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Jackie Moon

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Status Updates posted by Jackie Moon

  1. dead flower you know i have the highest journalistic integrity so i refuse to run such a story before i do in depth research myself. give me your address.

  2. i am modding former gunners :)

  3. i am now the mod of former gunners. doesn’t that just drip with irony? a bucketite / slash cupcake? dont worry, i pledge to serve my post honorably and without bias.

  4. i make katie couric look like mickey rooney

  5. thanks! i promise to leave my trolling / bias out of it. i will not be corrupted. jackie moon is the voice of the people.

  6. maybe if he changes that gay cover art. even a bike was better than that ,honest to god, a bike.

  7. honestly when i first wrote that i put 'even this i love' but then deleted it because i wanted to see what you would come back with. we are somehow connected dead flower, you cant deny it any longer.

  8. now i feel obligated to comment. im partial to living. who are you, puff daddy.

  9. every song on CD is better than by the sword. ill even go a step further - oh my god and silkworms are better than BTS.

  10. if i was standing next to you at a urinal i would totally look.

  11. i find playing xbox on the bike helps when im not really feeling music. nhl10 makes the time fly by. im still going good, i was on a STP kick for awhile but thats wearing out. lady gaga's 'teeth' is awesome too.

  12. cant wait to hear it, heard its awesome. i want to take you by the sword.

  13. i want to fuck your mouse.

  14. never take your boner for granted DF.

  15. dead flower is on notice.

  16. i am offically on the mygnrforum team. i will rule with an iron fist.

  17. there wasnt any weight on his shoulders. the shots were like 44-17. we got 3 goals on miller which was good considering, he is top 3 in the world. we just needed brodeur to hold his end up and he failed. good on the americans tho, the grinded it out and miller stole the show.

  18. i JUST figured your name out. embarrased it took me this long.

  19. i am a big fan of Switzerland. big fan. you guys saved the von trapp family in the sound of music, Switzerland will always have a special place in my

  20. the best part of that movie is, michael moore made it. and then 10 years later its michael moore vs. george w. bush. dont you think the president in CB foreehadows bush? a stupid president takes the country to a illegit war to try and distract them from everyday problems. fuck, they even look alike! "can i get some intelligence here i need intelligence!!"

  21. personally i hope gaga is a hermie...thats good news for everybody.

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