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Posts posted by riot

  1. Great??? It's obvious that Slash hasn't played with him in quite some time. :rolleyes:


    Translation......Axl's greatness = long gone.


    plus I don't think slash has work with better front man that axl rose. axl's voice is still great, plus he's in shape... but remember how he was early 90's... simply the most energetic motherfucker's out there

  2. I think all the fans of GNR deserve a great concert. And I think Axl and the boys try there best to do that, but its a world tour and they cant be doing 3-4 hr. sets on every stop. Axl is a singer and cant afford to ruin his voice and possibly not play a show or two. I bet then you guys will start to say,why does he have to over do himself. A normal band hardly plays over 2 hrs anyways. Be grateful that your seeing an epic rock n roll show!

    I'm sure it was great for most of the people there. If you take out the solos/jams,the setlist is pretty short.

    I just saw Elton John/Billy Joel (who are in their 60's) play a nearly three hour and 45 minute concert with NO solos. Billy was up from behind the piano on guitar as well,so it isn't like they are just sitting. For the prices those fans paid,they should have got a longer show.

    elton john and most of artist young or old don't move as much as axl...

    still a lame setlist!

  3. I have no desire to see this band cover other people's music. I'd rather them play CD material much in the same way GNR only played AFD on their first tour in the late 80's. They have their own record and unique songs now and imo, they need to tour them rather then cashing in on other people's music.

    you just seem to forget that axl rose wrote a LOT of these songs and has been part of this band since the begining. No axl, no gnr. As for the setlist and my wishes: I like this setlist with a lot of Chi Dem but I would add variations with illusion stuff. Like if they are about to not play irs a night, dont always put outta get me in. put, I dont know maybe perfect crime or anyother song from illusion.that's my point. surprise pleaaaase. jus6t have a bigger cathalog

  4. A buddy of mine that works at the hotel the band stayed at said Axl was vomiting and that "they" destroyed the 2nd floor. He didn't have to work that night so I would assume this is not from his own eyes. I know this forum is all about credibility, but I had to laugh when my friend told me about this. I don't post much but felt I should relay this to everyone else.

    LOL rock n fucken roll

  5. Finally I got to record an announcement/news made by Canal RCN (a local TV channel) on feb 20th about the GNR gig here in Bogota.

    They basically said that Axl hasn't approve yet any of the hotels proposed by the show promoter in Bogota because they doesn't fulfill any of his expectations and requirements. Also they said that Axl is gonna choose the local band opener for the show.


    FLV Video: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=269KDG8X

    omfg, that girl is seriously hot :shock: :shock: :shock:

    those tour videos are pretty cool

    those little shorts..... major wow

  6. axl met my sister back in september, they married in october. she's very quick so they now have 14 children....

    if you'd know my sister you'd know why axl is happy. they are supposed to come dinner at my house this week with beta and family. btw axl told me last week he never had plugs and that he fucken laugh at every gnr dave posts!!! he also told me that next album will be called fat granny never dies! cool title!!

  7. BH and Robin and Co did not butcher PC and WTTJ at the VMAS, the band sounded great, Axl was the only one who butchered the songs.

    As for the CD songs are not Robins and BHs , of course they are, Esp with BH since he wrote the majority of the guitar parts for the album.

    My main point being that he was saying it was wrong for Bumble and DJ to play CD songs to an audience who weren't bothered. It's no worse than Bucket and Robin playing Slash and Izzy's parts on the VMA's.

    This band have changed so much in the past decade that it seems daft to get precious over lineup changes.

    Basically you have a cover band playing AFD songs and the CD songs another cover band wrote who was also playing the old bands AFD songs.

    It is kind of funny when you look at it like this, you have a cover band covering a cover band.

    Only in the world of Gnr

    And then we have people like you who feel the need to post that every single day. Honestly dave, what's your motivation for being here... is trolling fun for you? I would have thought you'd stick to the Old GN'R sections if that's what you want to discuss.

    As for people asking to lock the thread - as long as it stays on topic and people remain respectful of one another (which up to this point, they haven't really), then the thread will remain open.

    God people come up with some stupid shit to say though... like, REALLY? Criticising the secret gigs? :huh:

    Sorry if the truth hurts.

    You will just have to deal with it, nothing I said is not true. And I was just backing up what that other poster said.

    There is something wrong with you. I find it odd that you obsess on something that you have no part in creating. Like Slash and Adler, you are stuck in the past. The version of Guns N Roses that you loved died 17 years ago. This is a new version that is beginning to make its own way. Sure it plays material from the old version, but one of the two main creators of that music and its voice leads this band. The reality is that you have issues with change. Just like Slash did. The reason Slash wouldn't change is because he couldn't. He is not a natural songwriter. The creative force behind Guns was Axl and Izzy. Slash didn't even know what to do with a good rift like Jungle or Sweet Child. It was Axl who recognized the genius and wrote the structure of those songs. Izzy wrote most of the GnR classics.

    Main point - the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing hoping for a different result. Bitching about what Axl did to the old GnR is not going to make him quit on his new version. You'd be a lot happier if you got some help for your insanity.

    Those who can't do, often have to preach (or criticize on message boards).

    You really do have a shitty memory, and the mods wonder why I have to repeat myself its for brain damaged people like you.

    I am NOT even talking about the AFD era of guns n roses, Stay with me here ok, we are talking about the CD version of guns n roses and guess what? Axl does not even have them anymore, he has replacements for that band did.

    You dont find that ridiculous? And yes the creator if the classic band was Axl and Izzy and the creator of the CD era was Axl, Paul and BH, and guess what only Axl is left for BOTH VERSIONS.

    The fact is, since Izzy left the band Axl has had ZERO hits.

    And your hero Axl is stuck in the past since he always bitches about the old band during his shows, or are you too brain damaged to even remember that? So you should make post Axl why are you stuck in the past, but of course you kiss Axls ass so you wont do that.

    Oh and axl cant with out Izzy, he proved that with the flop of CD

    That is all your opinion. My opinion is that CD is a very good album. Not a classic but certainly better than what is "popular' today. The reason CD flopped is perception and predjudice. People don't or won't give the album a chance because of those two factors.

    Now, back to the original point which you missed. You have nothing to do with GnR the entity. You either like the music that is put out under that brand name or you don't. Axl doesn't owe you anything. He doesn't owe you a secret gig, a reunion, a t-shirt, nothing. You have one way to make your point of view known and that is through your wallet. If Axl starts earning nothing because nobody shows up or buys his album than he will make a decision on whether he changes his attitude, has a reunion, retires, whatever. It's his life. He can play with whomever, call the band whatever, because Slash / Izzy / Duff signed the name over years ago. Why? Who knows. My guess is that Izzy didn't care. Duff didn't get it at first. And Slash wanted the money and fame that went with the tour and he blinked. If he had held strong my guess is that Axl would have blinked. But he didn't and now you have what you have. Deal with the present because every message you post is actually a post in support of Axl. Why - because you care!!

    cmon dave... bumble has done some really good shit on chinese and if only axl could write something with ashba he would a radio hit. about you saying this band cover chinese you're damn fucking wrong. criss pitman is there, dizzy is there, fortus is still there, STINSON too, frank is a better rock n roll player than brain( yeah I know hes technically better... but matt is also technically better than adler so...) plus AXL is there. fuck buckethead.. he's long gone and was a fucking shame for guns. not that he was not good. hes a fucking robot who plays star wars... this is a rock band! not a freak circus. he was all but credibility to this band. he wrote good stuff studio but that's it.

    ON TOPIC: axl could play where the fuck he wants between legs of tours and for who he wants. what's shit is people who say thing like: guns n roses could have been the biggest band of all time but ax was a dick so now hes playing in front of hundreds of people. it was something like that on the n-y post article.

  8. cover bands are kindof homosexual.

    never tought some people are doing this for fun? and also for money? popular cover bands dont need a regular 40 hours a week job. if they are in some other band(s) that also play gigs or giving some guitar lessons just to name a few things then they just dont work. Some people just dont want/need a regular life. some of these guys dont wanna do their own songs, some other are wrtting a lot... that all I wanted to say

    on topic: I dont really like his voice it reminds me more of vince neil lol. I like vince neil. just not in gnr. in lower vocals apetite's singer sound a lot more like axl

  9. hey I'm back!!

    here's few dates for those who live in quebec!


    19th at l'auberge de notre-dame du mont carmel ( warm up gig with our brand new guitarist and bassist)

    27th le st-maurice,repentigny


    6th le thash,st-hyacinthe


    3rd le cesar, joliette fucking hometown with me as an opener! and this will be our rythm guitar player's birthday!!

    10th chez léo,entrelac

    24th le futuriste, laval

    more coming!

    like I said, we just changed our guitarist and our bassist.... new demo coming in a week or 2 so everything you've heard apart from my voice, rythm guitar and stick handler is new!! very very tight players!!!

    hope ta see some of you and talk about guns and drink a beer at a gig

    ps: le show a joliette va etre assurément le plus long et surprenant de tout nos shows a vie on le promet!!! aussi ca va etre le show ou le bar va etre le plus plein c sur!!!

  10. I can't tell you how many people I've tried to turn on to CD that haven't given me the argument "that's not Guns N' Roses" and refused to even give it a chance. I'm betting that's the majority view. But it really doesn't hold water, here's why.

    A band is analogous to a relationship in my estimation. The bonds run very deep. There has to be a pretty intense level of empathy, good communication and trust. So when a member has an issue with the direction the band is headed in, obviously they have the right to assess whether they want to continue. Ultimately, Axl did not fire Izzy, Slash, and Duff. They walked away, totally for their own reasons. So in my opinion, Axl is not Guns N; Roses. But clearly, he runs the franchise. Does it really matter who wrote what and who played what on the CD? No. Every guitar track is properly credited. It captures a moment. Simple as that. Songwriters and performers get royalties for their work. The touring band was hired to interpret the material for a live audience, When you are talking about material with as complex in it's arrangements as CD, it is more about compositions than songs per se. Axl is more of a conductor than a frontman in the traditional sense. If you go to see a symphony, doe you bitch that Beethoven didn't make the gig? Fuck no, you just go with it. peace.

    Not really convincing.

    When I listen to Axl's band covering GNR's classic songs or even the CD songs, the analogy that pops in my head is that a fake Picasso can look very similar to the original. But it's still a fake Picasso...

    yeah and I could be waiting for a reunion and hesar slash fucked with every fucking solo lol! not that I would not enjoy a reunion, but I really enjoy the band lineup right now. what about this lineup :









  11. yesterday's show was very nice.. pretty sad I dont remember a lot"!!! now that's a hangover!

    that said: pretty sad that there wasnt a lot of peeps on general ad.

    btw: me and my buddy are the one who began the wave and this buddy is the same guy who started it in mtl!

  12. Axl came out on a wheelchair? I need to see pictures/footage of this!

    Oh and I hope their delay doesn't become a habbit.

    I'm thinking it was a mistake to book two big shows like this back to back, plus some type of appearance at a club.

    so the club musique musique rumour is true?

    I don't know. I can't figure it out from what's been posted here.

    kk thanx

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