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Jackie Moon

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Status Updates posted by Jackie Moon

  1. hey man i loved your revenge.

  2. thanks dude, youre on team jackie now.

  3. shes the reason a lot of people quit posting .either by their own will or hers. she was bringing this place down to the point where i almost quit. luckly for deadflower i reconsidered and then eric saved us all. glad to have you back.

  4. i think i ike you, which is really odd. 5*ed

  5. ive i become mod youll get 2 panda bears.

  6. sorry man i can only change it one more time and im saving that for "turbo jetts". if you thought you loved jackie moon, just you wait for this explosion of awesomeness.

  7. as if youve ever owned me. well my heart maybe. no i didnt post a whole lot back then, i made 1,000 posts with that name, mostly pro slash. then i decided to get serious about this and concocted jackie moon. your welcome.

  8. its campaign season, worth a shot. youre goin down bucko

  9. lol you should keep this account. the sequal. i kind of want to get banned just to do the same.

  10. im 100% serious in saying every time i listen to crackerman i listen to wet my bed. maybe we have more in common than we thought. i also like slash. slash to me is like buckethead to you. somebodys gotta talk shit about him. i like meatplow as well. not sure what the fuck is going on in it but thats a pretty minor detail. i also like sex type thing when im in a raping mood. which is often.JM2010

  11. crackerman is my favourite STP song. fuck meatplow.

  12. glad you liked it! bucket releases 5 or so albums a year and they are all killer. he just put out his first of 2010. i love this song. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=2B66E0BDE45874A4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&v=K6vtSM-XOQ0

  13. im a multitasker df. no need for followed by. for valentines day i have big plans involving google images of william shatner and butter. same as every year. JM 2010.

  14. then i should rename it dead flowers vagina.

  15. im still operating under the assumption im buckethead.

  16. i think they should first reset the banned members to give everybody a fresh start, and then ban dexter.

  17. use it for inspiration

  18. isnt it awesome? i like the crazy train riff. you gotta check this out, best song / performance ever. the last 4 minutes will get you pregnant.

  19. also please note i have called for axl to be banned re : his ridiculous attack of madison.

  20. i support the decision you made and think the forum is much better for it. thank you for finally taking action and freeing us! i feel like a rescued refugee.

  21. thanks for your support :) cant wait to see bucket, let me know when its done!!

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