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Posts posted by bionic56

  1. The whiners need to put their money where their month is.

    Don't support the band. Don't go to the shows. Don't post on GnR forums.

    But you CAN'T.

    So until YOU leave......shut the hell up about half full arenas and people not following the band.

    Stop being little whiny girls and do something about it. Or just continue to whine and cry about it. We know u won't leave.

    I'm not there, am I? Doesn't mean I don't still enjoy the bands music. Just stating that it's pathetic he shits on his fans like that.

    You're a fuckin' cupcake Bobo and don't even belong here. You an a few others (im looking at you WHAZUP) are always trying to ruin everyone's fun with you negative shit.

    Anyway when do you all think OMG will make the setlist? I really appreciate the fact that we got Shackler's and OTGM.

    That picture my friends is unity summed up.


    Volcano... first things first look at my post history and you will see that most of the "negative shit" I post is merely calling out your own bs, if you look you will see tons of postitive remarks towards the band. In fact I recall us having non-combative positive encounters whenever we aren't debating the whole Slash thing, so I don't get where you are coming from on this one

    You have posted nearly 3000 times and i bet atleast 2500 of them is negative crap !!!!!!!!!! i feel really sorry for you, really do !!!!!!!!!!!! you are just sooooooooooooooooo :sleeper:

    Look man I have had only one encounter with you and the reason that came to be is because you were being disrespectful to other posters. Don't take that encounter as "all I do is post negative shit" cause that is by far a gross misinterpretation of my presence here

    k then i do appologize man, it didnt mean to be disrespectful :rolleyes:

    Its all good, I think you and some other people just got caught up in the heated nature of the topic. All in all we are all fans here, and I am here cause I love GNR (old and new). And the arguement we had was over the late starts, which is a pretty heated topic cause we all have strong views over it. As long as we are respectful towards one another it should go pretty well :)

    Yes mate i totally agree, atleast we say what we feel hey lol take it easy man

  2. The whiners need to put their money where their month is.

    Don't support the band. Don't go to the shows. Don't post on GnR forums.

    But you CAN'T.

    So until YOU leave......shut the hell up about half full arenas and people not following the band.

    Stop being little whiny girls and do something about it. Or just continue to whine and cry about it. We know u won't leave.

    I'm not there, am I? Doesn't mean I don't still enjoy the bands music. Just stating that it's pathetic he shits on his fans like that.

    You're a fuckin' cupcake Bobo and don't even belong here. You an a few others (im looking at you WHAZUP) are always trying to ruin everyone's fun with you negative shit.

    Anyway when do you all think OMG will make the setlist? I really appreciate the fact that we got Shackler's and OTGM.

    That picture my friends is unity summed up.


    Volcano... first things first look at my post history and you will see that most of the "negative shit" I post is merely calling out your own bs, if you look you will see tons of postitive remarks towards the band. In fact I recall us having non-combative positive encounters whenever we aren't debating the whole Slash thing, so I don't get where you are coming from on this one

    You have posted nearly 3000 times and i bet atleast 2500 of them is negative crap !!!!!!!!!! i feel really sorry for you, really do !!!!!!!!!!!! you are just sooooooooooooooooo :sleeper:

    Look man I have had only one encounter with you and the reason that came to be is because you were being disrespectful to other posters. Don't take that encounter as "all I do is post negative shit" cause that is by far a gross misinterpretation of my presence here

    k then i do appologize man, it didnt mean to be disrespectful :rolleyes:

  3. The whiners need to put their money where their month is.

    Don't support the band. Don't go to the shows. Don't post on GnR forums.

    But you CAN'T.

    So until YOU leave......shut the hell up about half full arenas and people not following the band.

    Stop being little whiny girls and do something about it. Or just continue to whine and cry about it. We know u won't leave.

    I'm not there, am I? Doesn't mean I don't still enjoy the bands music. Just stating that it's pathetic he shits on his fans like that.

    You're a fuckin' cupcake Bobo and don't even belong here. You an a few others (im looking at you WHAZUP) are always trying to ruin everyone's fun with you negative shit.

    Anyway when do you all think OMG will make the setlist? I really appreciate the fact that we got Shackler's and OTGM.

    That picture my friends is unity summed up.


    Volcano... first things first look at my post history and you will see that most of the "negative shit" I post is merely calling out your own bs, if you look you will see tons of postitive remarks towards the band. In fact I recall us having non-combative positive encounters whenever we aren't debating the whole Slash thing, so I don't get where you are coming from on this one

    You have posted nearly 3000 times and i bet atleast 2500 of them is negative crap !!!!!!!!!! i feel really sorry for you, really do !!!!!!!!!!!! you are just sooooooooooooooooo :sleeper:

  4. the show has started already so stop fuckin complaining about the late start

    People not even there are crying and moaning. Ridiculous.

    To be fair, some of those people may not be there because of the time issue, *shrug, you hedge your bets with GNR when it comes to start times. They should just print on ticket start time 9 but END time 3AM, fair warning there.

    Or Start Time: "Whenever the fuck we feel like it".

    god you really are coming accross as a complete pussy, get to bed now before daddy smacks your little boring head, get to the library by 7am dude

    Yeah...silly me...a fan that doesn't like to see other fans disrespected just because. You do realize, it's not all that simple for fans to put everything on standby, right?

    get to bed !!!! nitey nite :fuckyou:

    oh please you are full of shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!! now get to bed like you give a shit about other fans !!!!!! you obviously have no friends and come on here and bitch to make yourself feel better, now please just go to bed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is this guy for real? lol. Does his mom know he's up this late?

  5. Funny to me is that on twitter for those at the show I only see positive feeback, yet here it's not. The "hardcore fans" are negative. I am going to go hang out on twitter...

    That's why Eddie Trunk said fans were booing at the show. Ironically on Twitter. :rolleyes:

    Before the show started. I love how you leave that tidbit of info out every time you bring it up. And yes, fans have always booed up until the show started.

    But I wasn't criticizing the actual show, was I? :thumbsup:

    I was criticizing the aspect of WHY the fans were booing.

    give yourself half an hour you will be though, you obviosly dont quite grasp the rock n roll thing do you , still you are very polite though :thumbsup:

  6. the show has started already so stop fuckin complaining about the late start

    People not even there are crying and moaning. Ridiculous.

    To be fair, some of those people may not be there because of the time issue, *shrug, you hedge your bets with GNR when it comes to start times. They should just print on ticket start time 9 but END time 3AM, fair warning there.

    Or Start Time: "Whenever the fuck we feel like it".

    god you really are coming accross as a complete pussy, get to bed now before daddy smacks your little boring head, get to the library by 7am dude

    Yeah...silly me...a fan that doesn't like to see other fans disrespected just because. You do realize, it's not all that simple for fans to put everything on standby, right?

    oh please you are full of shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!! now get to bed like you give a shit about other fans !!!!!! you obviously have no friends and come on here and bitch to make yourself feel better, now please just go to bed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. you really are a TWAT ! go away if you dont like how Axl Rose does things ok , you dont have to follow them, does mummy smack your bottom if you stay up past 11

    Wow, you sure are a little bootlick, incapable of dealing with reality: That making people wait is a dick move.

    As a life long fan of this band in all its incarnations, with my own fan website dedicated to them, I can stay that without hesitation.

    really another twat , get to bed pussy boy !!!!!!!! or best still fuck off to your own fan website sorry gunsguy but he is a dick

  8. the show has started already so stop fuckin complaining about the late start

    People not even there are crying and moaning. Ridiculous.

    To be fair, some of those people may not be there because of the time issue, *shrug, you hedge your bets with GNR when it comes to start times. They should just print on ticket start time 9 but END time 3AM, fair warning there.

    Or Start Time: "Whenever the fuck we feel like it".

    god you really are coming accross as a complete pussy, get to bed now before daddy smacks your little boring head, get to the library by 7am dude

  9. the show has started already so stop fuckin complaining about the late start

    People not even there are crying and moaning. Ridiculous.

    To be fair, some of those people may not be there because of the time issue, *shrug, you hedge your bets with GNR when it comes to start times. They should just print on ticket start time 9 but END time 3AM, fair warning there.

    yes that is true but hey if you wanna see him get the next day off work and make sure you can get home it's quite simple isnt it

  10. And like it or not, it's purely disrespectful to the fans to come on stage late time after time again, for no apparent reason.

    I do not understand why people can't wrap their minds around this simple concept.

    Because like it or not, Axl has been going on late for 3 decades now. Punctuality isn't in his vocabulary.

    Sure, it may be disrespectful, but it's not something fans should be surprised about.

    This. People can whine about it all that they want. After all these years it's time to realize that it's not going to change. Axl simply does not give one fuck if you are upset about the start time.

    He'll start giving a fuck when every arena starts looking like Orlando.. half full, or worse.

    If you honestly believe that, you don't know Axl very well. He's going to go on stage when he wants to, not before then, and a half empty arena isn't going to change that.

    Glad you know him well enough to speak on his behalf.

    you really are a TWAT ! go away if you dont like how Axl Rose does things ok , you dont have to follow them, does mummy smack your bottom if you stay up past 11

  11. sorry if im rude but these boring fans that want to be home by midnight tucked up in bed really annoy me , its rock and roll not bloody bingo night for the over 60s

    I just got home from work and about to go to a halloween party. I'm hardly an "old man that prefer to go to bed at 12". But for real, it's disrespectful to do it...for no reason at all. Not one other band does this nonsense at almost every show.l Even give the fans a clip show or something to pass the time by.

    i agree with you there, yes they could put some clips on to pass the time fair enough, but actually real rock bands do keep fans waiting ! thats what seperates them from the gay boy acts

  12. And like it or not, it's purely disrespectful to the fans to come on stage late time after time again, for no apparent reason.

    I do not understand why people can't wrap their minds around this simple concept.

    Because it's just plain disrespect. It's apparent Axl doesn't even TRY to make it to the stage when he's scheduled to. It's not something any fan should "just have to deal with". Over two hours late is just inexcusable.

    God you are winging bitch !!!!! go and piss off to the cinema and be home by 12 for your bedtime old man !!!!!!!!!!!!! god its a saturday night, most people will be glad he comes on at midnight makes the occasion last longer. Stop your moaning and follow barry manilow or something zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Well according to Eddie Trunk people are booing so I doubt people are "happy that it will last longer" :rolleyes:

    oh god another one !!!!!!!!!!!!! go away old man ! stick to your bedtime curfew :fuckyou:

  13. And like it or not, it's purely disrespectful to the fans to come on stage late time after time again, for no apparent reason.

    I do not understand why people can't wrap their minds around this simple concept.

    Because it's just plain disrespect. It's apparent Axl doesn't even TRY to make it to the stage when he's scheduled to. It's not something any fan should "just have to deal with". Over two hours late is just inexcusable.

    God you are winging bitch !!!!! go and piss off to the cinema and be home by 12 for your bedtime old man !!!!!!!!!!!!! god its a saturday night, most people will be glad he comes on at midnight makes the occasion last longer. Stop your moaning and follow barry manilow or something zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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