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Posts posted by bionic56

  1. June 16 - Arhenm Dome, Holland

    Hope this is true!

    But the won't fill it, cause it can handle 30000 people while there were only 15000people at the goffertpark in 2006. Maybe the do the Geldredeme XS.

    how the bloody hell do you know they wont fill it, idoit

    just read.... :sleeper:

    In 2006 they played t the goffertpark in the Netherlands wich can hold 60.000 people, and only 15.000 tickets were sold. On the 2001 tour they were supposed to also play at the gelredome and it didn't sell-out (it was close to a sell out). But that was the time some people didn't knew that Slash was gone.

    How the hell do you think that Axl and co will suddenly sell 30.000 tickets in 2010? Maybe the will sell at tops 10.000 tickets....

    really youre just full of shit idiot

    You're just as intelligent as a cow aren't you?

    Cows are very clever and they aint full of shit just like you , anyway end of arguement, i dont argue with billy bullshitters

  2. June 16 - Arhenm Dome, Holland

    Hope this is true!

    But the won't fill it, cause it can handle 30000 people while there were only 15000people at the goffertpark in 2006. Maybe the do the Geldredeme XS.

    how the bloody hell do you know they wont fill it, idoit

    just read.... :sleeper:

    In 2006 they played t the goffertpark in the Netherlands wich can hold 60.000 people, and only 15.000 tickets were sold. On the 2001 tour they were supposed to also play at the gelredome and it didn't sell-out (it was close to a sell out). But that was the time some people didn't knew that Slash was gone.

    How the hell do you think that Axl and co will suddenly sell 30.000 tickets in 2010? Maybe the will sell at tops 10.000 tickets....

    really youre just full of shit idiot

  3. June 16 - Arhenm Dome, Holland

    Hope this is true!

    But the won't fill it, cause it can handle 30000 people while there were only 15000people at the goffertpark in 2006. Maybe the do the Geldredeme XS.

    how the bloody hell do you know they wont fill it, idoit

  4. Why are you all focusing on the REPUBLIC of IRELAND? It's perfectly plausible for GNR to come to Northern Ireland - I can't remember the last time they were even here, if at all.

    If you think GNR are too 'big' to come to NI then you should know that Metallica are playing two sell-out shows in Odyssey Arena this May, and they're currently a much bigger band than GNR.

    so what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and know only you care about the ni

  5. This tour is far from being the best Chinese Democracy tour. and just so we're clear: I love this band and this line up and it's great to see Axl happy and kicking ass and the chemistry is there, but to be honest, I don't think it was even Axl's first choice.

    Robin, Bucket and Brain were huge assets to Gn'r both in studio and on stage. unforutunatly, we never got to the point were we could see and hear Bucket on stage playing the

    There Was A Time solo or Robin playing the This I Love solo with Brain.

    I think this tour is great but it's also very safe, compared to what the band was in 2002 or even in 2006. Robin and Bucket were a great unit imo, and Fortus have that 'old school' feel that balanced Bucket's out of space playing and Robin's loose playing so we got the best from both worlds. also Bucket and Brain always had amazing unity in their playing so all of those things made the band very exciting for me.

    Now, the band is respected and Gn'r is looked at as more of a rock n' roll band. Ashba is mostly loved and brought his old school vibe to the band and that's cool,

    but I can't help but feel we lost something original and fresh with Robin and Bucket (the album is evidence for this) and what we have now is a very good compromise that we

    had to except because Axl had to except. I'm not comlaining. this is a good time to be a Gn'R fan and the shows are great but I feel Axl first choice was perfect.


    are you serious ???????? REALLY jeez LETS MAKE ONE THING CLEAR ur so wrong , get over yourself, are you a music journalist or something really ??????????

  6. why would he go to a shopping mall for?

    haha thats what i tend to do when i go to the mall, shop lol he cant stay locked up in a hotel room 24-7, its nice to see axl responding well to the attention, 20 years ago he would have gone ape at that, i hope one day he buries the hatchet with ex gnr members, why carry that baggage around him, make peace axl

  7. Rock giants Guns N'Roses, Arcade Fire and Blink 182 will be the headliners for this year's Leeds and Reading Festivals.

    And cult favourites The Libertines also confirmed they would play the twin-show event after finally burying their differences.

    The show by G N'R will be the first ever appearance at Reading, although the group - fronted by Axl Rose - did play Leeds in 2002.

    The shows, lined up for the August Bank Holiday weekend, will be the band's only UK festival appearances of the year.

    Although Rose has continued to perform with a varying line-up, he had not released an album for more than a decade until last year's long-heralded return Chinese Democracy.

    It is the Libertines reunion which will probably be more keenly anticipated by many festival-goers, as frontmen Pete Doherty and Carl Barat agreed to perform together once more.

    The quartet fell apart in 2004 when Barat fell out with his joint frontman because of Doherty's wayward behaviour as he battled with drug problems.

    The Libertines continue to have a fascination for fans and their 2002 debut album, Up The Bracket, was named the best British album of the past decade in a survey of musicians and music industry bigwigs by music magazine NME.

    Arcade Fire have not played the UK since 2007 when they toured acclaimed second album Neon Bible. Their shows at Leeds and Reading will be their only festival slots over here.

    Punk trio Blink 182, whose hits include All The Small Things, reformed last year and these will be the first UK dates since then.

    Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

    relax guys they mean its gnr only uk festival appearances !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. 15004379523686874195718.jpg

    deep in thought

    I knew Axl Rose was human after all and his stage performance was just that....a performance

    That metal box we see Axl moving around himself at the airports and carrying into his hotel and shit is his microphones....thats fucked up, why does he carry that shit around?

    Why would he carry that around? He throws his microphone away frequently at the end of a concert.

    Maybe Axl's scared of being murdered by an exploding microphone. Fuck man. Use your fucking melon. The fucking CIA have killed lots of people with exploding fucking cellphones when they answered it. Have you ever actually given any thought to how many freakshows that are out there that might perhaps want to hurt the fucking guy? Probably not right? Therefore you're obviously not that fucking bright are you? Remember that dude that went by the name of John Lennon smart guy? I'm just assuming that Axl isn't really into getting fucking murdered like John did. But hey what do I know right?

    Pretty easy for Axl to run over to Del and switch microphones just before the end of Paradise City and throw away a clone microphone that's much cheaper than the expensive ones that he knows are safe and prefers to use now then isn't it? I'm probably fucking wrong though right? Just like everyone else around here. You need to fucking wake up and smell the fucking coke burning man. Go and do some research and then feel free to spout off at the mouth mr. brainiac.

    all i can say to you crowebar is ur a complete cock, go and see a shrink mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. hmm. that'd be really cool!

    hmm interesting, would this require a new 3D tv, or an existing LCD with the old style glasses (like Miley Cyrus' 3D thingy here did, not that I watched it).

    Hey I watched that Miley 3D!!! Bitch may be young but she's hot.

    As for the rumour. I'm gonna say no. Unless, this is why Axl was hangin' with Black Eyed Peas in NYC. They are currently promoting the new 3-D TV. I seriously doubt a 3D concert is in the works considering we haven't even got a Pro-Shot DVD since 1992 offcially.

    It is really expensive to do a show in 3D. This wouldn't be the right time to do that IMO!!! Build the popularity more, release a DVD or three. Then consider this as an option.

    probably the case mic but you never know mate

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