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Posts posted by Anahzul

  1. Bumblefoot

    After the show didn't happen in Costa Rica on the 9th, I took GNR fans

    in the hotel with me to a remote spot outside and gave them a good

    2-hour-ish personal acoustic show, with their wonderful help on vocals,

    acoustic bass, and a guitar for me to use. Had to make music that

    night, I wish it could have been as it should ha...ve been, but at least

    tried to bring smiles to the group that was there, as they did for me :)

    http://www.twitpic.com/1et4ii (Kristy, I stole your pic...!!)


    BBF is a great guy. :thumbsup:

  2. Richard Fortus' twitter chat with some fans (this are the Richard's answers to the fans' questions... for the questions, go to the Twitter accounts of the fans ^^)

    talked about Estranged, Slash Album & some other sfuff


    ok, nice chatting with y'all. I gotta go help DJ paint his toe nails for the show. soon speak, my friends!

    2 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    @Omar291 i have a '60 slab board that is my favorite strat. i have a bunch of photos of some of my gtrs on my website

    8 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to Omar291


    About slashs song

    @MikaHeartRS yeah, very unfortunate lyrics, no matter whom they were written about

    9 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to MikaHeartRS


    maCulture thanks, i'm trying to verify now. I had a huge issue a while back with some asshole that was impersonating me on FB

    11 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to ComaCulture


    About Slashs song

    @MikaHeartRS "A loaded gun jammed by a rose". Really you think it's about Axl?

    13 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to MikaHeartRS


    @Omar291 favorite piece of gear? DOn't know where to even start. Just bought a '66 candy apple red strat and a 50's Supro lap steel this wk

    16 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to Omar291


    Any inclination to pick Slash's solo album?....not trying to be a douche but just wondering!

    @Omar291 i'm sure i'll listen at some point. I read some of the lyrics ...... ouch! I'm sure the record has some great stuff

    23 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to Omar291


    So the man knows that everyone wants to hear it, right?

    @EverythingZen the man knows all

    26 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to EverythingZen


    @PedroGNR thanks! I can't tell you what an amazing experience South America has been for us. thanks to all

    28 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to PedroGNR


    ESTRANGED, you know everyone wants to hear it, right? I'm just sayin

    @EverythingZen I'm so down! Just gotta get the man onboard with that one. IMO, the quintessential Guns track

    30 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to EverythingZen


    @Lizwontcry not many people know this, but Sebastian Bach is a sloth. It's a secret, so don't tell anyone! http://tweetphoto.com/17567311

    32 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to Lizwontcry

    @ticolespaul of course i saw the flag! hard to miss!

    38 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to ticolespaul

    @MikaHeartRS i loved Quito! I'd love to go back..... SOON!

    38 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to MikaHeartRS

    In Panama. Went on a jungle trek today. Saw monkeys, sloths, toucans, a tapir, iguanas, and an owl. Kayak'd back to the hotel.

    That was cool

  3. Niiiiiice find rock3

    We already got confirmation that alternate booklet was real, remember the" Sorry" artwork?

    See it here: http://sandrayagi.artspan.com/

    Reviews, Articles and Publications

    2008 Democracy in China – Limited artists’ edition – Guns N’ Roses

    Monday, June 22, 2009#

    Guns 'N Roses album

    "Axl Rose had purchased three of my paintings late last year, of which two pieces were to be included in a limited edition album release. To my knowledge, it was never widely released, though I received a copy from the band. I was looking at some stats for my website, and noticed a big spike in views and it appears that there is a big discussion among the GNR fans about the unreleased album, and in particular the images."


    So it was true. We have very good researchers here. :thumbsup:

  4. Slash is confusing his fans again. Now, Axl is a good boy? :unsure:

    Some Slash fans should learn from Slash:

    ¨Axl is f- - - ing phenomenal¨

    ¨It’s his personality that makes him so f---ing great¨

    ¨I listened to Chinese Democracy: It's a really good record¨

  5. Throwing bottles and shit to the stage is fucking retarded. Being hit by one of those must be fucking hurtfull and it might cause major injuries. I don´t understand why people does that, whatever reason they have is just not justified at all.

    because when a lot of people get drunk, they act like complete retards


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