guns N' Roses topic who has one or two pages, while Kasabian or Radiohead have like 500 hundred pages of discussion. And when you go on the Guns N' Roses topic, people call Guns N' Roses "has been" and think their music is basic and that the band looks cheesy.

    I don't know, am I one of the only left who still takes this band so seriously (even the old one)? The music is awesome and more technical than say 90% of what we're seeing now. The attitude was there, Axl had the balls to say what nobody would say, and nobody in 2010 would dare say what he said in some of his rants. I think they still look cool as fuck when I look at the 80's/90's videos and the 00's ones (and obviously the 2010 ones).

    I can't believe today's world: young people in majority listen to electro/hip hop/rap shit and when I bring some GNR at a party, people go "what is that?" "Guns N' Roses" "What?" "Guns N' Roses" "Can you put some DJ shit back?"

    What is this? It's like everyday is a nightmare to me when it comes to music, when I train at the gym, all I hear is some lady gaga shit, or other homosexual music, I can't stand it. I've never seen anyone wear a Guns N' Roses shirt.

    I miss the 80's guys. Guns N' Roses are an ideal to me, their music is among the very best that was ever written when it comes to rock, and yet this 2010 world don't get it!

    How do you entourage view GNR? My parents had never heard of them (they're over 50) and my bro doesn't get into it. My friends like soft rock or hip/hop shit. I can't stand it.

    In these days, teenagers don't listen to rock & roll. They prefer hip hop, pop. Things change.

  4. As a fellow guitar player and fan of music I have listened to alot of different guitar players over the years. After getting into and following the new lineup of players in guns n roses, I checked out solo efforts from pretty much every member because well, they are fantastic musicians. Anyways...

    I bought "Normal" a while back and a bit of other material from bumble's discography and quickly became a follower and fan. I was astounded not only by the sheer large amount of musical ground Ron could cover easily, but his ability in improvisation and technique. He can hear anything in his head and play it on the spot. Change key, no problem he can transpose it on the fly.

    Every guitar player has signature licks that they lean on when they solo, you start to hear them the more you listen to different players. In ron's case, he is so inconsistent and out of the box that everything he plays is different all the time. He doesn't rely on patterns primarilly. Even when he was a teenager, he could do most of the stuff he can do now.

    I think even without comparing him to other guitar players, he is so gifted and at a level nobody has surpassed or come close

    Yeah. BBF is a very good guitarist.

  5. Tommy's Blog

    Hello Peoples,

    All things considered, I’d say South America was a success! I have a few new scars, one less bass, one less favorite coat (damn thieving baggage handlers!), a few less brain cells, and a new appreciation for Cipro. I have seen a lot of beautiful places and people on this tour, and only a few not-so-much.

    The shows were a lot of fun. We played to a lot more of you than I expected we would. I really want to thank all of you who braved the elements and everything else to see the show.

    I also want to thank our crew for enduring the beating. This was a huge show to put together and they made it happen under some of the worst circumstances imaginable, except where it was truly impossible to do so, LOL.

    I’m still sifting through footage of my adventures, so stay tuned for more videos. Additionally, in the coming weeks I’ll be doing some live video streaming for you guys, where I’ll answer some of your questions.

    I’m also going to be doing an online fundraiser with some fabulous prizes (one of my GnR basses, a couple of retired plaid suits, and more) to help raise money for an organization called Timkatec, who have built and maintained trade schools for the poor and homeless kids in Haiti for over ten years. They need our help now more than ever since the earthquake. The people of Haiti will need our assistance in rebuilding their schools, hospitals, and cities for years to come, and this is just one small way to help. I hope all of you will join me in the effort. I will be rewarding those that participate with a free download of the first track off of my upcoming solo record.

    Other mentionables — I’m going to Memphis soon to record with Luther and Cody Dickinson for fun, and then I’m off to LA to mix some songs for my solo record.


    See you all in Europe!




    He had fun in SA. Cool!

    I'll wait for those vids

  6. On Friday 16th April 2010, @axlrose said:

    We do hope to be able to play both Costa Rica n' Guatemala at a later date. Management n' promoters r in talks. It'd b great 4 the fans 2 b able 2 get their performance. Our apologies 4 any inconvenience this has caused. It's a crazy business n' this tour's had it's share of twists n' turns. The fans n' shows have made all the chaos n' confusion worth it in the long run. Here's 2 u!! Hope to see u in Puerto Rico!!

    Please play the show in Costa Rica, we the fans are devastated, even though iwas one of the lucky fans (actually i was the one that asked Ron to play a private concert for us), that enjoy the private concert Ron played the day of the concert.

    You must be very sad. Poor fans. I hope they can reach an agreement.

  7. I've seen 2 shows every year GN'R has played in Canada with the new lineup, 02, 06, and 10. 2010 was the best lineup and actually seemed more like a band then any other year. The on-stage interaction between the guys... have you been to a show? DJ and Axl have a connection on stage that Axl and Bucket did not. Maybe because they're both Indiana boys, maybe DJ just has more personality than Bucket/Finck, but...

    I agree. This last lineup has a good interaction on stage. The addition of DJ was a very good decision. It's true what you say about Fink and Bucket. They great were great guitarists, they didn't have a good interaction with the rest of the band on stage.

  8. Sorry blows. I can't believe how anyone can listen to it. It is absolute trash.

    Sorry is awesome. It's one of my favorite songs!

    I can't compare Sorry with Crucify the dead, one is awesome and has Axl singing the other is an average song and Ozzy sings like shit


  9. Yestarday Axl visited the Apple store in Plaza las Americas shopping Mall and bought his first I-PAD. Many fans were taking pictures at him and he was cool with all the people at the store!

    source: Alfa Rock radio statin www.alfarock.com


    Cool. Lucky those who were there!

  10. I think.... they cancelled Guatemala so they could play in Costa Rica, but the new date in Costa Rica didn't work out, and they weren't able to reschedule the old Guatemala date, so they ended with two cancelled dates.


    i dont reply that much to any of the threads, i only read, but im from Guatemala, and im FUCKING PISSED!!!!!, why did they have to cancell the show here just CAUSE THE STAGE AT THE COSTA RICAN SHOW SUCKED?!?!?!!!, not saying that they should've gone through with the show, cause of safety reasons you know, but GNR could have re scheduled at another date, maybe next month or something........ its fucking disappointing..... :fuckyou::thumbsdown: triple face palm.......

    Promoters of Costa Rica are a disaster. I imagine you must be very angry now.

  11. :)


    3 shows 2 go!! No word on if there'll b a makeup 4 Costa Rica. Though we'd obviously rather have a had a fun show we're more than thankful the very real n' serious staging problems were discovered b4 hand n' no one was hurt. We're lookin' at gettin' bk 2 a place or 2 in SA asap. Hope everyone enjoyed the shows. Big thanks 2 everyone who came out n' supported us!!

    It's good to read an update from Axl's twitter. So they have the intention of going back to SA. Awesome. What country will be the lucky one? Ha.

  12. Yes, I wholeheartedly think so. I'm sure there are some stupid people who actually pay 100+ dollars for premium GA tickets, just so they can huck a bottle at Axl and see if they can piss the man off and get him to stop the show.

    There are shows with no VIP zones like Argentina's. People who threw shit in that one had paid 30 dollars or so, apparently as a protest for sound problems.

    Yeah. In Argentina, some fans threw things due to the mic problems. In the other countries, I read some people threw stuff for having waited for many hours. There were different reasons. I know all these fans were angry, but it's stupid to throw stuff. I hate when people do this.

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